so welcome everybody to this session it's the third session that we're having here at the zero project conference that is related to India my name is Michel fembeck I'm the CEO of this year project and uh I'm really proud to be the overall chair of this session which is chair then by other people but it's a personal pleasure and honor uh to uh to be the host of this event this session is about the cooperation that the Syria project as the serial project is building now in India with her colleagues friends and and stakeholders from India we have decided to run this session in in two panels and they will hand over directly to my colleagues RAM and Michael will run these panels but to give you just a brief intro what's going to happen so we are working currently on two major strings uh one is the zero project India conference and the other one is the serial project scalar Hub which is both working titles more to come but we using this serial budget conference to give it the latest and also like to invite you to have your thoughts on how you you would like to come in and join us here uh in in our efforts to connect this year project Global conference to all our friends and colleagues in India um I'm stopping here and handing over now to Ram who will chair the first panel uh he will then give back to me and then I will introduce the second payment soon Ram the floor is yours thank you so much Michelle um good afternoon to all of you gathered here it's a privilege to be here and thank you zero conference for the opportunity my name is ramakrishnan and I am a middle-aged male brown-skinned and wearing a light gray jacket with red rimmed glasses I represent youth for jobs which has been founded by Mira shanoi and has been working in the disability space in India in addition to the largest program that focuses on Rural youth with disabilities youth for jobs programs have four key aspects firstly The Village connect program which connects youth with our training centers and provides them access to Quality jobs we have impacted over 9.8 million households using this approach secondly we provide access to Skilling through multiple programs that enroll youth with various disabilities into residential training centers they are trained by sign language instructors and special Educators in 21st century portable skills such as English communication digital skills soft and life skills and also job sector orientation they are also handheld into their first year after job placement through this we have impacted the lives of approximately half a million youth with disabilities across India thirdly through our corporate connect program we support companies in their inclusive journey by offering a series of services ranging from sensitization accessibility audits sign language workshops onboarding and recruitment and lastly through our job portal swaraj ability the first ever of its kind for people with disabilities we provide a AI triggered accessible job platform for matching companies to our skilled Workforce with disabilities for this work we want the Innovations award twice at the zero conference more importantly the scope and the breadth of this work actually undermines The Continuous need to engage and to innovate across the length and breadth of India which houses the largest population of people with disabilities across the world hence it was only natural for youth for jobs to partner with the essel foundation and the zero project to bring this one of a kind conference to India the launch of the India conference this year couldn't have come at a more appropriate time there is an urgent and a pressing need for bringing innovators policy makers private sector Partners funders advocators research and knowledge players under a single large umbrella to engage with each other while also creating an ecosystem of collaboration to massively scale the impact on the lives of people with disabilities as never seen before hence my hope and request of this panel is to help build a blueprint for the launch of the zero India conference so that it not only serves people with disabilities in India but also becomes The Shining not star for similar Innovations and impact for South Asia in the years to come hence without further ado I request our first of our three panelists Mr armaan Ali to kick us off following Arman it would be Shashank who will be our panelist and then finally we will have Tariq who will be joining us virtually so over to you Arman thank you ram hello everyone just to take it on from where Ram left I think India I was just sharing in my previous panel that um 66 percent of India's population is below the age of 35.

and out of which um whatever sketchy 12 years data that we have in India it is said that at least two percent of them are youth with disability and I must warn you that the numbers are mind-boggling you know there's such a huge number of Youth with disability in India and who uh is struggling on an everyday basis to be part of the mainstream to be part of this course which is to do with education to employment to accessibility to products to services and so on and so forth so I work with ncpe DP I am the executive director and also chair for disabled people in in international India chapter so we run India's largest Network on persons with disability and we have our partners across the country we are focused on education employment accessibility law policy and youth in particular and that's how we have been driving and I see a lot of synergy with zero project and and uh and and there would be um you know I mean no as RAM said you know there is no I think with G20 around and and the kind of discourse which is there in India and we're having a G20 presidency it's it's it would be I think um the right time for zero project to come to India there are a lot of innovations that around and a lot of discourse and I think disability sector in India is quite uh you know ahead in in a lot of terms you know the youth they really ask a lot of questions and and the sector is is thinking and talking about we have one of the strongest legislation on disability in India the rights of persons with Disabilities Act 2016 which is in harmony with the uncrpd India was one of the first country to identify uncrpd and to bring zero project in India I think the kind of ideas that can be exchanged that so I think we will stop at least Reinventing the wheel uh I think that's very important for all of us to do the same energy and and and the the sharing and and transferring of knowledge uh which is there uh which has been built up from last of so many years with zero project would and and I I see there's a large uh Indian delegation which comes to the zero project Austria every year this is my third time here and and um so I think there is a need um as RAM pointed out the population is more than many European countries put together so they they need all the kind of support the information the best practices to be to be shared and youth for job I think they are phenomenally placed to do this uh well and ncpdp will definitely support uh when when um zero projects wants to move um for this important event my another experience that you know we run two Awards ourselves one is the Helen Keller award which is running from last 24 years and we recognize um people with disabilities and employers and Civil Society organizers who are promoting employment for people with disabilities in India and we are also running this Universal Design award which is to recognize people who are promoting uh Universal Design in product Services policies uh and and so on so that's we've done for the last 13 years so so we have a wealth of information and data of the kind of stuff that's happened in India and I take pride in saying that youth for job enable India they're all up in our bodies and they are an ally in whatever we do even Shashank sitting next to me I must not forget so I think um without taking much time back to you Shashank well I'm sorry back to udam thanks thanks Armand um I will I will do the difficult job of summarizing what our panelists say much later but for now let's hear Shashank and his and his views on the conference thank you it's a pleasure and privilege to be here and thanks for zero conference and friends at youthful jobs um what I'll do is maybe I'll just set a little bit of context and then I'll share my perspectives but before I do that I just want to complement zero project on uh the catch that they have landed right so I think you couldn't have found better Partners than you have so well done I think you're in safe hands and I think that is an encouraging start for all of us right um I think you know we have Mina here we have deepest and all our friends here and I think we are very unusual in that each of us can speak for the other right I mean I think that that's not something that we can find very often I would have zero problem in them being speaking for me or the other way around Etc so I think uh for me that's the most exciting part it's very energizing as well uh and why should zero project worry about coming to India so if you were to look at the who estimate right then the number of persons with disabilities is teeny weeny larger than the entire population of Australia or Malaysia for that standpoint right so you can choose whether you want to go there or you want to go somewhere else and that's your choice and yet again I must complement your project on having made a very intelligent Choice even though I am invested in that choice in some form right so I think if you're looking for the next stage and I'm not here to speak for neither do it's my place to speak for the zero project but I think as you look at what comes next after 10 years of this incredible work it clearly has to go to a much larger number of people right and I think therefore the scale of uh opportunity and disadvantage at the same time is unmatched right um second thing I want to tell you is US Dollars 37 and a half 37.50 is what it costs every family per month in India if they have a personal disability in the family right take the number 15 of India's population or you can have it which is what Meera told us many many years ago right 70 million you can take any number you want right and I'm saying that's what is the size of the wallet that wallet this is not a number any of us have come up with right this is a number that the government came up with right so that's the size of the wall it is in urban areas 2800 and change in Indian Rupees is what it is for this so there is very serious economic costs to families with disabilities right and this is a wallet which I think and you know armaan was pointing to this unfortunately we couldn't finish that when we are budgeting for what are seen as public good projects we should recognize this price in it because this is a penalty that persons with disabilities and their families face on an everyday basis right because not many people are able to afford this just to give you a sense right if you multiply the number I told you by 8x that puts you in the top 10 percent of income earners in India right that's really the scale of need that we are looking at and finally I have deep admiration for enabled we have learned so much for them right neenaji is here you know we've learned a lot in fortunate to have our guidance in so many different ways and of course there's Arman who we always look to whenever we want to needle somebody but don't have the courage to do so right this is somebody who's helped put together the organization that he is the legislation in India but I can tell you one thing even though I'm super fond of them and I admire them and their work single-handedly none of them are going to be able to make a serious Dent at this not because it is beyond their capacity but the enormity and the sheer complexity I think it's very difficult to be able to imagine a single experience for a person with disability unless you've been in that context you can start with anything you can start with water and sanitation the first thing that you do in the morning to go to brush your teeth that's a problem if you're a person with disability you can look at health care you can look at education 40 kid disabilities don't go to school at all right what are you going to do about that I don't think any of us together can fix it so for me I'm hoping that this will lead to building of the ecosystem obviously you feel enthused and energized and therefore I must puncture this as well and My worry is that when you get to meet such an August Gathering it leads you with this sense of energy purpose etc etc but I can only say for myself it also sometimes confuses action with progress an interaction with engagement I think zero project has the ability to move from interaction to engagement I think that is going to be the make or break for zero project but I think we're in safe hands um so look forward to more on this um later wonderful Shashank that was quite insightful thank you very much for that we will now move over to Tariq who is joining us virtually solitary we can't hear you umina yes we can hear you now thank you apologies no I just um first of all thank you Mikel and and Ram uh for inviting me and nomadia Network India to uh Zircon Vienna 2023.

It really is a single honor to be sharing the stage with uh um in the company of pioneers in the space uh and Kickstart the Journey of my firm in the sector uh my name is uh Tariq and I work at Omega Network India uh we are an impact investment firm uh we partner with bold entrepreneurs who help create a meaningful life for every Indian especially what we call the next half billion uh from a demographic standpoint uh these are low and Low Middle income households um these are domestic workers these are blue collar workers people who run small uh small businesses and our investment approach is to create holistic impact for the next half billion and we do this by investing in uh Tech driven startups uh focused on the nhp in addition uh to investing in startups uh to really create large-scale impact uh we try we realize there are other tools that we need to leverage uh including uh research to inform evidence-based policy campaigns inform and mainstream real issues uh working with the government Etc so we are sort of a slightly an investor with a difference when it comes to the tools that we Leverage as a part of our efforts to broaden uh our impact uh and and help create a meaningful life for every Indian uh and to be truly inclusive uh we are looking to support bold entrepreneurs working uh in this space of course we we believe that a lot of work has all uh there is always strong momentum in this space uh and and a lot of our early time here in the sector would be to listen and learn from Pioneers uh in the in this space and but then come come with the limited Capital that we have and try and invest in a couple of areas one is a field building initiatives such as accelerators uh Community Building initiatives Etc and second uh invest in for-profit startups uh in the assistive Tech uh space um just in terms of the vision that for zero project India uh the the real idea at least in my head is is can we try and replicate the success zero Global has had uh in India and and can zero project India be the Beating Heart of uh Innovation uh in the sector um and and that leaves us and and the idea really is can it play a curatorial role where it brings in the private sector the public sector investors all under the uh the same tent help each other understand what what what the challenges each other has help them build Partnerships with each other and that's that's really the role and vision I hope a zero project India uh will have um and in terms of just the activities given these ambitious mandate um it can it can be quite varied and um it could even be starting from Community Building initiatives prices to highlight Innovation uh research and mainstreaming uh campaigns to really mainstream issues I think we'll have to really look at where the where the India space is and and try and understand what are the right tools to do and I don't need to add anything more on why India is important uh the numbers are just staggering and it's imperative that that uh persons with disabilities in India have access to the best uh change makers and innovators in addition uh we believe that India can is an emerging hub for assistive Tech uh and can really contribute to the global conversation in terms of solutions yeah back to Iran thank you very much Tariq for that thank you all all my panelists at least uh for some very insightful thoughts I now hand it back to Michelle fembeck yeah first let us start with giving a warm hand to the to a ramadir hold a speaker panel yeah think thank you everyone for um coming in here and giving your uh your background and also your willingness to work with the zero project in India before I hand over to Mike to run the second panel I'd like to give it a little more background on but the serial project is up to and what our thoughts are and uh how this might work from our perspective so you all notice your project so we have some clearly defined strengths which is the conference we know how to run a conference we know also how to convene people we know about the power of Innovations and also how to research Innovations find Innovations communicate them and we also know how to convene people bring them together in meaningful ways so that as Tariq just said there's the difference then between interaction and engagement it's easy to make people interact but making something meaningful out of this I think we have also a history in improving to do that having all said that there's a lot of things that we can't do as an Austrian charitable foundation with limited capacities and this is where we have a clearly long-term approach how to build zero project India one of the key elements and this is what this first paint lab was about was about a strong belief that we need to have an annual conference with our Indian communities that brings together everyone that wants to work together and is willing to work together with the global zero project Network so there has to be one annual meeting place where people physically meet this is also a story of the of the Kobe times electronic virtual Zoom teams alone does not work we need this meeting place in order to get things going and to to keep this community connected uh and uh use for jobs and friends and with the great support uh and uh the third leadership of the old media Network India we're bringing together this conference now it's my pleasure since Ram you didn't mention this directly so I will we will host a zero project India conference in August or September the date will be finalized soon and will be communicated soon so there will be a conference in Daily in in August in September and everything that we are building together every all these stakeholders will be part of this conference and we invite everyone in the room or online and everyone that we will approach if you have a stake in India if you think you want to better connect with Indian stakeholders this is the conference to go because this is all about as also Tariq said at the speakers before there is this period of this year project conference and we're willing and convinced that we can transfer this Spirit to India and to this conference in Daily it will not be the global zero project conference on an Indian label it will be this connecting Hub but between the global community and the Indian Community and everyone who has an interest welcome contact us get in touch with us this is part of the story and I'm handing over now to Mike who is chairing the second panel who will introduce us maybe not the second but as second part of the story so the strong corporations that we're building with in enabling and friends so what do you make thank you very much Michael Yes briefly introduce myself my name is Austin Michael and in our communication I'm Mike and Michael is Michael so we know who who Von is talking to um I just briefly tell you why I'm literally sitting on this panel more than a year ago I was working together with Michael and we tried to establish a little bit of a push for innovations that came out of the zero project Awards to connect them better to corporations to cities and and make sure that these great ideas have a chance to grow provide impact but also grow economically and after the SEO conference we sat down and said look this is actually something where zero project is so strong you have a worldwide reach maybe we should try to find out if we can build something like a hub and I then called it scale up Hub we went out to the Austrian development agency with the help from our friends from Ashoka and said look we would like to do a feasibility study and see if there is something out there where we can you know something has been invented in Africa or in India and Europe why would we have to reinvent it um and then Michael said let's try that and we should reach out to India because zero project has excellent context to India and yes we do apparently so I had the pleasure to join to join Michael and sumita for our trip to New Delhi in October and talk to wonderful tremendous people I was so impressed and so energized from what I saw from Mira and the passion the colleagues on the panel that I will introduce shortly so what we reached out to do is to find ways to build something that is globally scalable but of course starting in India and I cannot emphasize enough what's already been said on this panel that the size but also the quality the the initiatives the budgets that are out there in India uh really impressive and I was really looking forward to discussing this today I would love to introduce my panelists to you and I'll just move on here and I have with me Moses from enable India then from enable India and Samir from disc I would like to hand over now to Moses and give a little bit more insights on the topic why we think this is this is necessary oh sorry I have to give over to Samir I made a mistake Samir please go ahead please introduce yourself and go ahead thanks Mike so very warm good afternoon to all the people in the room and to people joining in online is Sameer Raul I am a reasonably tall reasonably smart looking gentleman brown skin I'm wearing a black T-shirt which has two logos Tata consultancy Services which is the organization that I represent and digital impact Square which is a pre-incubator that provides something very unique to young innovators in India and what we do essentially is we heard a lot of people when it comes to incubation a lot of the focus is on providing what we call as Last Mile connectivity which is taking these idea products prototypes and taking them to the market what we do is be on the other side of the spectrum we are actually providing the first mile connectivity which is basically people with ideas grassroot Concepts uh you know were completely clueless on how to actually convert those ideas and prototypes into something that can actually work in the real world and would be which people would love to buy right because it needs to be sustainable and that's essentially what we do at digital impact Square and I specifically look at health and assistive technology Focus now over the last day and a half that I've been here and I've been hearing wonderful conversations from a lot of people who are doing some amazing work in the space of these the disability sector what I would like to also bring now to focus is you know is is an interesting analogy right so any society has three types of people right we have a large population that is apathetic which is don't care because it does not impact me um they usually are 80 90 of most societies you have a certain smaller group of people who what we call as complainers they keep complaining about what's happening around them and they are important because if they don't complain we won't notice so however unpleasant it may sound we need these people and then we have a very small percentage of people in in in any society which we call as problem solvers right and if you want to create Innovation at scale you know this this small percentage of problem solvers needs to be made bigger right and that's what essentially is the vision that we are digital impact scorer doing we are trying to see can we encourage more problem solvers to come into this space right not everybody needs to have a felt experience you could actually empathize learn from you know this amazing work that's happening out here so can we get more problem solvers into the space and through that you know aspiration we are definitely confident that we'll see lot more Innovations coming in the space right so I think those are the areas that you know we look at and in that Journey over the last six six and a half years we haven't had a lot of barriers so there's not only barriers for persons with disabilities there's also barriers for problem solvers right and some of those are listed on screen but I think you know uh the top three barriers essentially around the idea stage for example would be nobody really tells them what is the problem to solve right and I think it's a big big issue we go to young people in colleges universities and they say we love to solve problems but can you please at least tell us what is the problem that we need to solve I don't think there's a tremendous opportunity that we have really not tapped and in putting up these challenges right up the other is of course Universal Design considerations a lot of the technology that gets developed a lot of the products that get developed do not really pay much attention to inclusiveness and can we you know bring some of those conversations into mainstreaming and the third is co-creation right so a lot of these are hidden disabilities you are not likely to encounter especially in a country like India where a lot of these disabilities are treated as taboos you're not likely to meet them on the street you're not likely to meet them in any of the common forums that you may be engaging with in in typical uh you know daily life and they become it becomes very difficult to co-create because you know as we had today morning you know not without us and absolutely that is important but I need to know where you are so that I could actually spend time with you to understand right and then there's a prototyping and you know there's this product launch to Market a lot of experts are there but I think the first barrier is where digital impact Square plays a very important role and you know the last six years we have been able to create around seven startups sustainable startups in the space of disabilities that have gone out and started creating impact so I think we would love to bring our experience in this space to the broader platform that we're trying to create in India and hopefully Go Global through that so thank you very much for giving me the opportunity Mike thank you Samir for for these introductory words I the one thing I would love to say before we move on is when I was in India and I realized that there was this there was a naval India there was a social Alpha there were so many different steps already taken for Innovations Grassroots up to venture capital funding and I think the discussion will now be having is how can we get all these in into one as we call it value chain and then I would now like to hand over to my friends from enable India and to explain a little bit on the the idea of the ecosystem this is a call out for Action to everybody who would like to participate in that this is an idea this is what we want to build this is what we think is necessary and I'd like to ask Dan and Moses to elaborate a little bit on that topic please thank you good afternoon everyone hello I'm visually impaired good afternoon everyone oh yeah okay I'm talking to people here oh wonderful good afternoon Moses thank you first of all a zero project conference is coming to India and I'm very proud to actually talk about another initiative where India is going to lead in building the ecosystem for um Solutions and assistive technology or system Solutions in that sense um we at enable India work across 19 disabilities and we had a privilege of building livelihood models both in urban and rural spaces and in our 22 years of Journey we have built a lot of public goods our knowledge content tools Frameworks are open sourced one thing that we really learned in our journey is that uh you know understanding the challenges that a person with disability faces or in the in the case of companies when they are trying to hire understanding the problem is important and and then the solution emerges and I just wanted to start with a little story that many of you might have heard from deepesh once he had it he was talking to a group of visually impaired and he asked hey I mean in Indian context you know we have large families and hey how do you identify our toothbrushes not as simple as you know green red pink whatever colors and people would pick up but being a visual impact how do you do it somebody said oh yeah we put a you know elastic band somebody said we scratch and deepesh I think I mean also subsequently asked oh yeah how do you actually align the paste on the you know in India the paste so how do you put it on the brush maybe as you know people technology people will say hey Bluetooth technology what not transfer you know robots but I think one hand went up and said well I take the toothpaste in my mouth on a finger and brush it the problem is not about putting the paste on the brush the problem here is brushing itself so that day what we learned is understanding the problem is core to coming up with the solutions and we launched as a few many of you heard these you know project discovery that my team done and really running and now has become Discovery Awards which you have seen uh you know few minutes few hours ago in the you know M1 uh we went to a people and said please tell us the solutions that you use and you know the one or two minute videos that people send they've collected 3000 videos I mean Solutions one of the solutions is about uh you know some somebody who cannot hold the pencil you know started uh using they've took a potato and put the pencil inside and the kids started holding the potato and they started peeling day by day and it became a therapy and slowly potatoes gone the kid is able to hold the pencil so what we learned is that there is innovation at the core I mean people innovate every day and only thing that we should do is to make that Innovation available for larger scale so if you see the framework for Dish which is disability innovative solutions Hub is about first search the finding the solutions so if somebody says hey my child has the same similar issue how does how to hold a pencil this solution should come up similarly okay somebody actually another another grassroot innovator has actually sent the both wife and husband are persons with disability and physical disability and they both use wheelchair and they they had a challenge on them when they get onto their motorized modified bike where do they keep their wheelchairs so they actually created a nice ramp with a you know cart kind of thing where they can keep wheelchairs now the disability innovative solutions Hub can actually see that solution somebody can say hey it's a beautiful solution that is made by somebody in the grassroot but this has a potential to become great product and that's where the second key thing in an Innovation Hub understanding the problem you know once I had a you know industry company came and said oh we created a wonderful solution for blind I said wow what is it about oh it actually helps people to navigate uh you know move independently well I want to test it so I had this big glass on my face and they said yeah it has a nine sensors and it vibrates and it can detect the nine angles and so on so forth and I couldn't take a step because I move one step all over my face it started vibrating can I really use this I don't think so so understanding the problem is core so that's why you know people people like disc and other organizations who are technologists can actually take a pick up a problem that can be really really uh core and then solve that and finally in the framework that we are also saying that people can invest and take some of the solutions that our end Talent innovates or the solutions creators make can actually become unicorns why not and I think I think that's the cree you know key thing in our framework of search to probe to uh grow to scale so I just want you to remember this small little framework that we are going to use which is search make and fund fund can be investment and so on so forth so this is the you know way that we wanted to look at we want to change the narrative about uh Solutions but my friend Dan has many more stories to tell and I think uh you know then what do you to talk about your journey and yeah thank you everybody it has been my privilege and good afternoon to all of you thanks to zero project especially Michael uh for giving this opportunity and to take zero projects ideas to India and Indian subcontinent so the story starts when we think about small bit of you know Innovations which have been made by people with disabilities and their stakeholders who report says that 15 percent of total population in the world are personal disabilities but do you think that only 15 percent only with disabilities can survive in the world no we can't because we need an ecosystem and the primary ecosystem if we calculate that is one plus one that means 30 percent of total population of the world is associated with disability how can I not connect my mother when I am connecting to myself as a person with disabilities because she has been my primary support primary caregiver small bit of solution to manage by scoliosis if she didn't developed in my childhood days the solution-centric mindset won't have got imparted in me therefore the ecosystem development and acknowledging the 30 percent is very important therefore the work of dish becomes even more important because India has a very strong structure I went to the rural part I traveled India 2026 states of India and by traveling to 26 states of India I realized that the district level and the village level does also have small bit of oh sorry echoing okay so small small support groups of people with organizations to support disability they may not have the professional training but they have the heart to do betterment they may not have the proper language they may not have the proper way of speaking but when you work with your heart when you work with your emotion you can develop a whole system all together by holding hand [Applause] therefore this emotional connect from the grassroot teaches us that we can and we started the journey during our covet time where everything was grim nothing was supposed to work but I Lads one of its kinds large was launched in enable India just three years back on 21st of February 2020 and right after that one month four days after that the stringent lockdown of for one month came up and there came the innovation how to take Innovation forward from our home to the community and Community to our organization so building up the ecosystem began from there keeping the problem and the person in the center we started our journey and while we moved to the Future we had this vision that yes as India has become and unique place because of its diversity and uniqueness we can really support with humility and we can move to the World level in the case of disability for that dish is going to take the first step with the support of zero project to make it lower and bring native intelligence from India and Global intelligence from other part other parts of country to blend it together to create a whole ecosystem of assistive Solutions I never ever talk about assistive technology because technology cannot solve all the problems assistive Solutions should be propagated as a language and that we need to establish each and every day in our additional language value in even crpd that's why the journey has thus began and let's go to the infinite traveled in the space and let's see what's emerges thank you thank you so much Dan and I I think everybody understands now why we called him the VIP when we were in uh in in India he's just his energy and the way he he acts of that topic is just really inspiring um so gentlemen thank you very much for the panel I think there's one more remark I would like to make personally I was really very much positive surprised this morning when I saw the lady from Nike talking about inclusive design uh and I think that is exactly the overlap we need we need to make inclusion part of business models and then it's working and I do believe that with the Hub and a worldwide approach to that including these corporations we can do a lot of good and create a lot of impact and make things better so thank you very much gentlemen for the discussion handing over back to Michael thank you Mike thank you for the whole paint and again a warm Applause for everyone who's spoken this last payment thank you so let me finish this session with a few remarks on this journey as Stan called it that we're embarking uh together as a serial project with our friends and and other stakeholders from from India uh one thing is as an Austrian I might not be uh have a kind of post-colonial mindset but maybe a little eurocentric mindset as you cannot really Escape that uh but uh working now for several years with Latin America and now understanding after a week a little more how the Indian uh ecosystems on Innovation for inclusion and accessibility Works has also made us humble so we learned what we suspected before but in talking with so many people there's a lot to learn from India especially India is a mentioned already several times but it's not the only problem with large problems but also with a large problem solution potential I learned a lot about how they think about pre-incupation incubation scaling uh ways of of financing so there's a much more elaborate world out there that we suspected and we want to bring this also with the cooperation to the global zero project so this is really we can all learn from the way it's not I don't mean this in a metaphorical way I mean this literally we can learn from the way India tackles uh innovative solutions and how to scale them second remark and observation and we heard this from many stakeholders even from government Representatives who are in charge of these decisions India sees themselves as a as a country where when they solve the problem within the country it's comparatively easy to also use and scale is outside of India if someone is developed in India and works within India it will most probably work also in sub-Saharan Africa and it will work also in other Southeast Asian countries that's not true for something that's invented in Austria Denmark so this there's really a a I think a change of mindset needed that we also want to use and it's not only the thought these people they are expressing this and there's one person speaking in the policy maker Forum after this session here Dr Moni Raju from there from Niti iorg which is some of the Innovation Center government driven government entity they say that they are say real tasks of mass producing affordable available Technologies the safety Technologies and we're not we're doing this not only for India but we're we're the hub for also scaling this to other countries so we we see this as a role and I think the we will all agree that the geopolitical situation also supports the role of India in the next 10 or 20 or the Next Generation even India will definitely become more important so following up more concretely on what has been said by by my friends and and colleagues from India what could this mean to scaling our apartment this is more some personal thoughts how I would uh would see some concrete steps or some concrete scaling activities it's very different if we talk for example about something that was that got to Discovery in the award this morning which is a something that fitted your feet to a class that you straw is fixed and someone who has limited mobility in their hands can use straw easier to drink from a glass for this I think scaling is comparatively easy you need a 3D printer and you need something that that tells such 3D printer what to do so in this case you don't need a global uh Skilling strategy that takes you ages so this is maybe it's a very simple example how to scale be looking at that and with trying to find those Solutions and uh but this is only one part of the of the innovations that we're talking about think about someone who tries to make hospitals more accessible and on a more Global on a more ways that not to not only look at certain aspects but really try to make a hospital more accessible this is interesting for India they have developed the solutions these are interesting outside of India but how do you scale this from one country to India from India outside this takes a very different mindset a very different approach very different stakeholders very different ways of financing we're also looking at a course of on that there are other innovations that might even make work if some regulations some government funding regulations are changed might be as easy as that might be as difficult as that we are all looking in that and we've tried to understand what what the role of this year approach it can be in this very different ways of of scaling from India outside uh from outside of India to the to the world or from the global server budget Community to India so this is this is the job we are on a journey we're just embarking on this journey uh and we will find the solutions I'm 100 confident but for that I would also need you in the room uh and everyone else from the from the zero project network if you have something in Innovation that you think that works in India come to us now because we can include you in a way of thinking uh we will bring together at the conference in various activities 30 40 major stakeholders that are as high level and as are as Innovative and as dynamic as the people you see here on the podium ideas as you saw with Tariq from from there's a unique chance to meet all these people all together so if you have something as an innovation come to us if you're a stakeholder that wants to work with India come to us you will never get these people in one room or at least in one network so this is also something to the serial project Network to a message it's the time now so we're developing this now and please come in support us join us I want to say something then okay over to you so uh it gives me great privilege to call two leaders just in front of the podium Michael and dipesh to exchange the papers memorandum understanding about dish and it would be a great privilege to have a wonderful photo session with it so that this new partnership and this new Endeavor can give us new impetus to work on global Innovations coming out of India and Global Innovations going into India and thank you thank you you killed the surprising element of my finishing my speech but this is where I wanted to end but you have taken this away from me sorry but actually I'm at the end already so thank you all for joining us here today we will do the the finishing now with an official signing of the of the documents thank you everyone [Applause] thank you so much foreign okay this is yours

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