>> Chair weeks were ready to get started. Whenever you are. >> Okay with we'll go ahead and start. July 13th 2023 meeting of the Planning Commission. And I'd like to call the meeting to order. Can we have roll call, please. >> Commissioner Carter. Commissioner, Cisco, Commissioner Holton here, Commissioner Peterson here, Commissioner Sanders vice chair, Dugan here, chair weeks here. Let the record reflect commissioners are present. Thank you. >> And a good item to approval of minutes, we have one set of minutes from June 8. Are there any changes or corrections? Okay. Seeing them mend. Those will stand as approved. So we'll go to item 3. Our public public comment section. We're now taking public comment 3, which is non agenda matters. This is a time when any person address the commission on matters not listed on this agenda, but which are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission.

And if you could like to to go to of the podiums up you will be given notification and a timer will be set for 3 minutes. Can I use overhead? Because the word yes. men were. And if you could please state your name for the record. My name is Cliff with them. >> one of the property owners of the Roberts District and the organizer of the game. I'm sorry could use big directly into the microphone so we hear you.

My name is a clip with I'm one of the property owners and the organizer of the gateway whole Dish Roberts district. Newly formed Roberts district. How can a make over work? >> Clinton sorry, bear with me. I'm trying to get I'm trying to turn this on and it's not working. Can it team please come here? >> We'll get somebody out in just a second to help. The Roberts district was created as part of the downtown stationary. A specific plan. Previously. It was transit village. 25 to 4 units per acre and it was owned that 2006, I bought my property in 2006 6 months later it was rezoned to something I couldn't use property for. And 2016, I created the Gateway Coalition, which is a collection of 10 property owners on the 10 acres, a private property and the Rob. What is now the Robertson District? We secured a grant from the EPA in 2018 to do the environmental We completed the environmental assessments. November 20th Twenty-twenty and the properties for rezone 6 weeks later than January for his 2021. to the current unrealistic 6 point move floor area ratios.

Know spent the last 2 years talking to developers and everyone tells me it will never be developed because it's positioning. Not years. Not 25 years. That is on the south side of Highway 12. That's for elevated and solid Earth freeway dividing remote square and Roberts district. Everyone says that the Roberts district belongs to be part of Roseland. An excerpt from own staff report enhance infrastructure financing district. I will read to you Roberts Road area south of Highway 12 and west of Highway This area is better aligned with a potential future Roseland area. IFB sense it is it a of past 4 road before the quarter is a central Rosen access, which in the past, has been part of the Rosalynn study areas publicly desired infrastructure upgrades and Roberts Road as part of Formation process should be examined holistically within the rest of the quarter. To me that's saying come your own staff that the Roberts district as part Roseland, you remove from the infrastructure tax financing district. So it no longer has a for it to be in there, but is burdened with unrealistic 6 point.

Oh, floor area ration. I'm which is not very far to side highway. 12, the same distance from one to From square is a 2 point. should be a 2 point. Oh, we're back to the 25 to 40 units per acre who looks like my time's Thank you. Do you want to show we have >> delay on overhead? Did you want to show tonight on the overhead? like OK, go ahead and do that. How make it work. If if they if we can figure out. To the rescue. You >> the other like Working. >> Is just one page? >> And I have 3 or 4.

I going to show you I didn't finish everything on the So tend to be on and coming back here next, planning suggestions from staff. see him. We can take a look and see if it's a map of the specific plan area. I can pull that up. >> Could we perhaps get copies the old-fashioned hard copies made of for the commission. Okay. But I'm going to blame it on the heat.

Haha. Thank you, Mister. With them. Anybody else here for in-person public comments? Anybody on zoom for public comments. >> If you're participating via zoom in which to make a comment, you can raise your hand by selecting the raise your hand icon at the bottom of your zoom screen. If you're calling in please press star 9. Chair weeks, I'm seeing no hands raised please be advised. We have about 7 participants this evening. >> Thank you. So with I will go ahead and close the public comment portion and we'll move on to Planning Commission's report. So I want read our statement of purpose as I do every meeting. The planning Commission is charged with carrying out the California planning and zoning laws in the city of Santa Rosa. Duties include implementing a planned ordinances and policies relating to land. Use matters, assisting in writing in implementing the general planned an area plans holding public hearings and acting on proposed changes to the zoning code Joning map.

General Plan, tentative subdivision map undertake an special planning. Studies is needed. So with that, move on to 4.2 subdivision and waterways Advisory committee report. Are there any? Commissioner Carter? >> July 5th, the committee met and approved a 3 different parcel map waivers 2 for properties on Guerneville Road. One Foreign Office condominium project and another for a split between 2 commercial facilities. 3rd was approved on Hopper Road accessed off of industrial splitting into 4 parcels for light industrial development. Thank you >> and we move on to 4.3 commission's I wanted to report that on Tuesday, the council 30 a P o on that aired a resident tentative map that we earlier this year.

And council upheld at our decision. Hence denied the appeal. Any other reports from commissioners? Okay, seeing but go on to a department. First Freeport. Department staff report. Thank you. Yes. >> Good afternoon. Chair weeks. Members of the commission, Jessica Jones. So I do have a couple for you. One, Amanda wanted to let commission know the draft a public version of the draft general plan is going to be available for review. We hope as early next week, perhaps as early as We're still working on the fine and we will get a message out to the commission as soon it is launched and that will start kick off to public community outreach that we're going to be doing for the drop general plan to get comments on what has prepared based outreach that we've done throughout this whole process and that community engagement will happen to the end of the summer.

And then just to keep you updated give you more information and more specific as they become available and that we will be doing a joint meeting of the Commission and council to review both the draft general plan as well as the draft. IR and that anticipating to be in the fall of this year. want to give a specific date at this time. We're not ready to to do that. But as soon as we have that information will get it out to use here where. And chair weeks already mentioned that denied appeal of the charity Roses that you guys and approved that time extension in the only other thing I wanted to mention was following up on the short-term rental ordinance that the commission considered few months back, the will be reviewing part 2 of a second reading of that ordinance at the July 25th Council meeting. It is on consent includes the proposed changes that stop before the commission as well as some change of the changes that the commission was asking for, too reduce the amount of outdoor burning and then also some changes that council And so makes it is going for a second reading on the 25th.

That's all I have. So we'll move on to a statement of abstentions. >> Are there any abstentions? Sanders, I'm I'm going recuse from item 9, 1, last year I ran for city council and the applicant data contributed to my I don't believe there is a conflict because the money was returned in late October as councilman, sorry would as over abundance of caution, want to make sure that there is no perception of a conflict. So I will from 9.1. >> Thank you. So you'll be leaving the day as after this. That is correct.

After the first item. Thank you. >> In the other abstentions. Okay. So then we have no consent items today will move on report item which is how Santa Rosa percent just by Connor McKay. >> Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Chair weeks and members of the commission. Nice to see you all in person. I'm I'm here today on what has been called the report item. But it's actually more resembling a study session about the how Santa Rosa get right into So the House enter as a project is a grant funded initiative to accelerate the production of housing in the city of Santa Rosa and helps enters a reach. Its compliance with regional housing needs So like I said, this is a grant funded initiative and this grant is called the Leap Grant, which is a grant granted to us state housing and community development and objectives of the grant is to help construct housing. like I said, reach compliance with the regional housing needs assessment.

So the first delivery will of the House enter is a project is a development feasibility map and dashboard this essentially is a map that allows users to understand how persons can be developed throughout the city, primarily for housing. So there's kind of two-fold to kind of uses for this You could have a project concept in mind and find parcels for the city that can accommodate that project concept or you can move around on the map and click a parcel and see how about parcel could be developed or you can search an in the tool. And this is how the tool currently kind of works. It's kind of bare bones at the moment because we as a kind of just the kind of concept the our program or has developed for us so far. But on the right side, you'll list of criteria or other characteristics of a project that the developer or an interested user could enter into the tool and then you click that search button at the top and blue and get a result of parcels that fit that criteria for development.

So just as an a developer who would like to build 25 units of housing with 5 units dedicated to very low-income households and 10 units dedicated to low-income households. I'm looking first property that's currently vacant. Allows for a 35 foot structure is located in specific plan area so I can hopefully take advantage of some secret streamlining measures and located in area that does not require on site parking. So I've entered all of that into the I kind of flipped it from left to right. So there would better. But as you can see, it also automatically calculates any potential density bonus units that would be granted to my project based on the number of affordable units and the affordability breakdown. checked the boxes that I'm looking for as well. And as you can see, blue outline the parcels on the tool are the only 2 parcels in the city that can accommodate that.

I'm very specific criteria entered as the gets further developed, we'll have a list of those parcels that would appear at the bottom as well. So there be a list of the address and a pin number things of that nature below the actual map. So you were to click on one of those results. You can see the address, the AP N and the zoning districts, the max market rate units and them I'm Max high and other development standards and also incentives for development such as that environment the potential environmental stream morning language under the incentives is first draft to say the least.

And this is kind of what the developer to the program or came up with I guess is on the slide. This is going to be refined and expanded upon in consultation our attorney's office. Another groups we've been working with. There's also what is currently called the warnings from were pulled Find that as well. But parcel is also flagged as potential Tiger salamander habitat. So that gives this user early of front warning that, hey, you know, if you want to develop housing here, you'll likely need to prepare biological assessment of some kind to potentially to analyze any potential impacts in area.

So this moving on to the second This is a real-time development map and dashboard we've currently created a dashboard that shows housing projects throughout the city. you can filter them based on specific project attributes. And this would also show the phase of the application, whether in approved under construction. And ideally, once tools more built out, you enter into filters such projects submitted pursuant to Senate Bill 9 other Senate bills are assembly bills or projects that received parking through some means.

So this is where the 2 looks like currently among the top. You'll see the list of projects currently is all developments in city. But as you see in the bottom, there's different times for different council districts. So you could click each of those districts and understand how that council district is developing. And then you can zoom in on that map in the bottom left click the blue dot learn more about the housing project in what phase of the process.

It's and then at the bottom, right? You could filter the project's citywide or by district based on specific criteria right now, it hasn't been built out to get super granular with that detail. But like I said, we're hoping to develop more information related to state legislature related to housing so we can analyze the effectiveness of state legislature but also local policies that we may adopt or have adopted incentivize various types of housing development. Land to kind of give more detail. So an example of a and additional filter would be how housing projects above 35 feet are, you know, in the in the pipeline in this council district is oftentimes we hear from the community members of council and other commissions that hearing a lot about people who are concerned about the intensity of development in the neighborhood. And we're hoping to be more transparent about where developments happening and what type of development is happening as well.

So overall, the objectives of this project or to help community members and developers parcels throughout the city can be developed. I kind of emphasized the developer use case for that first feasibility deliver born. But I'm also hoping that this tool can additional engagement for members of the community who maybe don't understand how neighborhood to be developed because often times when we're managing housing development as planners, get phone calls and emails from neighbors who 5. They thought that empty parcel across the street was owned open space because that's what they're grandparents told them.

That's what their parents told them. So. When they get a postcard in the mail that it's being proposed for subdivision or multi-family housing projects. have become very alarmed so we're hoping that that first feasibility tool can really serve as bridge between the reality of the zoning restrictions of properties in neighborhood and to people who wouldn't typically be engaged in that type of process and knowledge. so that second to would provide greater transparency regarding the housing projects that are proposed and approved construction throughout the city. And that second to also create a lot of efficiency related to annual housing reporting. Right now, it's a very manual process, but we're hoping with this tool, we can kind of just click a button and we generate all the information that is required of us to be reported to the state for production, progress. like I said that second to also allow us to analyze our own policies and policies provided by the state are supposed to incentivize housing and hopefully provide better informed decision makers and policy makers of what policies work to produce housing and maybe some areas for improvement.

I've had of super great time working very diverse group of individuals who are very technical, a much more technical than that. I am and collaborate with the planning division. Other internal departments to understand what are the questions are being asked of and how can we ask? How can we answer those questions before their a**? And I'm hoping that you'll join me in this effort as well providing some feedback on project. So the timeline for this project is we were awarded the grant in January of 2022. took us a little bit really get going on this project. But about a year ago, we went full steam ahead. At the end of last year, we distributed surveys about kind of the concept of the project and received. A moat around 500 responses from the community in from developers about the various tools and that the results of the survey is largely kind of confirmed our trajectory and we kind of we're able to see, yes, parking is a very hot topic for building.

Height is very hot topic. So that was nice kind of received that confirmation. In addition to getting some new ideas from the community. the developer community. So the current timeline for this project is the grant must be expended by September of 2023. But we have heard that the state is extending the deadline for this project to September of 2024, we have not received an official announcement in writing yet, but we have every reason to believe it will be extended. So we're excited at the opportunity to really refine the tools and get a lot more feedback provide beta versions and demos for the community.

And for developers. So like I said, the next steps are to kind of refined these tools that I've shown you. What kind of the details that I've described, but also hoping to gather feedback from you all and synthesize previous feedback from we received from the Design Review board in the Cultural Heritage Board. Just to summarize the main points of their feedback. It is really emphasize our user friendliness, which is something that we're definitely trying to keep in mind because often times we created to want to make sense to us because this this is the type of work that we do on a daily basis. But we're really trying to make sure that, you know, somebody who doesn't know anything about zoning and potentially is not computer for person.

Can as the wind put put mouse to yes, so requested action is to ask questions about anything that you've heard today and then provide input on some of details that would be provided in the tool. Both the development tool in a real-time housing development, map and dashboard. there's my Thank you very much, Mister McKay. >> I think what I'll do is see commission has any and then we'll open the public comment portion and then bring it back for suggestions. >> Recommendations, comments, whatever. So we'll start right now with questions about the Commissioner, Cisco. >> I'm curious what the outreach to the development community look like how much participation you got there since I would assume they would be important users of tool. >> Yes, so we used our developer Roundtable Contact List, which was a list for series of meetings was conducted to kind of just discuss the the experience of being a developer in the city of Santa Rosa.

So we have that contact that we provided direct, you know, outreach to. And then I kind of asked the planners of I provide that pointers and said, hey, is there anybody else you think we should contact? And then we also provided linked to the survey of the front counter. So more of like the maybe the contractors or property owners that point permits at the front counter because they can scan a QR code to get to the survey but that's kind of the extent of it. They kind of difficult crowd to reach get responses from consider. Pretty Busy.

I get it. >> And >> how reliable is going to be mean? To me? It looks like for a developer. It's a first look. Let's go talk about this in the day. May discover. >> That feasible. Set of circumstances, even though the map might suggest Senate is like, how do you handle that? >> Years? So in terms of reliability, we're really focusing on it being something planner can maintain going forward. So as owning standards change, there would be like a front end interface that I could say, OK, are 1, 6, front setback is now this, for example. And then in terms of like map kind of indicating something and then that are being more investigation and okay, it's not it's not feasible. The tool is kind of was intended to be to answer a lot of the questions that we receive in pre application meetings, which are generally relatively high level. And kind of to do. So like property sourcing for developers. So if they're saying like, okay, this is kind of what the market is asking for right now.

These large high-density, a multifamily projects or single-family subdivisions. What kind of parcels in the city suitable for that type of development of the market is asking for. So there's still this isn't supposed to replace like meticulous review process, but really kind of like a first step like you mentioned. >> Any Thanks. Chair >> This looks like great tool that fund and exciting news. I think the real-time part of it, which think will might be more views to the public. Are you going to have general dates for phase completions? So somebody like, oh, there's something big going on in my neighborhood.

I don't know exactly what it is. What's the timeline they use this tool that to find that out. It's one question and then the other coming. I have intention to inventory all empty parcels in the city that are appropriate for housing and have them on here or how. How are you to do that? Just things become known are you can do general inventory up front to put them on here? >> Yeah. So good questions. So the first question about phasing, I we're kind of limited to where project is in the permitting There's been situations where a vast developers both approved planning application. When do you think you'll break ground and they always say as soon as possible, but obviously funding and supply chain and waivers. And there's a lot of variables involved with that. So I would be hesitant to provide like future phasing. If that makes sense. But I think what we're kind of focusing on what date was the point avocation improve. What day was we're building permits approved to kind of keep a lot more reliable in that sense.

And I'm sorry was your second question? >> About the the inventory into lots that might be appropriate for housing. Yes, so believe I'm not exactly sure the source of our like vacant parcels data. >> But I'm thinking that it would be like a yearly kind of update that we would then pull into the tool.

And I believe it would not incredibly manual. But have to get back to you on how >> we determined that a parcel is vacant. No, go ahead with list. >> finish with the side them the site. My my question is pretty quick I I really think it's a great tool. It's one of first off state I think this is going to be really beneficial to a lot of different parties. >> I'm the only question I have the report filters. How customizable are the report filters and is their inability to have some periodical? A periodic feature updates or any kind of firmware updates that will provide more resources. Is that the intention to have this kind of grow with the that need or is this going to be kind of a stand-alone? This is one And then we're looking at developing different. >> Yeah, it's a great So when we talk about data and filters the problem not a problem.

The. >> The >> I guess a hurdle is that you have to create the data for to exist. So, for example, up until recently, we haven't been collecting data that has been identified as very important to the community, such as number of parking spaces if a project received any type of production. So if they Weaver first, if we feel that those questions would have to go and OK, when was the project approved? What is the approved plan set and look at a large pdf to see number of parking spaces and then provide that information. But what we've done is we've reformat it. Our internal permitting software for that to be a field that we could then report a lot more in an automated fashion so that in terms of expanding the filters in the future, I think we hear based on feedback of users of the tool that there are certain pieces of information that they're looking for.

We would look at that and say, okay, how can we? Either fit that into how are already kind of managing data and collect data or do we need to create another field in the actual permit to say, OK, here's this new piece of data that has been identified as important to the community. What start collecting that going forward? So I think the idea is that we are responsive to the community, but also serving as like a solid foundation for most of the usability perspective. >> And one last follow-up, DUI definitely needs a little bit of Yeah, for sure. Thank you very much. Appreciate that. Thank you. >> Okay. Commissioner Peterson. So you mentioned feedback from users and I'm wondering if maybe beyond the scope of this.

But if this tool be useful for the city. To identify, you know, consistent roadblocks or problems that could be addressed through, you know, zoning changes or new ordinances. So, for instance, developers keep, you know, trying to do this. But the following prevents them from doing that. We can address that legislatively. Is that something that this tool is designed for? Is not currently designed for, but that's a great piece of feedback. And I think having like a feedback kind of suggestion, box built into that hole will be a fantastic idea. Both about the usability, the user interface of the tool, but also. I could. want to do this project, but there's nowhere in the city that I can do it so that we can take that information say, look, this is where the developer community is trying to do in the city. But here are the roadblocks up. They're encountering. How can kind of remove those to help facilitate housing production? I think it's a great idea. >> Commissioner Sanders, thank You said the well back up, believe Grant, what does that pay for? Is it just the tool itself? And I guess that details in my next question is where are we? Are you in spending of that money? How much is left what's to be spent on? These are all very good questions.

>> So the objective of the grant, as I understand it, is to facilitate the production of housing. So I think if we can, obviously there's a scope that we included our pride in our grant application. So if we're looking at going outside of that scope with new inventive, in creative ways that we realize, hey, we can facilitate the production of housing in this new where that we didn't include a grant application.

I think what we would do is we riesgo and they've been really nice to work each city. The folks that granted us the money. And then in terms of remaining funds. So so far we spent about $100,000 and that means we have 400 left. But we're looking things that we've accomplished already that we can attribute to the and hopefully some new things that currently brainstorming point today. We were thinking about that. So know of just over you have anything else to add to that >> good evening. Thanks for the question. I'm Amy Nicholson, a supervising planner for current development and as Connor mention, we exploring a number of different ways to Accelerate the production of housing. We want to spend every dollar because it's free money from the state. And now that we have extra year to spend it, we we really the ability to the tools that Conner has presented to you, but also to accomplish a lot of work that we've set out in our housing element other housing related items. >> And I guess.

>> I really applaud the user friendly emphasis. I still struggle with my VCR. Okay. I think that the user friendliness on the front and the back and right, people to be able to use the tool and get the information they need and we need on the back and people be able to get the information into the tool right who does the it? Who when once tool is up and running, we spent that last dollar. We're good to go. Now it's ours. Then why? Yes. So been down, by the way lately. So ABC has been letting me down is why I'm very Part what I'm thinking developing the tools. Like I said, we're. >> We want to create system that doesn't require a planner to ask a developer to make changes to zoning information that the developer has.

They're not familiar with zoning land use and things of that nature. So I think my vision of the completed project is a system that a planner can maintain and it would take no, not a lot of legwork to actually do that. I'm to the point where it can be folded into existing job description just part of like monthly or or something some of these duties and that that way. >> And so I guess that our it department will be versed. the tool and, you it's playing deputy our teens for no good reason. There's someone who come in and be knowledgeable. have to get back online. Yes, okay. >> Thank you. And all echoed by fellow commissioners. Sentiment said sounds like a useful tool and we look forward to seeing it up and running. I'm wondering if you've looked at the situation where and sometimes a developer will do his due diligence and come up with a different idea for piece of property than what the city as if you built the mechanisms for that kind of feedback, I mean struck by what we heard in in the public comments today.

Sometimes we say a property is good for certain thing in owners and developers come up with different ideas to we have any mechanisms were considering for that Ventura County. >> I believe so. I think in this situation in that situation. >> It would be. >> I guess in the scenario imagining. Is that somebody has idea for project and then they entered that project in and they're what the heck, I can't do that anywhere or they have their own property that they own. And they say, OK, want to do this many housing units in that case, the mountain citizen. This is what you can do, not what you're wanting. And then at that point, they have. Kind of a disconnect that they're aware of, that they can them address city staff and say, hey, this is what I'm trying to do.

You've changed my mind. What happened does that kind of answer your question? Well, I think it does, but it suggests that we have to deal with those on case-by-case basis, probably >> Yeah. >> Commissioner are just brought something my thought Is there a notice that there was a warning and Tiger Salamander? Are there any warnings about pending legislation that might affect? We Should. is the We already asked that question.

>> Pending legislation. So this would be a situation where >> coming out with a new law that says. Missus go into effect in the If adopted, this legislation would affect this property in this way. ♪ I think that is not necessarily something that we've considered due to the ever environment. That is the state legislature and how creative and sudden those changes can be made. But I guess as things are adopted then they would be added as a warning, I think, kind of what we're thinking. Commissioner Holt >> just first quite that, the actual question I have is regarding a potential timeline for rollout. I know that you guys don't have a actual hard timeline, but is there a tentative kind of timeline? Are we looking like in the development process? We're about 6 months away, 8 months I mean, what are we? >> What are we looking at as far as time duration that we can actually get our hands on And secondly, for Commissioner Sanders, you can upgrade to a DVD.

My And lastly, just as former developer of a lot of software, I can tell you that it's for that last request that would be incredibly difficult to. I mean, there's a lot of variables involved in programming, something like that so that people really tough, but it would be very cool. And I do really like the idea ex developer standpoint of having a potential for feedback that is, you know, actually a really, really good, you know, suggestion kind of button at the bottom of the page because I really do think that we are going to run into a lot of the scenarios where we have a piece of property that somebody owns that.

You know, if there is a way that we can kind of figure how to kind of be a little more proactive in informing property owners and also informing the developers of any potential changes that are coming up. High point. but yeah, again, I just would love to know if there's a tenant because I really itching to get my hands on this. Tell you the truth. I want to help trial it for you. Do a little beta testing for you guys. So cool. Thank you. really exciting. >> So it's difficult to even kind of approximate because we were until very recently thinking that it needed to be done this But I'm hoping the next few several months we'll have a pretty fleshed-out demo and that will give us a few months to solicit incorporate feedback for a final product by September. And I say final because like I it the Grammys to be expended by September. But I'm hoping that we build something that can then be maintained. With using a staff capacity that we already have that the city and there wouldn't be extra lift on top of normal duties.

>> Well, with those that be but the advantage of going last is that most of the questions have been asked. But I have just 2 quick went. I think when is or are you planning on taking to city Council? As study report item? >> originally had intended to bring it to. The council has a study we prepared a to kind of give them a status update. And that was a few months ago and we currently do not have a plan to present to council. But I imagine will provide additional memos as major updates are made in the project. >> And then my last question for a good public comment will you get the word out to the community that this is available you have your list from a preliminary meeting.

So will try and get the paper did talk about Go out to and community organizations and talk about it. >> Yes, so I think that we can use these the talents and skills related to engagement of We're going to the general plan update process right now. And I think we've learned a lot of lessons about outreach and connecting with people where they are. In addition to we Kevin King, believe his official. >> Status is the title a. Communications coordinator. Thank you. So he has like a magical plethora of connections and ways to get the word out. And I believe imagine we would do the same thing at the front counter with that. We the surveys. We would say, hey, here's tool. Let us know what you think about it. So yeah. >> Thank you. And I do want to thank you was a great report. So thank Thank you. And so with that will go ahead and open the public comment.

Portion on It's not a public hearing that public comment and we do the 3 minutes if anybody is interested. If you're in the chamber, I don't see anybody Is there comments >> yeah, so it's like we have one hand raised on Zoom, Gregory, fear on I give you permissions to speak. Can can you please state your name for the record? >> Yes, thank Chair weeks and members of the commission, I I want to second-guess went to Commissioner Holden was saying allowing feedback on softer itself in order to improve. And I'm I'm one of those super successful software officers of the 1980's who would never have made nearly as much money and had as much fun.

If I didn't have a huge set of users who were constantly telling me what I can do to make it better. please take And a bit of advice to be able to really make it successful, what I really call to talk about was now now that I have both develops housing in the city of Santa Rosa. the 1980's 90's. And that's but not recently. But helped a lot of community-based nonprofits who has provided social services whose clients needed housing with the burst of state federal funds.

Begin to look for properties that they could develop. There are far more as you know, community-based nonprofit housing developers and a whole lot of community-based organizations partnering with housing developers to be able to figure out a way of getting their share of housing Santa Rosa. They tend to be the extremely low and acutely low and, you know, very low. And so you don't get a whole added traditional developers who come in the door and say, hey, I want to go that deep subsidizing the housing participants. But I'm easy there and several others that they're trying to ask you that asks them to get low to be able to really serve all of our community.

This tool sounds like it's going to be something and maybe I'm wrong, Connor. But if I asked it to tell me every develop and every piece of the city that I could put it some of those very low, extremely low acutely low units that I might actually find some and it would certainly hopefully allow me to if we had a good strong user connection link up with folks who are looking at the same properties for the same purpose. So guess what I'm advocating for post, a strong user group to make it better. Some real features that allow us to connect with each other. We all not to be trying to find the parcels ourselves and or never ever knowing who else might be interested in the same kinds of projects, if you can build a team of developers from seek to, you know, figure out a way of getting all of the Citizens.

House Team Santa Rosa and have and usually a strong history of trying to bland the rich and poor together in the same project. We're all going to benefit. Thank you. >> Any other hands raised zoom? >> weeks are no other hands reasons. Am. Thank you. So with that close the public comment portion bring it back to the commission. I Mister McKay, we were giving you suggestions comments at the same time.

So will lead off and say I think it would be a great idea if you could do a Michigan's me, is issue that some time to the council you know, whether it be next year when the grants over so that when they are asked people in the community and developers about the tool, they have some knowledge and I know would be very difficult. But I'm good at. Ask it anyway, and it it not necessarily in. How Santa Rosa, is there any way at some point there could be a list of pending housing legislation that could be kept updated somehow either through the. Or is there. And I just don't know it.

Around the anyway, maybe that's just too wacky. anyway. Other comments. >> Commissioner Holton, thank first off, I'd like really Gregory for on for that great comment that he provided. That was some really great feedback and actually invoked a thought it would really, really be awesome to have option. again, just another suggestion, an in the filters to be able to sort for a peace are a property or a parcel that has a high popularity so that if there were, you know, numerous developers that seemed to be really interested in this individual piece of property, they be more inclined to kind of go ahead and get their ducks in order to go ahead and start making efforts to develop that piece of land because that is a hot piece of land.

And that's the thing. Those are the kind of things that are going to really, really help builders identify what the trends are because, you know, all builders. That's what we want to know is like, what are the trends? What area is? You know that my it's like my it once told me said when you're buying the property, you don't buy the house by the neighborhood. So builders could have some kind of crystal ball to look into to say all this seems to be a really hot bed of activity right now. This is where I'd like to get in. You know, that's one of the tools that I think is going to be most advantageous to a lot of the perspective developer said that's all I want to say. Thanks. >> I think my final comment, I just want to hit this. sort of been referred to obliquely, but I think staff and the city center is in particular really tried to make Santa Rosa a pro housing. City. And I think they We've seen a lot different efforts over the years to outreach. Think creatively.

And I really want to on this part of it, I think is another great tool that looks like it will be very useful both for developers and the city. Any other comments. really small and that the on slide 8. It's the report where he had the warning. Tiger Salamander. It seems to me a more appropriate heading would be constraints and we could use that expansive lead to talk what things might limit. >> Uses on the site. >> Is there anything else you'd like for months before we send you on your way? >> No, I've got a lot of good But if there's anything else can think either now my e-mail address was up, you know where to find me. Thank you so >> Thank you very And we'll just take a quick break.

Well, Commissioner Sanders leaves the dais. Okay. go ahead and get the meeting going again. If everybody's ready. So this next item is 9.1. It's our one and only public hearing tonight for Ridge, Meadows Exempt Project Planning Project 0 for Ridge Drive Peerage. A 23 Dash 0, 0, 1, And planner to means will the staff report today. >> Here we due to the expert, a disclosure. I'm sorry. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. This is an ex parte item. So we'll go ahead and start Commissioner Carter. >> I have visited the site have nothing further to disclose. Commissioner Peterson. I also visited the site and have nothing further to disclose. Commissioner Holton. I also have visited the site and I have nothing further to disclose. And Commissioner Cisco. >> I have been to the site in. I looked up and read the minutes of our 12/9/2004 meeting just for my entertainment down memory lane. So I'm not nothing for their and there's no impact us what's been reported already. Thank you. >> And commissioner or vice chair that can.

>> I've visited the site and have nothing further to disclose. I also visited the site and have nothing further to disclose. And so with that. Thank you. Chair weeks and members of the planning commission. I'm Chris Tatum, Younes senior planner. >> And I'm here to present a project known as for Ridge Meadows. It's a proposal development and tentative map. And the hillside development permit would allow a tentative map and the development of 13 single-family dwellings in an area that exceeds 10% s****. And the tentative map with divide. 6.0 3 acres. The 2.13, residential, lots. Just to give you idea where the project is located. It's located in the northeast quadrant of the city. Off founder of Parkway. This is right off of for Ridge. Road for Edge Drive. Sorry. It's a vacant parcel. And I just wanted to show you what aftermath of Tubbs fire did to the area how it looked after 20, the 2017 fire. The person was also affected. Some of the trees are damaged and there are no structures on the site at the time.

I believe. And I'm here is a more recent aerial the rebirth of the area and all the new development Preceded the Tubbs Fire. And this is the project location. The Red Line the extent of where. The project will extend. So there's no propose grating or development past that red line area to the North where the s**** stress exceed 25%. But just to give you an idea of how much of the lot is being developed this is a street view of the project site. As you can see, it's a a vacant lot it was an accurate description various trees. to some project history. This has an interest.

The site has an interesting project history. So when the for Ridge, North at Founder of Subdivision was approved in 87 a condition of its development was the dedication of an approximately 7 acre site for development of either school or a low or moderate income housing project prison pursuant to the Plan policy statement that was adopted by the council in 81. This is the PD lot F which is the subject parcel and a lot E which turned to for each park as we know it today. On 12/9/2004, the Planning Commission granted conditional use permit hillside development permit and tentative map to allow the center's U.S.

Get city school district to construct 36 low or moderate income airspace, condominium units on the site school District employees. On October 14, 2019 council adopted alternatives to the fridge m O U. And extended the terms for a niche additional 3 years to allow the school district to explore alternatives to construction of affordable housing on the site. On August. 26 2022. The city of Santa Rosa and the school ratified a demo. You releasing the requirement of workforce housing and shortly after on September, 30th 2022, a quick clean deed was recorded transferring the property from the district to the city. And then I'm on it. In October of 2022, the Chris Thompson builders. The applicant purchased the personal. On 26 of 2022, the city held a virtual neighborhood meeting for the project on January. 11th 2023 applications were filed for the project before you and a notice application was mailed to property owners and surrounding occupants on 11th 2023. Here's a general plan and zoning map of the site. As you can see, this parcel in the surrounding areas. Part of that plan development. In the general plan designation low residential. This project qualifies for class 32 exemption under California government Code Section 15, 3, 3, 2, which is infill development exemption into the exemption is included as an attachment to your pocket.

All the technical studies that accompany it. This is a s**** analysis that was provided by the applicant, such as you can see, the green area indicates where it's 0 to 10% s****. The yellow is 10 to 25 and the red is 25 in greater. it's generally we don't allow development on slopes greater than 25%. Most of the development will occur. All the development will occur south of that delineation of that red area. And here's the tentative map showing where the 13 would be situated on to the lots. There's sort of a dashed line that I've highlighted in dark red that indicates that boundary where the slip stress exceed 25% and there would be no development north of border. As you can 12 of the 11 of the units access the newly created cul de sac. And then to the units directly front on a fridge drive.

Here is an architectural rendering of what the units will look like. The applicant has put plans for housing type. based on the hillside development of staff noted that the project site is not readily visible site areas. Our major roadways. The project is set shaped area and it will be below the surrounding residential areas and not have an impact on views. We're be prominently visible along the ridge.

The proposed appear to be in character with the surrounding neighborhood. In addition, the dwellings are designed to be sympathetic to the s**** of each. A lot of by building on the flattest portion and quarantine orienting the roof. Ridges perpendicular to the direction of the s**** to minimize the visual ups. A tree, sadness mask. And here are some slides showing the different plan types that are proposed money to the lots.

And here's the landscaping plan. stated they will try to preserve as many trees that are as they as long as they're healthy many of them were. Burned or damaged by the fire. So depending on the health of the tree, they may or may not be saved. And here's the proposed fencing. There is a service see through type fence. Cedar wire mesh fence proposed the the northern border. Of the northern lots. And then a solid type fencing for the remainder. There are unresolved issues. Have staff did comment from the are there today that was emailed to this afternoon her concerns. general noise. So she stated that its already kind of a noisy area. She measuring device and it's already a 55 am. from her window. So her concerns are with construction noise and traffic noise from construction and then general noise from the project. She was requesting that a four-way stop. Thomas Lake Harris drives be constructed And that she called them berms to slow traffic.

But I think she was talking about. Speed. Humps are speed bumps and she requested that those we put in and we someone from W Trans dealing available to comment further. But I did speak to to rob sprinkler, in-person traffic. The vision, and he stated that a 4 way stop is not warranted based on the trip counts. So 12 trips in the afternoon and 9 in the morning. And that speed, bumps or humps are not planned, especially with their Urgent emergency response times in this critical fire danger area. There are additional concerns that were expressed during the pre application, a neighborhood meeting. Those included tree removal traffic emergency evacuation water and develop development of existing open space. I think many neighbors assume that this was open-space connected to the park to the north and didn't realize it developable for that. The district already had an approved on the prior to this And that this project is so it isn't a wild land. Urban interface and the homes are subject to Wild land, building standards.

So you have to be built a certain standard and types materials that they use. They would have to have sprinklers. Also. And far emergency we someone with from fire available from the city and also the applicant is available to answer. Any additional questions you might have. There's also someone from waters there, additional questions. Because the is within the general density the the unit, the lot sizes are within the allowable size is in staff can meet all the findings for the hillside, a moment permit and the tentative map. Planning and economic development department is recommending that the planning Commission approved a hillside development permit and tentative map to allow for the creation of 13 parcels for the construction of 13 single-family detached homes. On 3.0, 82 acre portion of the 6.0 3 acre lot. Here's my contact information for those attending via zoom and those in this If you have any additional questions, feel free to e-mail me or give me a call. For those that are calling in my work.

My office number is 707, 5, 4, 3, 4, 6, 9, 2, And again, the applicant is available behind me. Thank you. because the developer or the applicant have a presentation. Are they here? Just to answer questions. Hold on. Just one second. Okay. >> So it looks like you give a presentation. So before that, are there any questions Go ahead. The commissioner, Cisco. >> Young Mister one fully understand the the the history of animal you requirements in reading the staff It sounds like what happened what was going to be required if the school district sold the property, they would have to use those proceeds to either fund project and or fund a down payments for school district employees.

It looks like what happened is they could claimed to the city. And I guess what curious about was the city considered the owner selling it to Christopherson and is the city responsible now for a meeting that same condition? The city claimed as part of the condition of it is a long history. >> There was a holding an agreement. There were 12 amendments agreement. There is an m O U and the subsequent Amendment to The M O U in each time. The kind of change the parameters of what was allowed development. But you're correct that in the last one you no longer had to do employee housing. They they could build it or they could sell to a 3rd party developer. And if sold than they were to use the proceeds, as you stated and so the city quick claimed it to the school district and the number the school district.

Sold it to the developer. the school district is bound by the terms of you to use those proceeds either too. And but to provide the units or to establish a revolving loan program to provide down payment assistance and then you provide some parameters around that loan program so that if that is the option that they choose, there are 2 different they have to follow in terms of how to set up that program and monitoring. And if it if they determine that they can't or don't, don't want use the proceeds in that way. Then I believe that's when it reverts to the city and then the city has to use it for low-income housing is kind of a complicated tail. But I know that's where I was confused because in the staff report under project history, it says the Quitclaim deed was recorded transferring the property from the school district of the city. So that's why city know. That's what I'm completely >> continue. that would that would not only correct. Okay. So school district is still responsible for doing for using the proceeds as outlined in the memo you OK and how we know that they've done that or timeline for that.

>> they have certain criteria they have to follow. There's some reporting requirements. >> And then. If they decide that they don't want to do that. The proceeds. >> Then the city has use the proceeds for the sole purpose of financing construction of low-income housing. So if they'd given all that, not then it reverts back to the city for the city to then use funding in that way, OK? But so you're correct. There have to be some kind of reporting and monitoring system which some of it is outlined here, but it would be where the city would periodically. check in with the district as to the status of those proceeds. >> I want follow up on that I have a long history with this project back in the days when worked for the Housing Authority.

And who What would it be? The Department of Housing and Community Development that would you know, make sure that that. district does what they had promised over all these And it says that they have we have 12 months after the district determines if they can or can't do it to get the money. I this actually I'm probably going way base here time because that's not really their issue tonight. So let me just put it in your brain may be contacted to that we have a concern as a commission follow up with that at some time. But that's not our issue here tonight. And I just myself okay. So any other for staff before we go to the applicant. Okay. Now, does the applicant have a presentation? you're here to answer questions. I can't hear you. So if you can go up to the podium, please and introduce yourself for the record.

>> Sure. Yeah. Sorry about that. I just got up. Got down. I wasn't sure what to do. That's No My name is Amy Christopherson Bolton. I'm here tonight representing Christopherson builders. And I just wanted to introduce my We have keeping Brenda Christopherson pretty and participating virtually as well as dealing with lack traffic engineering from the study in the audience here, we have Jeff Coleman from B K S Jeff Farrell from feral favor. Architects. Steve, come on us to do that. Like landscape plan Steve Sharp was a planner. I also wanted to. commend the did an excellent job and they're important presentation is accurate and it's inclusive.

The project conforms with the center's general plan zoning and Hillside development ordinance. It's also a house designed the plan is for the project is compatible with the existing neighborhood, which I think is very important. We do agree with the staff's recommendation and appreciate their hard work getting us to this point we've reviewed and agree with the approval resolutions and the development Advisory committee conditions. in summary, there is no unusual development, environmental constraints identified. The staff recommends the project for approval. support commit recommend. The Planning Commission, please approve this project.

And our team is here to answer any questions. Thank you. >> Thank you. Are there any questions of the applicant at this time? Okay. So with. With that, go ahead and open the public hearing on this item. >> If there any in-person attendees not seeing anybody, but any of you want to make a statement on this. Please go to the podium. Not seeing are there. Is there anybody on zoom with their hands raised? >> Cherries have a couple people on Natalie. Constantino in us and EU prompton meet yourself. Please state your name for the record. you did. You start speaking if you'd like. >> Okay. Hi. Can you hear me? OK? Thank you. I yeah, Natalie cousin. Tim Manning aim at 19. 0, 8, lie in court. Adjacent to the term Ridge Meadows Development. Thank you again for having this meeting.

And I do appreciate and history. Also of that site. I remember when it was going to be something much larger and much more ominous to our community. So I appreciate the changes. And in that these houses will be very can group to what we have now. I do want to talk about the trees. And as we all know, we lost a lot of our trees during the 2017, while ours and I did review the arborist report, which I thought was very well constructed. I was surprised to see that there are 122 trees that documented. And 49 of which are have been fired. however, there's about 30 to 40 that are very good health and still of significant stature. And some of those being Coast Redwoods and like which are extremely important. And so one of the things I want to discuss hear is potentially making some room, especially the one on slide 7. There's a very insignificant oak that's very apparent and streaming beautiful. And does house several different raptors variety of different bird species. But how that particular tree will be addressed as well.

Some of the other older ones and then the replacement of those. If there are suggestions that we can do to mitigate firms for some of those and replacement, we actually lost a big line court as well. So potentially to be mitigated. I do also want to Patterson of the wildlife biologist who's actually have more of education biologist really didn't address the bird species that do and have it. That meadow. It's not a he field, by the does not have. there are vocalizations that have been going on for the last several months. So there are definitely species Raptors in particular that and have it that interface. And so definitely understanding that there will be some type 3rd observances done prior to construction. So we're really hoping to the results of that and help those will be mitigated.

I do want to also alert the concern of the previous person put in the comment regarding construction. I'm hoping this is not considered a fire, rebuild and that this goes back to the original designation of how is done. The hours of construction mitigation construction, especially Dustin and debris. And so I just really want to understand what that looks like and what the timing of construction looks like and length of construction. Will it be done in phases and or will all at once? >> And I alert the concerns of the city of the Council members there regarding the exchange of hands how this property was. determined to go to directly to christopherson and that there wasn't a more formal bid process that the public embarrassed. Thank you very much. And I hope you answer some of my concerns and questions.

Thank you. >> Gregory Fair. And I'm going send you probably 10. Meet yourself. Please state your name for the record. >> Yes, my name is Gregory Sherry and I want to thank me Natalie, for wonderful interchange. I'm trying to balance the needs of a making money and one hand and preserving the environment on the other. But I want to also say, Karen, because there's no reason why you shouldn't way you should be set slap in their face. I this sounds like a project that totally abandoned the original design and the result, what I see is an attempt you know, remedy a little of our economic disparity in this in the city. Somebody long ago, long before the entire project in the hills was killed, fight it out to be a place where of people could live.

Not just the rich and that seems to have been abandoned. So if there's elements of it that still retain the possibility of putting some money into somebody who is rich, please follow through. Please help the city try to balance the needs of the entire city because this little parcel as well as most of the parcels around. It certainly are doing anything in that regard. And that's sad. Thank you. >> Marker, Ali, I'm gonna send your primetime yourself. Please state your name for record. Greg. Here in muted. Greg, you're now muted. If you're calling in prestar night and that can unmute yourself. >> there any other hands raised up to that person? Craig, you can go ahead and try speaking. muted. There seems to be some kind of a connection issues. If you want to try calling in and you can call 8, 7, 7, 8, 5, 3, 5, 2, 5, 7, And our meeting ID is 8, 4, 3, 3, 0, 5, 2, 7, 5, 8, 4, Once you call in if you pressed are 9 that cannot make yourself.

>> just a couple minutes to see if they're able to call him. Any action. >> It looks like we do have another hand raised. If we want to move didn't you go ahead. Debbie means I'm going to send your primetime yourself. Please state your name for the record. We can hear you. >> I sent the earlier message and I have to I have to back up just a little bit to say purchased a house here on the corner of Lake time, a serious crime and for its stride. About 2 years ago. And we're just recently moving into it. so we're we're late to this party be the first thing I would over again, we're we're ones who thought that that was an open space. There. And certainly we're concerned about the density considerations in the area.

But I would like Miss Fulton, I believe was the name Christopher Sons, mention that there had been a traffic study done. And I would really like to get more information on that traffic study because the traffic is way higher then was represented earlier in the meeting. I would say there are not 12 pack cars that passed in an afternoon. There are 12 cars that pass in the first hour in the morning. traffic on this road already very heavy the measurements that Tesla motions that I get on my back porch AR 15 78 they are about 35 to 50 inside the house with all doors and windows closed. so I know that there are noise ordinances in the state in city of Santa Rosa. I would just like to understand a little bit more about how those are enforced, especially as with regard to pending developments. Don't answer questions during public comment. >> Poor but we >> Staff to address that at the end of public comments. If you want to keep. Asking questions during the rest of your time. >> know it's it's I would like I would like to understand that there was a study done.

I would, you know, like access to it to understand a little bit more about on because based on what I'm hearing is grossly inaccurate. am. would request not that I just don't have any information as to how how these kinds of projects are approved based on the noise ordinances within the city of Santa That's it. Thank you. Thank you. >> And we do have a car that Graig. If you like to make a comment still that's you calling press star 9 and that will raise your hand.

Perfect. If you pressed are 6 that will unmute yourself. Perfect. You can go ahead and begin your comment. You are in need. name is Greg. We're currently in 19 0, 7, Lie in court. I my property but the property that's being developed. And I have same concerns that Ali. specially the bidding process that done. The wildlife pretty extensive in your plan. Between 7, you have a road. You go up towards that road oppose road to the east. It's Wildlife Corridor the Raptors are 3 or 4 different part of the Hawks. Different haunted House. bobcat, all kinds really great while. One of my questions is saying that not only is what this project starts, are you to build offer tool build it piece meal because some of the houses are built or had built.

Sometimes it takes about a year. So like ongoing constantly. Almost 7 days a week. So for me would be pretty intrusive to see that happening there taking years and years. The market has changed that the tech layoffs play slowing down. There's many, many houses that are there with sold in the area. The property is not, you know, because of the elevation change, you know, only portion would be news. Has there been a thought by Krista They've been in community I guess 30 years I recall, you know, maybe to donate the land back to the city. They keep it. Keep. It is of beautiful piece of property.

Again falling back up with was earlier said the number of trees are actually doing quite well, even 2017. So I I again, I'm not arborist, not over person with that type of background, but the truth of responded quite well considering how many years of drought we So I would also question fact that finding by what was report. that's all after >> Any other hands raised Zoom chair weeks. There are no other hands raised in Sam. Okay. So with that, I will go ahead and close the public hearing on this bring it back to the commission. Let me start off with some questions. I heard that either staff or applicant team might be able to so there was a question on the trees and which trees and are there more trees that could remain So what trees? question a bird species. The is is considered a fire, rebuild. And then have a traffic study, which I believe is in the packet that is available to the public that if you could.

Addressed those questions to start and then if my fellow commissioners have other questions that they heard, that would be great. Thank you. Chair weeks. So too. >> First tackle the question the removal of If you look at the DA See report, which is I believe exhibit a condition number 2 and are planning conditions. Requires if there are removal of any trees to they'll be scheduled outside of the bird nesting season. And if that schedule, if the schedule is not possible, qualified biologist will conduct preconstruction surveys for nesting birds. More than 7 days prior to construction that it would include creating if the biologists find any active songbird within 50 feet are active Raptor nurse within 200 feet of the work area. The biologists will delineate a buffer zone where no construction will occur to the biologist has a term that all young have fled from the nest for the NES is no longer active and that size of a But for will be determined by the ball apologist and will be based on specific species and their sensitivity to any construction disturbance.

And then I believe I I didn't make myself very clear as far the trip generation for this project. So there is a traffic study that was done and it's an attachment to your pocket as part of supporting studies for the exemption in what it stated is that this proposed project would be expected to generate an average of 123 trips per game. that would include 9 during morning peak hour and 12 during evening peak hour. And so the the small amount of peak did trigger any requirement for a 4 way or mitigation as far upgrading infrastructure to the or things of that nature. Could could use Clearly clearly eyes can find the traffic study and her 7 direction for that. Yes.

So it is posted on the agenda for today's under this item. check the attachment number. Catchment number 9, 9, yes. And its label traffic study. Yes. prepared by W and then as far as So we do have construction, ours included in that report as part of the conditions of approval. And I would be condition number. 9 construction or shall be limited to 09:00AM to 06:00PM Monday through Friday and 10:00AM to 06:00PM Saturdays and those can amended if the commission chooses to do to do so. But those are the conditions in the DC report and does a basic construction mitigation measures that are meant to reduce fugitive dust impacts. But they to help to dance in a sound in that they require that idling times. We minimize as much as possible. More so airborne toxic. Contaminants. The air. Thank you. Are there questions? Commissioner Holton, just one really quick question >> so I know we've actually is I believe it was Natalie that actually asked about a tree replacement.

In the event a certain number of trees were displaced. Would there be any efforts in putting new trees? doing new planting accommodate a loss of existing trees. That's Thank you. >> Yes, I think you Commissioner Holt and tree ordinance does standard mitigation either in the form of replanting trees to a ratio. So either 1, 2, one or one to 2 or one to 4. I'm in. If that's not perhaps. >> The site is not suitable for an additional tree for whatever because impacted due soil type structures, then they can pay into and mitigation fund where trees are planted also in the city. >> And in regard to like coast or coastal Redwoods or oaks, I know impasse. We've >> Other mitigation actions where because of stuff. >> stature of individual tree. There was a request to provide more trees than want to rip a one to one ratio or are we? >> I under assumption that we're kind of even though some of those trees are coastal redwoods were still staying with the one to one ratio.

>> So the replacement ratio is based on the diameter, the tree proposed to remove yes. In the Any other questions? I didn't neglect to answer one regarding fiery boat. So this is in the combining district. However, this is this will be treated as new construction because it's not replacing what was burned. So they be subject to construction the construction areas that stated in the DC report standard code restrictions. >> Yeah, I think just to follow up on that at I believe the concern of one of the callers was that in rebuild areas, we have taken some action years back to amend the construction hours to longer periods or 2 and believes that they can get their earlier in the morning with the trucks.

But so has Mister Meehan's has indicated this is not rebuild. So if the caller was thinking about those extended construction they would not apply here. she there the much more conservative construction hours in this condition. >> And once again, we can refer people back to the DA says the report, which lays out construction now. So any other questions before? I think unless I'm missing, there's a question for app. The applicant, if. >> Possible to answer on the phasing. Thank you. Yeah. So there was a question phasing of the units.

>> I think the last caller are saying to the last car might events >> Thank Yes, both Natalie and Greg asked that question. So no, our plan, because could you put speak really close in the microphone. Thank Thank you. So you both Natalie and Greg asked that question. We fully plan to build everything out at once. And I'm assuming the stars align. We plan to be completely finished and sold out of the project by the end of 2024. 2024, I'm sorry. Yes, 2020 for next year. So we're not going to not a new face rebuilding all once. Commissioner Cisco. I wonder staff could help eliminate Debbie on our noise ordinance knew she was just asking general question about get that information there. >> Thank Commissioner Cisco, so that the noise ordinance doesn't specifically construction noise because that's serve a temporary situation. noise in complaints would submitted to code enforcement and code enforcement would investigate and any noise violations that are outside their hours. I think it's after 10 different. I do have the ordinance in front of me.

There are hours where he can make noise. And that side of that can't. So I believe it's 10 o'clock is the cut-off 10:00PM. if there are noises outside of that complaints can be submitted online. The code enforcement, they have a and with an portal where you can submit your noise complaint and they would investigate and enforce or act upon the violation. >> I have one more thing to add on. That is the one of the callers was making and know that she had a noise monitor and the way that the city's ordinance is set up, it's measured on it. 24 hour it's see any or ldn is the measurements. So you may have temporary spike, but you look at the average over the 24 hours. So that would be the way they would be enforced. So sometimes they're a single event noises. We've had discussions about this before. So you might have someone bouncing a basketball might be like 75 decibels or something. But that isn't accounted for.

You look at the total in the 24 hours. So I wanted to get that clarity to her is it sounds like actively paying attention and monitoring. So a little more information. And if I may, I would just add that construction that. >> If if any construction or to be occurring outside of the construction hours that are outlined in the conditions, there are building division can be contacted building staff would make sure that that they came into compliance with that condition. Any other questions? Commissioner Carter? >> Yeah, out. The staff report indicated that the applicant asked to invoke Senate Bill 3.30 with trees is the development standards in the fees that we know at what level is was for 2019 when the initial applications were made.

>> Commissioner Carter. So it would lock in the these at the time of Submittal. Which was this year. So 2023. Yeah, 2020 to be Okay. >> Okay. this has 2 resolutions. The first one to hillside. development permit. And the second is the tentative somebody like to enter the first resolution we'll talk about we'll make our comments about that. Project as a whole and enter the second resolution. So first resolution, Commissioner Holton. Yeah. Like to make a resolution. The planning Commission of the City of Santa Rosa proving a hillside development permit for for Ridge Meadows for the property located at 3700.

>> For Ridge Drive Santa Rosa Apn 1, 7, 3, 6, 2, 0, 0, 3, 0, file number P R J. 2, 3, 0, 0, 1, AJ 2, 3 Dash, 0, 0, one and H D P 2, 3 Dash, 0, 0, 1, and wait for the reading. >> Thank you. Is there a second? Commissioner Carter? So that was moved by Commissioner Holton and seconded by Commissioner Carter. So that's a start with commissioner. Holton comments. >> So the looks to me like the presentation was done very Thank you very much together. Really, really good presentation. And I'll be in support this project. And I can make all the required findings. Thank you, Commissioner Cisco. >> It can make all the Do a lot of musing on this project just because of the long history was thinking about, you know, our planning efforts and what we put in place. So what seem like a really great idea. You know, more 9.20, years ago proves to be infeasible. So might be also source speaking to Mister Maintenance issues as well. thought a lot about this.

How this has changed over 2 years and they can. I'll be able to make all of the findings and perfectly willing to approve the project. Thank you. Thanks. Chair deck and am I too, can make all the required bindings and I have no further comments that my colleagues >> It already. >> Thank you. And the 2 Commissioner Carter. >> Yeah, I staff has done a good job of analyzing the project in demonstrating that evaluated somewhere early to other development in the area and conditioned appropriately and I'll be able to make all the necessary findings to approve the project.

>> Thank you, Commissioner Peterson. I think, you know, we continue to see the effects of the Tubbs fire. Now, 6 years later, I think this is still >> an area that's that's in transition. That's that's finding its new footing. And I think a lot of the comments we've heard from the public. Relate to that relate to the rebuild and relate to the changes that occurred over the past few I think projects in the application address everything that needs to be addressed. I think that I can make all the required findings for this project I guess we'll see in another few years when all the parcels have been rebuilt or built hopefully the neighbors are a little bit happier about the noise and traffic.

Thank you. And I also can make other required findings. It was a real walk down memory lane for me. glad to see something happening. So as I said, I can make all the required funding and and we'll be supporting the project. if we could go ahead and call vote on this. >> Commissioner Carter. Commissioner, Cisco. I. Commissioner Holton. Commissioner Peterson. I vice Chair Dugan, I. >> Chair weeks. I so that passes with 6 eyes. Commissioner Sanders abstaining. So then the second. Resolution has to do with the tentative map.

We have somebody who'd like to? Read that? Commissioner Holton, thank you. >> Like to make a resolution of the planning Commission of the City of Santa Rosa proving the for Ridge Meadows tentative located at 3700 for Ridge Drive assessors Parcel number 1, 7, 3, 6, 2, 0, 0, 3, 0, file number P R Ga 2, 3, Dash, 0, 0, 1, HDP 2, 3 Dash, 0, 0, One AJ 2, 3, Dash, 0, 0, 1, and await further reading. >> Thank you. Is there a second? Vice chair taken? Okay. we'll go ahead and start on this. Commissioner Carter. >> Yeah, I once again the project appropriately analyzed and conditions of by the staff and I'll be able to make all the necessary findings to prove approved the resolution.

Thank you. >> Commissioner Peterson. >> Nothing to add other than I can make all the required findings of this resolution. >> Thank you. sure I can make all the required findings support of the resolution. Thank Commissioners. Cisco also can make all of the required findings for the tentative map, a solution. Thanks. And commissioner Holton. >> I can also make all the required funding some of the tentative there is one thing I would like to circle back on, And I would like to just make sure that it's really clear to echo the sentiments of some of the concerns of some of the callers. And their acknowledgement of some of our potential concerns to just ensure that the right thing will be done.

>> And that the money will be going to the in the event that it falls upon the city after 12 months that that the money can be appropriated prout. Properly and that we can make sure that that's that's happening. So I just want to make sure that, you know, it's a shame. It's really nice that this is a really, really great project. And it looks really well put together. to echo the sentiments of Gregory from earlier, he did state that, you know, it looks like we're just we had a and intent to have a property that was going to help low-income housing. At which we have a huge, huge need for here in Santa Rosa. A huge, huge need for. And yet we are seeing yet another. 20 million dollar project being put together for the rich. So I just like to ensure that we're all being very aware how that money needs to Re put back into the low income housing area.

So that's it. Thank you very much. >> Thank you. And I also can make other 19 that hurt us between school district and the city. So. So with it was moved by Commissioner Holton seconded by Vice chair Doug We could call them, but >> Commissioner Carter. Commissioner, Cisco. Commissioner Holton. Commissioner Peterson. Vice Chair Dugan, I chair weeks. I. >> So that passes with 6 ayes Commissioner Sanders abstaining. And with unless there's anything else from staff, we'll go ahead and This meeting of the Planning Commission. Thank you.

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