an almost amortized photovoltaic system. So the facility belongs to my parents, not to me, that would be nothing for me, I have no roof and the apartment is north facing smoker above me, smoker below me; too much shade. This is followed by an exciting photovoltaic system report with block elements and clips from video research on the topic of germany drama with the photovoltaic expansion because the crisis in the german solar industry is intensifying drama analysis of the so-called old maya knick are quite well in the race until 2012 then came the altmaier I clicked I think environmental policy is very exciting and the energy turnaround as one of the largest and most important projects that we have tackled in Germany in the last decades since reunification and are you rebuilding good evening ladies and gentlemen, the Germans are living again in a sovereign and free environment a united country in germany more solar modules were installed in the past year than ever before the joy we feel it is a spark of god one is especially afraid that germany i was happy to do that because we passed important laws because i was often criticized that's so if it is but go to interests and not only environmental protection but also economic interests According to the Federal Environment Ministry takes the passed in summer cutback of state funding since october is the number of new solar systems declined sharply this very gentleman art Altmaier has a lid got is pv cover abolished we already promised you last year in october that we would abolish the pv cover before it was exhausted and thus ensure that a success story of the last six years is continued and would like to start with the so-called apple bill, now we come to the so-called deppert bill repair and the offsetting with the offsetting of the calculation this is how your solar system pays off this praise was found in the original documents from my father from 2009 but it was correct in retrospect, so this model calculation calculates with a completely different and also smaller system and trot For every amount of quotes it is not at all apparent which assumptions losses and reductions were taken into account in the calculation.According to these figures, the system would be financially amortized after about 9.91 years, but here, for example, no running costs are taken into account , including an income tax field if the income from the pv system due to the feed-in tariff is higher than the costs incurred this profit must be taxed 1 3 sentence 3 pointer with bold underlined the wish value we prefer to look at the real system system description classification and current condition there is my old youth room and that is always from my little brother and the corridor I was kindly provided with some very interesting data: the energy consumption of my parents and us as a family from 1990 to almost current and we don't see a kink here as a new kink that is the so-called sofia kink because what was going on i b Moved out at the end of 2007 and studied electrical engineering in aachen that reduced the energy consumption of my parents' house and also reduced energy costs what else was there for the second child who was actually only a school year under me but he was still doing community service so i guess that the end of 2009 at the latest is pulled out and the said photovoltaic system was also connected to the grid right in the middle of it, yes, that's just as background information, you can also see the differences in quality some are already yellowed so I mean the frames because some things still know the panels in my eyes even after almost nine Years ago, the view from my window is still very good.My window is no longer playing only to visit and play the honorable daughter who has not been there for a long time.I was cooked here, washed the laundry, only the toilet had to clean myself.

The system was built in 2009 and I did Of course, she was also there foresighted as a mad reporter live with my somewhat older camera I was 21 years old at the time and my father was 52 so he was 31 when he got me I didn't get any financing, we have the dog here for self-interest there were still fit, unfortunately the cat is no longer on the ball there is still the windmill there is still the same thing the roof looked like without the system it is a photovoltaic system with complete direct feed into the grid with inverters of two strings each that were divided on the roof surface so there is no energy storage, i.e. the direct current is through the Inverter converted into alternating current and then fed into the grid completely in conventional photovoltaic systems. 2009 at this point in time the feed-in tariff was 43 01 cents per kilowatt hour, so for this system size how big is the actually 6.1 6 kilowatt peak, so the maximum value under the many constraints reality dictates us, but we rarely achieve the figures, data and facts getting too boring i compare this photovoltaic system here with the one from breaking elektro news michael schmidt status reports are in abundance but at least once it had reasonable data it has an output of 9.2 kilowatt peak we also start here with the solar cadastre of the energy atlas nrw info mode he claims that it is south-facing but geometrically it is more south-west with michael it looks similar and you can see that it is quite ideal that is not that is a south- west orientation and in the info mode you can display the radiation energy for technical image processing orange tones vary a bit here here is just over 1000 kilowatt hours per square meter per year here at this point only 912 and this corner down here again 1086 because I can't see it now it's red orange or super orange orange that's already here in orange hue orange means a good solar yield with a good 80 percent but it doesn't matter ht tendency you can see and either you potsdam or not i can say that this system is running absolutely great and i can't complain about it please don't get upset the table is only for the sake of clarity the ultimate pv system comparison table between the system of sofia's parents and michael schmidt what an average name all information without guarantee because maybe i miscalculated somewhere or something misunderstood both are so-called old systems michaels is a good two years younger the acquisition costs were about the same michael has a higher installed peak power that makes sense Younger systems are becoming cheaper and cheaper in comparison the fraunhofer isc that means fraunhofer isi and not as my hand fell announced has created a factually impressive report on current facts about photovoltaics in germany here in the font you can see i see it as a pdf but the graphics are so no punishment In terms of visual content, they are of course top price development for rooftop locations here is 2009 and here 2011 is becoming cheaper and cheaper or here is plotted twice logarithmically , so who does such a thing a cumulative price development trend the higher the installed power, the lower the price price learning curve trends for solar here in orange tendency falling darker gray boxes the cost range for fossil fuels will probably be undercut by solar in 2021 claims michael, however that is today, photovoltaic systems are added to tenders for less than 5 cents per kilowatt hour and that means that pv electricity in it is already competitive in many areas and in many hours of the day that was in 2012 when the pv lid was decided on, but that was only found at bruno burger that bruno burger retweeted germany 's largest solar guru but not the solar pope that is someone other bruno burger twitter in german, english and french and thanks to the interest in current energy data the remuneration for pv electricity feed-in according to eeg is determined annually by the transmission system operators the policy defines who has to finance the switch to renewable energies it has decided energy-intensive industrial companies with a high proportion of electricity costs largely from exempting the eeg surcharge that increases the burden on other electricity customers, especially for private households the author from fraunhofer isi denounces the energy -intensive industry is benefiting from the energy transition without contributing significantly to its costs and we know costs are not the same prices and prices are not the same Worth especially not if all of this is stored in the future at the cost also but it is actually so the conventional power plants are not regulated as many other java degrees are there or not but the conventional power plants are after they are out the electricity price is regulated so slowly with electricity generation money is being produced electricity is produced regardless of whether it has been used in Germany or in other European countries and so we have sold 156 billion euros of electricity has earned the solar energy only lowers the exchange electricity prices by 43 cents that is because it some simple peak performance also that means here we only have to reduce it by half, that means on the other hand we have a lot of space in the network for photovoltaics and it comes down to the same topic we just have to do it for january 2020 add the remuneration only to 9.8 7 cents per kilowatt hour for 20 years here dark blue that is the remuneration for small pv systems and the red dots are gross electricity prices for households and the crossing of these two curves was now here just after 2011 what does that mean what does that tell us about them With your own solar system, you can save costs in the long term due to steadily rising electricity prices, which the legislature has this remuneration is intended as feed-in remuneration via the renewable energies law and with the decline in costs and the dramatic cost reduction of photovoltaics, the remuneration rates have been adjusted and for about three years now it has been considerably cheaper to use solar power for personal consumption than to feed it into the grid because I simply have cost advantages This means that we now want to use the electricity ourselves first and foremost, and only feed it in as a second priority because we can avoid purchasing expensive electricity from the grid through our own consumption and that is why the systems are currently developing a solution style may be that we are decentralized Use storage and thus citizens can become their part of the energy transition and how large the share of solar energy is ultimately depends on each of us some like to talk about the major energy transition now, there are no miracles, there are only small but concrete steps win n independence from the electricity supplier and can cover up to 80 percent of your electricity consumption the average annual total yield with michaels plant is of course much more but we have a much higher net remuneration per kilowatt hour delivered we are the direct feed at michael there is also a distinction between direct even consumption and energy supplied both counted a similar amortization period from the date of commissioning the estimated net income per day is a bit higher with our system, this is partly due to the higher remuneration but also to the fact that, unlike michael, my father hardly has any running costs later more and so ne exactly itemized invoice I have not released now and that would be something for another video with a different focus if anyone had a hypothetical interest in it, I can't just deliver it over numbers , that's so long Weil now comes again something cinematic part 1 a good weather live reading and face he is the sunny boys in the basement so down here it goes to the sunny boy in the basement here there are two brief historical weather data from 21 17h so 20 to 25 degrees mostly sunny power 2245 9.7 hours stayed that was not even recognizable chic wiring is generally a very chic basement here every now and then upstairs part 2 leif reading when it is cloudy now it is shortly after 6 p.m.

At the beginning of august it is serene over Moving clouds also not, it was totally cloudy you can clearly see on the recordings of the satellite film shows an elongated band of clouds that I stretched from the northern sea over southern England to northwestern Spain let's see if something is fed in because they are quite covered from solar cells even with rain 67 in watt 200 million peer that means you will definitely read an often used comparative value or general value in the atom n a performance value for a photovoltaic system is the average annual yield per kilowatt peak per kilowatt peak, a solar yield of 900 to 1100 kilowatt hours can be expected the system works very well because these are values ​​of over 1000 watts per kilowatt peak and that's it really good specific yield is the ratio of useful yield over a certain period of time i hope a year and installed module power you can calculate the specific yield based on real measured values ​​at any point during the running time step one read off the total yield on a specific date then the operating time determine in days for this there are also online tools here a time span calculator commissioning to reading date calculate time span result 4084 days or just under 353 million seconds therefore we now have to take the days and calculate the years with decimal places and not in comma months comments probe rn just calculate the annual average yield from it and then finally divide it by the specific pv peak output of the system.

In our system that is around 800 30 kilowatt hours per kilowatt peak per year that is of course a little worse than michael da's explanation for the deviation the standard ones are like shading many trees you have seen light angle of incidence conduction losses snow cover is less applicable to us but also interesting because of the north-south slope the south is considered a rather sunny region that can also be seen here on this map in the south in germany there is about a fifth more solar radiation, however, there is also more snow cover in southern germany further reasons the age of the latitude the south-westerly location so even if we only have a yield of about 800 29.48 kilowatt hours per kilowatt peak one must at least acknowledge that this already in the design s data for 2009 it was always followed by further house numbers and a small exchange of blows 44 40 gigawatts is installed currently around 52 gigawatts of photovoltaic power are installed back then photovoltaic electricity was a very expensive source of energy back then there was concern that it would normally burden the electricity price That is why a 1 52 gigawatt cover was introduced back then this cover has almost been achieved and it has achieved its goal and that is why we can create this for you: the installed net power is overall favorable scale up to 2 112 gigawatt group meanwhile more onshore wind energy than photovoltaics installed and both are installed the front runner in terms of total installed capacity compared to electricity generation, we are house numbers at around 500 to 550 terawatt hours only solar is relatively little at 45 terawatt hours as a whole, photovoltaics make up a rather smaller part of the overall mix, although the installed capacity is proportionate This means that the maximum output is never measured as the power fed into the grid, but rather 17 percent, we can even install a lot more, there is still a lot of space left , very brand new, the photovoltaics in July 2020 was almost the strongest power generation sky in Germany and who was the front runner very close to the wind energy but all the better or around 7 terawatt hours of photovoltaics in July amazing and just to chop on it again the hard coal-fired power plant datteln 4 runs in the middle of summer at noon with a full output of 1,000 60 megawatts that shows us we have a lot too little photovoltaic installed and that is a lesson we should take a lot more pharmacies germans sit it is yes, as you can easily see when the photovoltaic was removed, no damage was caused because the cover has not yet been reached no, but we have this choice 2013 bugged if you had left then we would have been too sorry Then there was the fact that all the renewable energies from pm10 bmw i migrated and that did not do us any good for the removal of the pv cover, the federal ministry of economics is responsible, the ministry of economics said to find them well so that I have to do it myself then the federal network agency commissioned something else and would like to browse more data just like me who can browse the website of the federal network agency at this point a thank you to jonas for the reference here there is current electricity market data generation trade and reserve yes nice picture And apart from that, don't forget the ones in the charts but the analysis shows I can change myself if the sun doesn't shine whether I now know that the sun is shining or whether it fell five percent in august 2010, divorced skin by 2015 yes so I would no climatologist while he himself has the eeg remuneration due to the change in the laws ng out of tenders our sun changed everything and that would slow down the whole of hannover but with the transition to tenders it has become possible to generate photovoltaic electricity more than half cheaper than it was before how much does the planned cut hit the feed-in tariff by up to 30 percent the solar companies that are up to 40 percent even which we have to cope with here the best technology cannot do this china is often cited as a reason because china subsidizes the industry, germany subsidizes but also facts check is pv electricity subsidized 1 the subsidy takes place via a selective consumption levy which is partly charged for self- produced and consumed pv electricity and if fossil nuclear electricity generation is subsidized yes the fraunhofer isi thinks fossil and nuclear electricity is sold at prices that hide its external costs and deport to the future n and i would be careful with the term subsidies or a quick debate: what have you actually been doing in other forms of energy to make them marketable.

When it comes to nuclear energy, we were n't so squeamish about it that we have been using renewables so far a cautious amount that is now important that there is no more uncertainty here because we ultimately depend on the investments we need access to capital and the banks are otherwise reluctant to invest in research development here to introduce more and more modern technologies into the market we have germany China has now invested billions in research and development worldwide. Chinese solar product this is an enormous competition with asia and here we need the backing of the federal government many german solar companies have their backs to the wall because there is one from china Considerable competition results in significant price pressure and this excess capacity will be difficult for all companies worldwide what the fact check says heraeus and wacker are sticking with german inverter production in asia politics generated massive investments in production capacities wage costs played a subordinate role due to a high degree of automation so germany would have in should invest more production capacities and not just invest in research the competitive position for module production in germany can be improved by increasing freight costs and long freight times from asia small players to quite justified questions how it is actually like living under the roof with a photovoltaic system on it you now need 40 degrees inside this is a warm radiation protection grille and a large part of this system will have a little shade again donates air for the roof tiles train and energy option but towards evening it will definitely be even hotter now the 17 06 34 outside still around 40 at 6 o'clock almost 35 degrees so i would say you do n't even notice that there is still electricity being produced next door and whether it really is earlier It got hotter under the roof because I am missing a reference measurement now, but I think it works nowadays if you allow the windows to look nice then it works so that there would be a pro argument here that with the system on it does not get so hot under the roof and despite underneath we have summer too little photovoltaic production here again we have too little for total now need more photovoltaic to get through the summer during the day the consumption is 25 to 30 gigawatts higher than at night with the 30 gigawatts of solar energy during the day including buried in the situation the midday peak opened the level to lower have no more that means take it home again we need a photo t so it can't go on n i think one must first of all be able to work not only in the foreground but also in the background we now come to the only maintenance measures that my father carries out on his system when he told me I did not see it how he did it watch out for important information the only maintenance worker carried out here is that by blowing the heat sink, my father slowed down every now and then with the compressor, you need the dust so that the cooling fins can cool better again this is a maintenance measure that anyone can easily carry out at home without specialist staff so i believe that here is the compressor that sometimes does the maintenance and repair costs of a pv system as soon as the pv system is installed the operating costs are low a photovoltaic system hardly needs any maintenance work and the maintenance costs are usually very low, that's why i go too assume that the probable The chances are that the system should actually work for more than 20 years, the inverter of course could be a problem again, but the prices for the inverters will also drop and should you actually fail then I would have an inverter with an integrated memory installed own consumption still to have that is a very tidy tool cellar here only small minds have order but a genius masters the chaos hard to believe what the sunshine has, apparently i tried again to pack everything in a video it just doesn't matter here are at least two ideas for pv spin-offs i could do a pv fact check with the help of the fraunhofer script does anyone know of other funny television reports that igp ev could scientifically examine otherwise i was concerned with the following question for a connection video about photovoltaic systems i had the idea of ​​the connection problem 20 funds to discuss the old systems in more detail and from now on I will make interesting suggestions what would you do when euro photovoltaic system celebrates its twentieth birthday also nonsense answers they are always important for example something with an immersion heater that occurs to me spontaneously that is about the performance of one Immersion heater a small fan or a small toaster has and we can expect that here per square meter of the sun great recycling ideas are also welcome, which are particularly important yes otherwise I would say enjoy the beautiful weather until then

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