Community Engagement Initiatives
The Vega Family Foundation (TVFF) provides innovative and holistic services through collaborative culture-building self-sufficiency among our service areas. Our community engagement focuses on addressing many of our communities' challenges through resident-led and designed initiatives through our partnerships with various support youth by engaging in depth with their community. This involvement includes opening doors to resources that promote and support mental and physical health. A healthy community is an important safety net for our young people.
Crisis Response Squad
TVFF’s-on-call Crisis Response Squad (CRS), recruited from our communities, provides immediate support to victims after an incidence of violence, through a wide range of services: transportation to the hospital, police station, or home; assistance communicating with loved ones; help understanding their rights and role in police investigations, and connection to critical resources like emergency financial assistance, relocation, or help with victim’s compensation application.
TVFF Response Team
A TCFF partnership with the 6th District precinct. The team works in the neighborhoods to proactively connect residents to resources such as counseling, healthcare and other necessary services provided by our partners. Each week, the 6thDistrict’s Response Team takes over a corner in the community and provides free food, live music and resource tables. Residents who want information about upcoming events and initiatives by the TVFF Response Team can email at [email protected]