hi everyone can you all hear me yes thank you thank you all so much for your patience and for joining us today I'm here to do a very quick introduction my name is sumita and I'm here to introduce the impact transfer program um without further Ado uh we'll like to hand off to our Martin essel who is the founder of the zero project for his opening words and to welcome everyone into this impact transfer session thank you Martin thank you sumita ladies and gentlemen it is a real honor for me to stand here together with you and to be inspired by amazing uh 12 innovators from many many countries we have um 12 innovators from Bolivia from Brazil Chile India Ireland Israel Uganda and Vietnam this year and all together from the very beginning we have now a alumni group if I might say this of 63 innovators uh doing uh and having runs through the uh program of the impact transfer and I'm so thankful of Partnerships on one hand the partnership with this group uh uh being a partner of the zero project since for years I'm very thankful of the partnership with Ashoka we have designed it together this concept and I'm very pleased to announce that we have two further Partners beginning of this year thank you so much to autos and to gizet for supporting this event because the most important thing is to strengthen and to support a person who are innovators and to help them and promote them uh to scale up their ideas all these uh innovators have shown in their region that they are highly successful they are impactful and we have also seen that they are scalable and therefore 1 000 experts in our Network decided about the 71 awardees we will award tomorrow in the evening and out of these uh awardees we selected nine of them to be part of the of the concept of of the supporting project during the last uh seven or eight months and there we also integrated this time for the very first time three Innovations from India from the ICT for inclusion challenge done with autos and chiazet if I'm correct and I would like you all to listen about the Innovation to be inspired and to promote those incredible innovators and uh to the innovators congratulations uh that you have the opportunity now to be heard from all over the world in this conference we will have 1241 attendees in person all from the community worldwide but additionally online we are waiting uh till the end of these three days during the conference another at least 10 000 guys and therefore I'm also welcoming our friends from abroad thank you so much that for your interest that you came over online through us and now it's your turn I wish you all the very best and Inspire others connect your ideas to others it I wish you the most possible success thank you so much [Applause] yeah we now ask Carolla to the stage from this couple foundation for the welcoming words well good afternoon my name is Corolla I'm from the Sun is a great honor to be here thank you very much Martin for inviting us to be part of impact transfer thank you very much for a choka for these four years and the new partners that are join impact transfer and to this participant learning from your projects um and what you have done it was something very inspiring and we do believe that you were the chosen to to be part of impact transfer because you're going to be able to understand uh the tools that the program was going to be able to give you for the fundations to continue investing in Impact transfer is crucial we believed to support the development of other ngos within our ecosystems globally we also believe that to support a project that can be replicable is crucial too because we are ngos with few resources so if we can't take into account what other ngos successfully has Implement is an advantage and also impact transfer can also help us to extend our Network so um I just want to say thank you very much all of you to be part of um I said tillian I'm very proud that we have an initiative from Chile here within the the team the participants and um enjoy the ride and looking forward to hear you from your speech thank you [Applause] thanks so much Corolla for your kind words and thanks to all of our partners my name is Alexander kesslering I'm a tall white person with red beard and red hair and wearing a blue jacket hello everyone so I'm working for Ashoka we are a global NGO supporting social entrepreneurs since 40 years we have a network of more than 4 000 entrepreneurs worldwide I'm also the coordinator of the seal project impact transfer program and I'm really proud that today the projects we supported for the last five months are ready to pitch their projects and their scaling strategies and they're addressing you directly the stakeholders of the Sierra project Community for getting your support without further Interruption I would like to start with the first group of projects we will hear from Dorothy Nakato from Uganda Sarah Boland and Patrick Fitzgerald from Ireland and then Stella reisha and Monica Rocca from Brazil who will join us online and now would like to hand over to Dorothy for the first pitch [Applause] yes good afternoon everybody I'm so honored to speak to you I am Dorothy Nakato movies I'm an indigenous woman with psycho's abilities from Uganda I am wearing one of the traditional dressing of indigenous groups in Uganda I am dark skin with black hair and this traditional wear is beaded with very beautiful and colorful bits reflecting the Uganda national flag I am a co-founder and executive director for Uganda National self-advocacy initiative unisai we are a peer-led a little bit closer we are a plaid organization of persons with psychologist abilities we support person psychologies to live independently and be included in their communities of their own choices we are rural best there is a problem 90 percent of persons with psychologist abilities are institutionalized and mainly those from that rural areas historically we are believed we are perceived that we cannot make our own choices of where and how and with whom to stay with which is not true unicy has medical reality to support many persons psychotic abilities to live within their communities of their own choices uh sorry I need to the next slide please okay this one okay sorry I'm very sorry that please somebody can help me okay our solution support my choice is unique size model that helps to reintegrate personal psychological disabilities living in the institutions back into rural communities of their own choices how do we do it we work with a person in the institution prepare them for integration we prepare our families communities and support placements we provide peer-to-peer support and follow up until the person is resilient enough to live within their Community this whole process takes almost one whole year we then advocate for inclusive laws and policies that supports a person with psychological disabilities to live independently and be included in their communities our success unicy is currently working in two districts in the central Uganda since 2017 we have supported 170 persons with psychologist abilities survivors of Institutions those at risk of being institutionalized and their caregivers we now then want to replicate this to the other parts of the country a testimony institutions is a hell I was traumatized with the dark secretion room said by one of the youth that we supported out of the institution our replication plan we want to deepen our support to persons with psychocial disabilities we want to change our mindset of families communities and stakeholders and policy makers from institutional living to Community Living we then want to replicate this model to the other parts of the country our needs with your supports we intend to to reintegrate at least 100 persons from the institution each year with your support we need 60 dollars per person all 72 US dollars to successfully reintegrate one person back into their communities of their own choices with your support we need 24 000 US dollars per month for over the three years to be able to change the mindset of families communities and policy makers with your support we think we need 20 400 US dollars for over the next three years to replicate this model to the other parts of the country with your support it's very possible to restore autonomy to persons with psychocial stabilities to be able to choose how and where with whom to live with thank you please I kindly welcome you to the networking session to speak more thank you so much [Applause] yeah now ask Sarah and Patrick to the stage to the podium foreign hello my name is Patrick Fitzgerald and I'm a white man with black hair hello I'm Sarah Boland white female with brown hair and we are from stage yellow girls in Ireland can I ask you to think about your smartphone and how it helps you work learn and stay connected but not everyone has the same experience there are many after people with disability can't deals how they don't work for us there's nothing and suffer my Independence you're right Patrick it's not fair and there's a growing digital divide did you know that 98 of the world's top 1 million websites is not accessible and this is preventing many people from using apps and websites why do you think this is Patrick I think it's because people with disabilities can't get a chance to be part of each step of Ukraine I I want to say that we all can use indeed today when software is developed some people and some users may be consulted at the start and then again towards the end to test out the app but the lack of Engagement during each step prevents developers from really understanding the user needs and it's a massive missed opportunity for developers as they can't learn and benefit from the great ideas that people with disabilities have but this does not only affect us when we are part of every step of building up you getting better off that we all can use now I know what you're thinking many people are doing user-centered design and they're following the w3c guidelines which is great but it may work for content and some other alternative access methods but many people are still not being considered how could they if we're still designing for people with disabilities and not actively involving them in each step of creating apps and websites that we all can use good news there is an easy thing so co-design is how we've been bringing adults with an intellectual disability and computer science and app developers together to build accessible apps for the past eight years we've been training adults and intellectual disability and computer science students to use and learn from our accessible Access co-design program which is adopted from design thinking methods are the co-designer that share ideas needs and challenges for the app and website we want to build to help us to work learn and stay connected so as I said we've been Gathering all of this experience for the past eight years and we've put it all into our Access co-design program and this is to support others to engage in design our access co-design toolkit supports designing with people and not for people as Dakota Diner we feel we have a voice and our opinion and our ideas are important to build a better app we have been coroned with tu Dublin for eight years we have trained over a hundred people with disabilities to become co-designers we've upskilled 150 computer science students and in accessible co-design and we have code line totally accessible apps and websites and we're delighted to have been able to roll this out with other disability organizations and we're really learning a lot from this experience also shout out to all the partners for making this possible there's some of them up there we don't have time to go into all of them cold time is hard to make I want other people with this bill to get to build their own apps I like being involved in college because I want to help other people it makes me feel happy and proud of the team it's a great way to meet and work with new people it made me feel made me proud of what I achieved it's great because other people are listening to us we get to build solutions to support our own independence it has paid my cup look at me here talking to audience and we want more people like Patrick to benefit from the co-design experience we want to support other people to call co-designers we want to see a widespread adoption of our methodology we want to provide long-term mentoring program for others to adopt the access co-design method we also want to provide Technical and legal support to build inclusive Partnerships and environments and we want to invite you to join our community of practice and learn and share and never feel alone and we don't want to stop there we want to make codified the norm we want to start off by creating an accredited co-design course we want to get our co-desires co-designers with disabilities hired in the tech industry and we also want to bring co-design Beyond it but to get there we need your help we believe that you here today are joining of the lion to help us make our thy the norm we want help to find new allies we want to partner with Educators to build an internationally accredited co-design program we want to partner with the tech industry to hire co-designers with disabilities we want your support to scale our Access co-design program Beyond I.T and finally we need funding to scale our co-designers activities to hire more amazing co-designers like Patrick to join our team We Believe with the right collect animal could be called authorities thank you for listening thank you [Applause] great we're now moving to two participants to join online Stella and Monica from Brazil um I'm just ready for the presentation there we go hello hello everyone I'm still a writer I'm a white woman with short brown hair and his nana being here today with Monica Harsha coordinator of the self-advocacy project of jerkleymetry Institute and we want to share with you our story persons with intellectual disabilities are often marginalized excluded from participating in decision-making processes that impact their lives either in their homes and in public spheres where laws and policies are discussed in Brazil today there are around 2.6 million persons with intellectual disabilities excluded and facing additional barriers to access education and employment they end up depending on their families and on social benefits to live 12 years ago we decided to tackle this deep social problem we wanted to break paradigms and promote change in lives of persons with intellectual disabilities we decided to devote our work to empower persons with intellectual disability to achieve autonomy and Independence and their lie in their daily lives and to Foster their social participation I'll tell you now how I've been doing that our insight persons with intellectual disability usually have difficulties in reading and writing and face challenges to comprehend contents they're perceived as unable to learn and able to solve problems to share their knowledge and to participate in decision making but what we learn from self-advocates is that they can do it all and a lot a lot more so what we do we support persons with intellectual disabilities to become self-advocate we believe that social change is not possible when persons with intellectual disabilities are not heard and involved with the support and accessible communication they are able to learn about their rights they're able to multiply their knowledge to other persons with disabilities and families and they are prepared to become leaders leaders such Stephanie I'm going to tell you a bit about Stephanie Stephanie is a young woman who did not recognize herself as a person with intellectual disability facing challenges to read and write she would only call or send audio messages to her boyfriend because she felt ashamed in the self-advocacy group sharing experiences with other persons with intellectual disabilities she became aware of her condition and proud of it however after telling about her condition her boyfriend left her but Stephanie did not give up Stampley became more independent in different aspects of life started to practice her freedom of choice to expand cultural social and educational opportunities today I'm very happy to say and to share with you that Stephanie was employed by an Institute of Clementi and she's part of our advocacy team Stephanie had plans to study social service in the University next please so in a nutshell how do we do it we visit organizations and we invite people with disabilities to join in the first welcome in the first meeting in the welcoming group self-advocates themselves explain how the group works and we have this annual plan through which we work with them about the right we teach them we tell them about their rights through a plan we also provide them individualized support based on the barriers that sometimes they face to comprehend the contents and then finally they start to prepare and to spread out content through our blog to Facebook Instagram and also they start to organize and to join seminars capacity building activities and to take roles in public spheres and all this is possible thanks to the support and coordination of Monica here with me today and the technical team involved in these two pictures here you can see two concrete examples of how they work so in one of the pictures you can see honey providing capacity building to other persons with disabilities and families and in the left they're taking part in political discussions in a council a youth Council in Sao Paulo but now we want more we have an ambitious goal of expanding the self-advocacy project to another 10 cities in Brazil without the next two years we want to create a strong network of empowered self-advocates Nationwide by connecting and partnering with local organizations of persons with disabilities but in order to do that what we need we want we need to connect to partner organizations in Brazil that believe in the autonomy and Independence of persons with intellectual disabilities we need funding for training one organization in each new city allowing them to train up to 10 self-advocates in two years finally we definitely need a baseline funding for strengthening our internal capacity to manage and expand the initiative you've heard maybe once about someone who once had a dream someone very famous we also had a dream a dream that came true but we are not yet satisfied right Monica we will not be satisfied until thousands of persons with intellectual disabilities can achieve their autonomy and Independence we will keep making a difference promoting participation and social change will you join us on this journey thank you so much for the opportunity to share our story and we are willing and hoping to talk to you later on thank you hi everyone it's Alex De la Torre together with Alex I'm managing this great program the impact transfer for the zero project participants and I have the honor I'm a white skin Brown beard and also brown hair and I have the honor to present the next round of participants the next round of impact transfer fellows Ella from Israel please okay so ma'am I'm Ella I'm a white woman with brown long hair I'm wearing glasses a white shirt and a blue jacket okay sorry good afternoon and thank you Alex for the kind introduction and thank you to the zero project team for bringing together so many Innovative practices as I said my name is Ella giladi I'm a criminologist and a social worker I have been working in the field of Psychosocial Rehabilitation for the past 17 years I work as a professional supervisor at tanosh the Israeli Mental Health Association is the leading community-based Mental Health Services organization in Israel and Ash promotes the rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities raising awareness of Mental Health and and developing new services in the community most of our services provided by law supervised and founded by the ministry the Israeli Ministry of Health our leading principles include lived experience holistic and integrative approach diversity and safeguarding meet then one of our original original participants in the program I was dance case manager 10 years ago Dan had a big dream he wanted to become an independent in the Free Labor Market badan had a hard time understanding how a young man like him who had minimal experience at the labor market who still lived with his parents and had no much money could open and sustain his own business he asked me questions like how will I start business without money how will I support myself with the business aspect of life I have no no in I have no knowledge of managing money writing reports who will understand my unique needs who will support me and who will even want to work with the person who suffered psychosocial disabilities if they knew they didn't want to work with me so now let's listen to Dan and Karen in his own words [Music] I was a vet tech for about five years I was just so exhausted that I wanted to find some sort of other side job just so that I could work a little bit less in hospital and also spend more time with my dog I already had a rehabilitation basket that I'm getting from the government and when I decided to open up a business my social worker contacted and we just got started with more fun getting a personal coach that helped me reach my business goals I also have a case manager that helped me with the more emotional aspects my off really helped me while working through all the difficulties of opening a business especially with my mental health situation it also gave me a place to share my thoughts my fears my experiences through the process in my off I feel like I have more courage to do things and have more confidence in myself even when it comes to things that aren't anything to do with the business love gave me a fair chance to succeed on my own thank you oh my presentation so I have my presentation thank you so we heard from also from Karen and then a little more about the move program and I would like to share with you with our model of of in a month [Music] yeah okay so this is Dan's team he has a weekly meeting with his coach write his business goals and managing strategies learns how to manage Money Talks the potential customers and gets paid for his work also he meets his case manager and together the formula rehabilitation program so down would be continued to managing his mental aspect of life Dan has also access to legal and financial counseling digital networking opportunities and peer support we also support dance team business coaches participate in a mental health orientation and regular meeting with the case manager the case manager have ongoing supervision and training on Mental Health Clinic methods so they will be the best professional they can be and give the best service they can we have many success stories here we can see some of the businesses like cake designer graphic designer a makeup artist and the plant designer cosmetician and makeup artist in the bottom right corner you can see the very talented lecturer and body painter shmuli for that and other the program helped to increase Independence self-efficacy and well-being and also better their financial status for the society it means more inclusion less stigma reduction in poverty rates and advantaging the sdgs so my off program has a lot of potential Partners but today we want to focus on entrepreneurship programs and social impact innovators in the new feature we want to make supportive technology see hubs all around Israel be part of innovative and Entrepreneurship programs and Go Global to make it happen we need you if you want to make a change in people's life like that and many more you can do that by investing approximately six thousand dollars per person for a year by that let's have more people like Dan and Karen we will be happy to talk to you and work together to include peace people with psychosocial disabilities in Europe labor market and make a society a better place for all thank you very much thank you thank you Ella and the next impact transfer fellow is Kavita from India hello everyone it's an honor to be here today with Incredible peers doing inspiring work I am Kavita Nair from India I'm board member with Baku trust for research on mind and discourse since 23 years we work in psychosocial disability inclusive development so that persons with psychosocial disabilities are able to live dignified independent and uninterrupted lies in the larger community did you know that nearly 1 billion people worldwide live with a psychosocial need according to the World Health Organization did you also know that specific mental health difficulties have increased by 25 percent since covid the global economic burden associated with psychosocial ill health is estimated to be 5 trillion US Dollars by the world economic forum sure enough this makes for a compelling case to have Solutions in psychosocial Health which can lead to sizable impacts the bapu trust model is a proven impact solution in this area we do this by mainstreaming psychosocial health and inclusion in the development Aid sector our impact solution has a community-based approach to inclusion that ensures dignity and Independence for people with mental health needs and psychosocial disabilities what led us to this solution in 23 or 23 years of experience we found that mental health needs of diverse groups are rather unserved or they are neglected existing models in psychosocial Health focus on treatment they are expert based or they focus on institutionalization of people with psychosocial distress and disabilities there are few programs in mental health which are led by communities and which are Community Based there are few programs which focus on strengthening the connection between psychosocial Health inclusion and development needs our impact solution is a non-psychiatric model it is community-owned Community Driven the model is based on the social model of disability inclusion we train organizations to implement service programs to serve a wide variety of mental health needs we connect the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities with the sustainable development goals to make mental health a part of the development agenda with a track record of 23 years we moved from direct Service delivery to training partners for implementation so that we could have a much wider impact currently we have 10 partner organizations working in the development sector reaching 57 Villages and 12 low-income communities in three states of India we also have implementation pilots in two other countries including Nepal and Sri Lanka how do we deliver our Solutions we support training Partners to integrate mental health into their core development programs we build the capacity of Partners in three areas one developing co-psychosocial skills two developing inclusion strategies three developing development based Partnerships our training product provides partner organizations with program design and adaptable strategies which will lead to better outcomes in well-being and inclusion for diverse groups of people served by them over the next three years we want to replicate our community mental health inclusion program at 10 more sites in India and at least three new international sites we want to reach out to 900 000 people through building capacity of partner organizations to deliver services we will partner with organizations which have value alignment and demographic compatibility with our model we call out to all present here today we need funds to run the training program and support trainee organizations for program implementation to do this in India it will cost us 45 000 Euros annually with a coverage of 200 000 population internationally the replication will cost us about 80 000 Euros we are looking also for implementation Partners disabled people's organizations ngos Ingus pan disability organizations and government Partnerships we are here we are available please meet us do Reach Out I have my colleague vakarpuri who I can't see now but I am here next three days happy to meet you all thank you so much [Applause] thank you so much Kavita and the next impact transfer fellow is Ximena from Chile okay the controls here here but I can see my presentation I can see my personal issue okay perfect good afternoon I am Ximena Luna I'm a woman with physical disability I use wheelchair I have my black Air and now I'm wearing a brown animal print dress I'm a founder and executive director of Honda Zambia independiente Chile and today I'll present the program network of entrepreneurs with disabilities whose acronym in Spanish is red I'm so happy to be here representing many women with disabilities in Latin America together with other women colleges from Origins three years ago with the arrival of the pandemics sanitary restriction affected many mentors and in the context of disability we noticed some gaps of the employers population in Chile more than 300 60 000 person have an independent job and people with severe disabilities who work earn 38 less than a person without a disability this happened in Chile and probably also happened in many other countries in the context of independent work a part of this cup is mainly due to the lack of equal opportunities such as training without accessibility lack of personalization lack of information inequality in care Works among others Julie he has heard business called illustrissima where she sells products with designs made by herself the great difficult of her were not knowing how to manage the accounting of her business she wants to know about digital marketing and the preparation of the packaging and the delivery to her clients scientists made it difficult for her due to her physical disability considering all these needs we create the red program that consists of having a comprehensive inclusive and accessible system in order to improve the management of Entrepreneurship and the personal development of our users who are people with disabilities and their families or caregivers with a gender approach the element of oh excuse me the elements of red program can be classified in three components the fear is training where a program of worship was developed developed with more than 140 participants and personalized Consulting on business management for 53 people additionally more than 40 accessible resources were created like canvas in Bradley format which I have here in physical format in case anyone want to know or read it thank you thank you Alice the second component is the marketplace oriented more to business which has included a website with shopping cart with products and services it has also considered to purchase of Supply equipment and tool for the different entrepreneurship promotional product advertising and support in logistic management lastly we have on the job support component we consider personal assistant forwards and self-care activity especially in meaningfulness in this slide we can see more of the 23 Ventures and more than 100 products that are in the marketplace whose link is random printed capacity.com excuse me oh sorry okay for Julie the consultancies allowed her to set a direction for her entrepreneurship and the support of the foundation with the marketplace with its shopping cart has helper a lot well what we are searching for we want to improve our model reach more entrepreneurs with disabilities increase the personal assistance for works and especially strange the autonomy of women with disabilities because more than 70 percent of all participants are woman also we seek to expand the red program to other countries especially in Latin America or other countries replicating the training system Consulting Marketplace and accessibility resources what do we need to meet our goals mainly ngos or public institutions that work on disability issues that are interested in replicating that program sharing and translate or accessible resources we are committed to transmitting the know-how to replicate the model and improving the components specifically we need rights found to professional for implementation of the model in another country and for expand personal assistant pilot for work with a gender Focus so are you an organization or people with disabilities that in interested in replicating the rent model in your locality do you want to spread or accessibility accessible resources or translate them into other languages do you think you can support us financially to replicate and grow so if you think yes well we have to talk let's start the conversation united we can change the quality of life of many people with disability thank you very much [Applause] um good for the last segment of the input transfer Forum we now ask Ben champ from Diaz and Neil Milliken from Arthur's to the stage for a short introduction uh on the ICT for inclusion challenge winners that will come next yeah thank you Alexander my name is Ben Shram I'm a white man with brown hair wearing a white jacket and I'm working for chi I set on a global project on disability inclusion gizet is an international service provider and a German Agency for development cooperation the main reason I'm here today is our great partnership with my dear friend Neil standing behind me but coming to the stage soon and his accessibility team of atos two years ago we jointly set out to implement what was the first disability Innovation Challenge which we called the ICT for inclusion challenge in the first year we focused on digital Innovations to Foster inclusive education in Africa through with the success of this project we were able to Showcase that disability inclusion is a driving force for Innovation as well as social and economic development the second edition last year focused on solutions to mitigate the impact of climate change on persons with disabilities in India we were extremely delighted that in this context we could have this wonderful opportunity to partner with Ashoka and the zero project impact transfer transfer program as well as the ability foundation in India thank you very much again to Alexander sumita and all the partners involved in this cooperation this partnership is of high importance to Big to us because uh great challenges can only be overcome by joined and concerted action I also strongly believe that we complement and benefit each other several project impact transfer program is a media mediator and enabler who has who has created a magnificent Community Global community of innovative inclusion experts as TI said we have a strong presence in many countries of the so-called global global South and we can also connect you with a multitude of stakeholders in these in these countries the team of innovators present here today including our ICT for inclusion challenge winners from India have done great work in growing and developing their Solutions and I would like to thank you very much for all your Inspirations thank you and over to Neil please foreign thank you very much Ben so I'm Neil milikan I'm the global head of accessibility at atos I'm a white middle-aged male with a close crop beard and Sandy hair so we are committed to increasing inclusion through Innovation for people with disabilities and we believe that technology does have great potential for inclusion but as burn said it needs to be through collaborative innovation this partnership that we've had with gized on our ICT for inclusion challenge has been one of the highlights of recent years for me in my work at atos because we've been able to do a mixture of the things that I love Community Building Innovation working across ESG topics collaborating and working inside and outside of cultures that we would not normally work in so it's been a great learning experience for us I also really value the important impact that Ashoka and xero project have put in place with the impact transfer program because it's given an extra element of support and knowledge to the teams that participated in our challenge we're giving them the skills to take what they've innovated and progress that across multiple different domains so whether it be growth opportunities mentorship and guidance developing scaling and replication strategies the impact transfer program offers lots of wonderful opportunities for our winning teams and for all of the other participants I'm very happy that all of the teams that are here in person and are teams from the ICT for inclusion challenge India are online with us today and thank them and you for the work that you have done thank you very much for continuing to innovate and for all of your work on the program I look forward to seeing the program flourish and working with you on it thank you Brandon Neil we will now go to India to brahmots for the first presentation hi good afternoon all I am very happy to be part of this August Gathering here from Mumbai India along with my colleague Rina we are here with a very interesting and Innovative kind of concept called as disability rescue management system uh jointly uh innovated or located by two organizations one is childcare foundation and another is the cacdi child react Foundation is an NGO working especially in disability space and the cacdi being an environmental Consulting and advisory for to work with a lot of environmental related project disaster management related projects and all that um looking at the scale of the problem in India when we talk of uh can can we go to next like this when we talk about the skill of the problem about 2.2 percent of the population living with disabilities which amounts to anywhere between 30 to 35 million for a country like India and when we talk of globe it becomes at least say 10 times so that is a huge challenge that we we have at hand to tackle and that is where that is that is precisely where we are in wherein there are problems such as uh persons with disabilities there's a lot of challenges during the emergencies where they are not able to help themselves they when they their location physical location is not easy to track in such situation there are incidences like recently in 2016 we we had a Calamity in city like Mumbai where thousands of people you know died and majority of them were I would not say majority at least 10 10 whereas uh persons with disability and we are not able to save them excuse me sorry to interrupt can you uh go closer to the mic or move the mic in a different position it's difficult to hear you yeah is it okay now it's a bit better hold it as close as possible thank you so so it was actually it was actually not easy for us to locate them because they are not traceable leading leading to their High fatalities and all that so this is the problem I think exists globally you are not able to find them we are not able to help them we are not able to reach out to them with the rescue management system and that is very precisely uh we are we are we are coming in that is the problem we want to address next slide please so this is next you can please go to next yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so so so so uh the system what we are proposing here is that it is ICT based inclusive system of GIS maps uh GPS variable variables data on pwds there are some enablers what we call including institutional strengthening communication campaigns training and capacity building kind of elements we have built into the system then there is a element of data data management which we collect from the service then we Monitor and knowledge based platforms we have and all these three modules are actually you know you know kind of separate we can deal with each one of them separately and that is where that is where we are able to actually rescue the person's with disability using drns next next next slide please yeah sorry yeah sorry sorry can you go to back snake yeah so this is how it works where you have a person with a GPS locator wearing the band our system is able to monitor him our our system is able to track him our knowledge management platform he's able to locate all such persons with depth with disabilities inform the concerned Authority so that they can reach out to them in any such eventuality or Calamity or knowledgement management system provides them whatever knowledge resource they require in such situation so I think this is this is how it works next slide this leads directly this leads directly direct next cycle this leads directly to having a profound impact on saving their lives this mainly happens because we have better access to information its dissemination we are able to adopt and mitigate number of measures that are required in such kind of scenario this cell this system has actually led to lot of systemic improvements making the entire system very sensitive responsive and includes you to the needs and requirements of persons with disability and that is where actually we are able to make a lot of impact on the person's Community disabilities next slide it we have some success already in head where as you as my colleague from zij said that we already own we were already in top three uh winners for the ICT for inclusion challenge of last year there are a couple of testimonials we have from the sector players the one common thread that we see here is that everyone feels that this is what is required this is what is we were actually looking for so I think we have come out with something that is the real need of our next slide so how do we take it to the next level how do we scale it up how do we take it to the global level how do we internationalize it that is the challenge that we have now uh being part of this zero project and Global Network I'm sure there is a lot to take from this particular event um but there are some very key element that we need to take and offer the first being tracking and tracking hardware and software kind of system that we provide we provide partnership and Consulting opportunities there is a package of awareness education training capacity building and entire Knowledge Management Systems system itself can be a kind of repository for managing the data managing the information providing data in the event we find it very extremely difficult actually to get access to data we are currently working in coastal districts of uh one of the states in India that is Maharashtra where I am sitting currently in Mumbai but our our our priority districts are very there are such calamities wherever there is the need of such uh such systems we are we are ready to help we we are ready to help anyone across the globe across the Across the Nation wherever there is a need and demand we would like to work with any organization that works in a disaster relief there are number of funding or donor agencies maybe would like to collaborate with us there are a number of national International agencies including the U.N agencies who would like to collaborate with us we are actually working on all these next slide so what is that we need to do that as I said it is the ICT based platform though there is a equal equally important disability platform but the driver is ICT based platform which has a lot of Hardware software and all such elements I'm sure there are experts there are companies there are players RT players particularly who would like to collaborate with us we are looking for some good partners who can actually help us take it to the next level there are there are number of Open Source software which can make it easily accessible to the remote test or the 4S part of the most uh decided disadvantage can call a lot of artificial intelligence kind of feature we want to include which are currently not part of the system and I'm sure there are companies there are agencies who can help us do that there are a number of web-based platforms including communication education training capacity building platform that which you want to kind of add on and integrate with her with the system and of course to do all this we need finances to the tune of for 25000 USD for next three years so that we can we can we can actually you know take it to the next level we can demonstrate it we can we can ensure that this is accepted at the global level because it has so much potential to ensure that we can make some difference to the to the life of the PWS next like me so so when we say we need such kind of fail what is that we are offering out of this I think there is so much scope to to to meet the joint region of serving the PWD whoever collaborates with us who were partners partners with us they will be able to uh actually meet their Vision we have we are providing what is called as a ready to use system for adaptation and replication anyway literally any partner literally any smallest or biggest you can talk of a city district state or a nation anywhere it can be very easily replicated by doing that you would be able to develop a good will and there is so much hope uh to mobilize social business across the borders anyone who is interested to take this as a business they are always welcome and open to um such uh provision with this we have a team of very competent team of professional working with us uh wherein we want to actually reach out to them with the technology that we are offering contact details are there I would be very happy to talk to potential partners and work out some other as this pwds thank you [Applause] thank you pramod I now ask Satya to the stage also from India from Swift chat for the next presentation hello everyone Hi what if I tell you the world's toughest challenges can be solved as simple as saying hi hi and hello that is Swift chat so we believe all the challenges can be solved over conversations historically I think it's broad so this is Satya Sandeep I represent Conway genius today um so I am going to talk about one of the solutions that we built called Swift chat I'm a tall in six feet tall Indian brown skin wearing green color Indian jacket so um I would like to take this opportunity to thank zero project and ICT for inclusion where we also won an award for one of the solutions that we are planning to build for climate action so we believe most of the world's pressing challenges can be solved over conversations like I said and pandemic forced conversations to go online so we build this low-tech conversational a platform where we can solve challenges or messages so we started in 2020 on WhatsApp and eventually moved to our own platform called Swift chat so we have we have our headquarters in Singapore and offices in India and Vietnam so on daily basis we already have reach of 15 million messages and also 12 million mobile devices it's used and 10 on 10 different languages our purpose like I said is to bridge the gap between technology and people we are calling it tech for all so today I am going to talk about the solution that we are planning to build for climate action and disaster mitigation so the people the old people are the most vulnerable and people with disabilities are the most vulnerable at the times of disaster so um and also there are challenges like uh navigating across new technologies across different platforms and about different languages so our solution is as simple as like sending a text message high on our platform and you will find solutions for your problems so we have a single click access to go across different Bots and supports different languages so we are building in new features for people with disabilities to talk about visually impaired and blind population we have large text and zoom features that are being built and then color contracts and also integrating with Device like Alexa and OK Google and for hearing impaired deaf population we also have speech to text functionality and special audio controls and we also have captions in our platforms and most importantly all these Bots are for free and they are available on Android or iOS or even on web apps so our climate action solution have the following features so we are enabling all the information about the real-time camps and major alerts and announcements about the disaster and there are support chat Bots and we have capacity building Bots for General awareness and also safety quizzes and not are not just this we also will be listing all the volunteer programs and donate options as well as like new most uh pressing news issues around that topic so we'll also be integrating many uh National solutions that are already there in India like National Center for seismology have whether Allied Solutions which will be integrating on Swift chat and also meteorological Department have forecast Solutions which will be integrating on it and there are also Solutions like apathamitra which will prepare citizens for any disasters so in the phase when uh we are focusing on India and we're also following a similar Journey like ICT for inclusion we started with solving education problems and now moved into sdg 13 climate action so as we all see uh India is most vulnerable to climate disaster 68 percent of land is vulnerable to droughts and tsunamis and Cyclones are regular uh and affecting around 6000 kilometers and over half of the land is earthquake prone and 12 percent of the land area is also prone to floods so in the phase one we are targeting three states ladakh sikhiman AP for various reason mentioned here and in the next year we are going to scale across India we will be using our own network that we developed by solving the education challenges especially during pandemic and we target to raise 100 million from the 35 million users that we already have and a year after that we'd like to grow globally we'll need support of international organizations to raise uh funds to contextualize our solutions for Global audience so these are few screenshots to show how intuitive and easy it is you can just register with your mobile number and there will be OTP and we are all we already integrated a couple of newspapers for daily alerts and we already have education Solutions and why Swift chat because it's easy it's quick and it's a so we uh we would request any International donor support for Grants to contextualize our solutions for Europe and we are planning to launch our both education and climate Solutions in other countries thank you [Applause] thanks so much we can now go into the third ICT for inclusion challenge winner that is the project shelter also from India online with us today is Cheer Hardy hello everyone very good afternoon and uh I'll be talking about shelter which is again an a machine learning and AI enabled platform specially designed for geriatrics population and you know population with disabilities next slide uh uh next slide now uh coming back to you know the the problem uh what's we all know that climate change has a disproportion uh effect on uh you know geriatrics population with disabilities uh you know they have limited capacity to respond they are much more likely accessibility issues uh with Emergency Services we all are seeing that in turkey and Syria right now uh we they they are prone to higher economic risk and again there is a high likelihood that they have they face social intuition uh social exclusion uh you know and have issues with that next so while this this is the problem you know the motivation is that there is a there is a significant population which is increasingly getting older in different parts of the world and then we have people with disabilities uh now these are the people who are you know ignored I would say I would very strongly use the word ignore uh and and they have limited say in Solutions and services which are designed and provided or are made for them without without their say these are developed and then uh these people also have limited involvement in policy making uh and in Services design sometimes they themselves are not involved in the services we design for them we also know that globally into cheaper and uh ubiquitous they are everywhere uh but at the same time we recognize that there is a glaring lack again in the digital world there is a daring lack of disability uh uh and geriatrics Focus even if you see social media applications or designed and developed you see again an individual individually the disabled people that's the motivation next now what we propose to do is to develop an application called shelter which is a smartphone based AI enabled platform and it is uh designed and developed for specially abled and geriatrics population that's the focus uh group that's a focused Target group of this application how the application will help them it will provide them with it will enable them with on-demand access to climate change and disaster related content on demand is the key word here it will uh you know enable disabled friendly and age-appropriate delivery so a side disability or a hearing disability might have different ways of interaction you would want to interact with the content in a different manner at the same time you would want the content which you need so so it has to be tailored it will it will be sitting and on a peer-to-peer learning platform what we what we believe shelter or one of the primary motivations is that these population groups are segregated they need to be coming to a single platform uh so we would also be becoming a Facebook of of these population groups where they can lean on to each other they can discuss their issues and make a community and we channelize that community Through shelter uh the platform will enable emergency alerts and mitigation and one of the most important things which the platform will do is it will aggregate the voices of these different groups and these voices can then be collated and used for advocacy and inclusive policy making we plan to develop this shelter as a global social good platform which will for forever be free for everyone now if we want to keep it free how do we ensure that it's economical so we do that by using artificial intelligence and machine learning to create to curate content content will be is available there is a lot of content related to climate change and uh drr but we need to curate it appropriately and there we would want to use artificial intelligence and machine learning which also reduces the cost and then we shall detail is a platform it's not an application so we will be leveraging other similar platforms and other digital social goods globally and uh so so we shelter would be a single window platform for uh these two target group that's that's the vision and we have next slide currently there are four key uh features in the application one it is a self-learning plan form where key climate change content is available in an appropriate format uh you know based on the kind of user who is accessing it if it's a blind person then it might be a different way of presentation as I said uh and if it so if it's a person with hearing impairment it will be a different type of content then we will be using a research -based strategies and we will be developing personalized Pathways using Ai and ml so artificial intelligence and machine learning will not only be used for curation of content uh and and to make the content more contextualized and appropriate for the user but also to identify and to predict personalized Pathways so for example if I have a different need than the other person the content will be based on my need and it will be an application which will support me with the information I need uh at the time or at any time then the most important feature is it will be a peer-to-peer exchange platform which will create communities we believe that those segregated people will come along become one voices and then share exchange and grow next there are five key stakeholders uh uh you know if we are emphasizing sorry to interrupt the pit you arrived at six minutes so maybe uh awesome too much into detail and wrap up thank you okay okay thank you so there are five key stakeholders governments then volunteers and mentors similarly universities can collaborate with content and research capacity building other integrators and social innovators so these are the five key stakeholders next slide please So currently we already have a mock-up and we have done the design exercise in the next six months we would want to develop the content develop the platform test it and then take it uh to a launch in uttar Pradesh we will be focusing on floods and heat waves the target population is physically disabled and geriatrics people and and then beyond 20 months we would want to want similar geographies and other geographies around the world next uh there are three areas of support we are looking at funding support uh you know for development and integration to the tune of 150 000 and then uh per year implementation cost uh to the tune of eighty thousand dollars technical support from other like-minded agencies and most importantly implementation and Community Support to to for for developing the content Outreach dissemination onboarding and training uh so these are the three uh you know needs which we have uh and we are massage next thank you very much these are the different people who are there as part of the code team you all can uh read that uh and uh that's it I think I should conclude now thanks so much I'm sorry for interrupting we're now coming to the last page of today uh it's Laura from Netherlands also working in Vietnam the Philippines uh she had a panel session before so therefore uh last but not least Laura flosios good afternoon my name is Laura munders I am a one meter 60 tall I have blonde curly hair and I wear a red blouse I represent the Liliana phones and I will pitch the bodytalk program the Liliana France is a digital governmental organization working on the inclusion of children and young people with disabilities in Africa Asia and Latin America I want to introduce you to Aisha Aisha is 16 years old she has cerebral palsy and she lives in the slums of Manila like all other young people Aisha has Big Dreams for her future she is madly in love and she can discuss this with her parents thanks to comprehensive sexuality education she knows how to make her wishes and boundaries known and she has access to healthcare services to discuss her favorite options of contraceptives but not everyone is so fortunate as Aisha is in a lot of homes in Vietnam Philippines and Indonesia sexuality and relationships are not discussed because parents do not do not know how to discuss it there's hardly any attention to comprehensive sexuality education in schools Healthcare Providers are not able to provide inclusive services to children and young people with disabilities because they view them as patients and not as right holders sexuality for persons with a disability is not seen as a natural and integral part of their lives there's a gap between the support that sexual and reproductive health and rights Services provides because they Overlook persons with disabilities and disabilities and services and support often do not integrate srhr This concerns a lot of people there are more than one billion people that are living with a disability about 80 percent of them live in developing countries and 20 is between 10 and 25 years old due to the lack of information 40 to 68 of women with a disability experience sexual and gender-based violence before the age of 18.

they are four times more vulnerable to harmful and poorest practices such as forced sterilization forced abortion and forced marriages they grow up with a negative self-image related to their sexuality one could say that this problem is solved by providing accessible information but we think there are more layers to the problem inaccessible information as Services is one part of this of the problem but there's also a lot of stigma and taboo when the topics of sexuality and disability are combined there's little Knowledge and Skills on how to discuss it not in in a disability inclusive way in a success positive or a human rights-based way because of the low self-esteem children and young people with disabilities do not dare to ask questions and there's finger-pointing about whose responsibility it is to teach about sexuality to children and young people with a disability therefore we came with a solution of the bodytalk program which aims the children and young people with a disability have Equitable access to srhr services and information and opportunities to enjoy these rights we use a trainer trainer approach where multiple community-based stakeholders are involved in supporting children and young people with a disability in accessing these srhr services we believe that there's a holistic and multisexual approach not needed and it takes a village to raise a child and it's not the responsibility of one single actor to provide sexuality education therefore it's an intable part and integrated in counseling and support of children and young people with a disability receive additionally there's a focus on how to discuss it that is linked to the development of the child and the context that's implemented in there's a shift there is a shift needed in both Behavior mindset that people with disabilities have sexual and Reproductive Rights too you need communication skills that are both disability inclusive rights-based and sex positive you need common values to understand how you view srhr in order to teach it therefore we came up with the training of trainers which includes persons with disabilities as trainers where we capacitate local stakeholders to do all of the mentioned before we also think our expertise is of added value we channel the expertise on sexual and reproductive health and rights by working together with good first with our disability inclusion expertise and that that leads to community-led Solutions additionally we work together with local Partners in Indonesia Vietnam in the Philippines because they are able to embed it in the local context customs and Link it to local policies for a replication plan now we want to go deeper rather than wider we want to consolidate and validate our training of trainers model based on a solid context analysis and needs analysis that we currently have in these countries therefore we want to expand to more regions than you currently see on the screen in Vietnam the Philippines and Indonesia additionally we're open to share experiences about this model we want to learn with others to strengthen our approach and we invite you to become a co-creator and first adopter to bring it to New countries we need to do that community-based organizations in Indonesia and Philippines but also Vietnam to implement our training of trainers model with us we are looking for funders that want to invest in local capacity building of this trainer of trainers to discuss shr and to integrate it in Education Health and Community settings additionally we are looking for international ngos both working on sexual and reproductive health and rights as well as disability inclusion to become Partners in scaling and mainstream both teams in their work I have a word from Aisha of why we all should work towards Solutions because everyone needs access to their sexual and reflective health and rights and should be able to enjoy these months [Music] universe I want to thank you for listening and if you want to know more you can reach out via the above email addresses on B2 match or just simply come up to me and we can discuss further thank you [Applause] thanks so much Laura thanks to all the participants in this session it has been a long series of peaches of course but all of our participants who worked on this for the last month are here at the conference and because we are many people it's sometimes difficult to write to find the right persons so what I would like you to do now is to come with us to the networking area with the numbered tables and enjoy a talk with our project so we will all you know Gather in front of the door and whoever's interested to talk to the people who presented today please come with us make a contact and yeah maybe it's the start of a journey that we can have together with that I thank you all for participating and in particular our participants for the peaches thanks so much thank you [Applause] foreign

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