Good afternoon to To me. Okay. >> Yes. So we can hear you and see you. >> So chat. >> We can hear you Councilmember Alvarez and see you. Can you hear us? >> I can. Do you think you think you? 35 switch over to my? Boats case to see? And I think it. >> All right. And I see Councilman Fleming, so it looks like we do have a welcome, everyone. Tara, February 14th, 2023. Centers, the City council. It is now 3.30, and we will be starting our meeting. Madam C manager. And fellow council members, Madam City Clerk, can you please call the roll? Yes, Council member staff will be absent for this meeting. >> Council member Rodgers here, Council member Okrepkie council member Fleming. Council member address. Vice Mayor MC Donald here, Mayor Rogers, President. Let the record show.
All council members are present with the exception of council member stop. Thank you. >> We'll begin our meeting today with the item. 3.1 interviews for our housing authority bacon scenes. The purpose of the housing authority is to ensure adequate decent, safe and sanitary housing. qualified people with in Santa Rosa consistent with federal, state and local laws. The housing authority primarily consist of the Santa Rosa Housing trust in rental housing assistance programs, both of which are responsible for improving the quality and affordability of housing within our city. Today, we will interview for applicants for the Housing Authority to fill 3 at-large vacancies each to serve a four-year term expiring December 31st. 2026. We will start with. Andrew Then we will continue with Jeremy Newton. in and Tony Meal in that order. Andrew Smith may be please invite you to the podium. Thank you. Thank you for being here today. >> Can play having me here. Appreciate that. No problem. Can you please tell us why we should point you to the housing Authority. Well, first of all. Housing is probably one of the most important items in our city too.
Keep the financial well-being going. We have a great place to live here for most of us. For those who who don't have a good place, we need to do something for them. It's an issue that I have followed building for, you know, middle income to lower income. I'm retired and I do a lot of a volunteer work the Committee for Transportation and Land and I have an interest in helping my city, you know, keep on being a good place to live.
And I don't the couple houses I've been fortunate, but I've been on the other side, were, you know, I didn't know ease have the money to buy something. We're live in a better place. And I take the time to read. I tend a lot of the meetings, for example, was at the meeting last year at the in April at the Steel Community Center to understand what the city was doing on the plan they were proposing and a lot of questions to be asked. I read all the documents that come in, especially the last one. So it's an interest I and I have the time to give back to my city. I think that's a very important. Thank you so much. >> Are there any questions from council members? Seeing none we would like to. Thank you, Mister Smith for coming here today. Thank you so much.
And we will be now going to Jeremy Newton. Thank you. Can you please tell us a little bit about yourself why you would be appropriate for the Housing Authority Board? >> Yeah, absolutely. And now thanks again for having me My name is Jeremy Newton. I was they be better. And a a group group in Houston graduated from the Naval Academy and flew fighter jets for a number of years.
Did a couple combat deployments in Iraq Afghanistan did some time in Washington, D.C., as a legislative affairs officer working in the Senate and then I'm left active to pursue a career in the commercial industry. Managing projects never seen budgets and things like Mostly manufacturing. I miss flying. So I got back in the My family and I moved back here to California Santa Rosa. I'm currently working as airline pilot for United Airlines the month in the Navy reserves. Throughout that been taught that as a citizen. You get involved in your community and you tackle the toughest issues one of the most pressing issues for this city, the region in the in general is is housing and most other issues can be drawn back to housing so I want to do my part to get on the housing authority. provide some solutions to this issue. >> Thank you so much, Jeremy. Do we have any questions from the council? Looking online? I see no questions.
Thank you very much for being here today. And we will now move on to in. Thank >> Good afternoon. Thank you for the opportunity apply again for the Housing Authority has been on it for for years. Been active is a chair chair for the Housing Authority. COVID and vice chair. Ben. Helpful in trying to get the housing authority to look requests from more objective nature in terms of putting a point process in place, diligently with the council the Housing Authority regard to the cdbg funds that came in for the disaster recovery. That was 38 million dollars, which is a big chunk of money. You're normally 6 to 7 million dollars. I like to be able to continue to work with that and work with the housing Authority. My background is been and finance for either developers are banks. I've been on both sides of either approving affordable housing finance structures and tax credits, structures or being working for developer and going for application.
So I've seen both sides honor from the from a lending standpoint, an applicant standpoint, housing for affordable needs is Reese is definitely strong need in this community like to be able to continue to help with that and help the city hit Sri numbers. And with that are doing better, the city is going very well right now into risen, be able to provide units and be able to continue to do that. Thank you very much for being here. >> Do you have any questions from council members looking online seeing none. Thank you very Council Rogers. >> It's actually it's not a question and it's I apologize.
I just want to thank you for your service. I particularly with the cdbg funds that's been really important for the community, as I want to appreciate the work that you've done with staff and the diligence on that. Thank you for the opportunity to do so. >> All right, seeing no additional comments or questions. Thank you very much for being here today. We will now to Tony Meal. >> Good afternoon. Why? should I be included? Great. I have a lot of heart for this issue for a number reasons. One of them is that I am a senior and I am currently looking for affordable housing so that I can retire. >> Not only that, I'm a member of the LGBTQ community and I feel like we're not really focusing enough there and meeting those needs. And being brought enough in our inclusion.
It's obvious that housing is not only a national, but regional crisis and we need to provide more housing for everybody. And definitely the age. Now where I want to be service and give something back to my community and love this place. I've lived here I moved here in the early 70's to go to Sonoma State from Southern California. And so the California native. And my whole family lives here. My kids, grandkids, etcetera, and I want this to be most wonderful place to live forever. Thank you.
>> Do we have any questions or comments from counsel at this time? Looking online, councilman, plenty. >> I see a question. I'm just wondering if the last if the mayor, the last person that state last person's name, one more time. Tony Tony, now know he's Tony Mail. It's a Nancy E L L. Like a little now. Are there any additional questions? Seeing? None. I'd like to thank you all for going through this process in your willingness to serve.
>> Our city in this capacity, housing is very important to all of city me, please facilitate our public comment. We're now taking public comments on item 3.1. If you're in the chambers and wish to make a comment and have not provided your name to the administrator at the top of the chamber. >> Please make your way to the podium. If you're participating via please raise your hand.
If you're dialing in via telephone, please down Knight Star 9 to raise your hand. You have 3 minutes for your comment and the countdown timer will alert at the conclusion of that period. Mister, do it. >> My name is doing to from Roseland housing advocate for decades. And I wanted to make sure that you folks understood one thing it actually is mentioned in your housing element and points out that there are 139 homeless veterans and Santa Rosa. And that 65%, which is over 90, are totally unsheltered. I just heard the comment from the gentleman from the United States Navy Air Branch.
Want to thank him for his service as long with Mister One who's been on the housing authority already. I would tend a number of a housing authority meetings overall the decades and what's really important, I think, is that you get. >> Some housing authority commissioners who understand the dynamic of actually putting housing and the downtown area, which the council has made a priority in the past. But the housing authority hasn't really prioritized and he's actually been funding housing at the outskirts of Santa Rosa on the far edges building in the green fields, not doing downtown priority development with the money from the Housing authority, some projects take decades like Lantana, which took 13 years. So we have this disconnect between the commissioners who get appointed and the council members who have priorities that they then set out for the staff and say this is what we're going to work on. So what I'm hoping is that whoever you pick today, you make a point of saying, hey, listen.
This whole process is supposed to be about getting more affordable housing downtown. And that actually came to the forefront 60 years ago, 60 years ago. Remember that when our housing authority was actually founded because we needed more affordable rental residential housing in Santa Rosa. And it was basically here in the downtown area where we were destroyed. Structurally sound businesses and buildings and build the towers that we have Bethlehem Towers. And so Rick, rest, we need more of those tall buildings down here. The housing authority could help for that one last thing just a little aside. I've applied for the housing authority before and I know my record should have been current inactive and I have a master's degree in city planning with the housing and community Development. Focus. So I'm kind of curious why wasn't in this round and where my paperwork went, probably just maybe got shuffled aside with the new mayor and stuff.
But keep in mind, I'm always willing to volunteer. I'm coming down here to volunteer all the time. Thank you for your time. >> Zoom host. Do we have any consume colors or any recorded messages? >> we do not have any hands raised as Thank excuse just went back down. We do not have any have phased nor do we have it messages. >> Thank you. So again, I would like to thank the for being here today we will be voting on this matter a little later on during our regular meeting, which will start at 4 o'clock. So we will now take a break until 4 o'clock. We were where we will resume our regular council meeting. Thank you. >> Thank you. Saying that it is. >> 04:00PM and we have a we will now begin our regular meeting for today, February 14th, 2023, Madam City May you please call the roll? >> Yes, Council member staff will remain absent for the remainder of the meeting.
Council member Rodgers here, Council member Okrepkie. Council member Fleming. Council member arrest. Vice Mayor MC Donald, your Mayor Rogers, president, let the record reflect all council members are present with the exception of council member stop. Thank you. We have a nose. session today. No closed session to report know, proclamations. So we're going to go down to item 8.1. Madam Cyn Mujer. >> Thank you, Mayor. Good evening. A mayor and council members our community empowerment update will be given by Daniel Gardenia. Thank you. >> Good afternoon. Madam Mayor and council members, when you speak into the mic a little bit. Yes, better. Alright. I'm done this in a while. Okay. So I'm younger. Do you know with the Office of Community Engagement here to give you a brief update on the community empowerment plan, starting with diversity equity inclusion and belonging spaces. Many grant program we are set to launch the program as of April. First, we're in the process of finalizing the application and a program materials that are associated with that there will be $150,000 through the end of this current fiscal year with another round of funding available July.
1st. Applications will be available on a first come first serve basis and we will be working review team on a quarterly basis to approve the applications that we receive. Second update is the citywide internship program. We have a total of 10 available positions interns through citywide internship program. Our part to participating city divisions include Siro community engagement and violence prevention as our PD planning, housing and community services, economic development and our arts in public places. Program. We've currently a community engagement and violence prevention have selected are 2 in turns. They start on February. 21st and will be assisting our team with engagement and outreach activities as well as activities pertaining to our department strategic plans and evaluation efforts.
Other departments are working on making their selections currently. And finally, next steps with the community empowerment plan just as a rough, a refresher there were a list of recommendations that were made to city Council in May of 2021. from our to our listening session report. I'm CE. These recommendations are non public safety focus recommendations, including creating an organizational culture that values public engagement with all community members and increasing access to public engagement opportunities.
Commitment to inclusion, diversity, equity, transparency and access and mandatory trainings and educational sessions. Sessions for city staff appointed and elected officials and members of our boards and commissions and through these recommendations, we've been working with the Sea collaborative over the last few years, as you well know, and their work really dovetails with these recommendations as well as the recommendations made in the resolution to declare racism a public health crisis. So we will continue to work with them and partner with HR and other city departments so that we can do a better job implementing programs and services through an equity lens. And that is my report. Thank you. >> We will now go to public comment on that item. We're not taking public comments on item. 8.1. If you're in the chambers and wish to make a comment and have not provided your name to the administrator, please make your way to the podium. If you're participating via zoom, please raise your hand. If you are dialing in via telephone, please down star 9 to raise your hand. You have 3 minutes for your comment and a countdown timer will alert you at the conclusion of that period.
>> My name is Dwayne Do with. I'm a firm believer in community empowerment and many of the people in my neighborhood of Roseland have been hopeful that once we as they called it, a community engagement department that we would get some empowerment. Unfortunately, there's a lot of people who haven't been able to participate as well as they might have liked. And there's not a real robust new sharing approach that's happening. So that the people from the disadvantaged underserved, an overburdened neighborhoods of our city are able to actually participate and feel empowered. It's not really happening yet. I can appreciate that. You've got staff and you've got people working on different things. But there needs to be a real world approach where the folks who actually are living and working in more an empowered neighborhoods. We are given opportunities in which they can become empowered.
The dilemma that we face with any bureaucracies, typically that it's more about what the bureaucracy has in mind, people in the community and what they think could occur. What we're hoping over in Roseland, especially now that after many years, a final annexation brought all of rose and into the city, which is over 10,000 people. When you actually look at the size of what was brought into Santa Rosa. And most of those folks, I don't really feel they get that chance to participate and feel empowered.
It's a matter of fact. I don't believe there's probably more than a few 100 maximum right now, even though the departments are working on the things that they try to do. And even though there's this effort going forward. People feel especially like in neighborhoods on West 9th and Link Street. Link Avenue. Get me. That the gangs are more empowered than the city and the citizens gang graffiti is everywhere over there, especially on that corner fence. And then once you leave the there, it moves further to the east and it stays there.
We used to believe that the city's taxes that were being paid in 2. The violence protection Violence Prevention Task Force, which was then going in to this new approach of what's happening recently. Just authorized that tax monies would help to empower the community. Tamp down violence and the gang activities that are occurring in various parts of the city. Roseland over there. Long link Lane West 9th and other places.
Those people feel like they're totally disempowered. They feel like they have no voice. No one's listening to him and that our efforts on this community empowerment opportunity, are not focused into a could be really helpful to the regular community members. So please take that to heart and give it a chance to help the regular members of the community. >> Zoom host. Do we have any colors on zoom or any recorded messages? >> Part of messages and there are no. Yeah, its raison stare. >> No, >> there are no doubts. >> Thank you very much.
We'll move on to item 9 city manager in city attorney's report. >> I have nothing to report this evening. Thank you. Good afternoon miss mayor and council I didn't want at least briefly alert use we are anticipating a change in remote participation in the rules governing remote participation in council meetings. >> We understand that the governor will terminating the >> emergency public health emergency due to at the end of this month. So starting in the provisions of a B 3.61, that have allowed you to participate constraint. Those provisions will expire and we'll be back 2, a couple of we have 3 Absent the 3.61. So existing Brown act We haven't been under those for a while, >> that is you can participate remotely but your must be posted on the agenda.
The precise location where you'll be participating from the meeting agenda must also be posted at the door of wherever you are in your remote location and your location must be made open and accessible to the public. So if you're calling in from your home, you have to post the agenda on your front door and let people in and let people participate in the meeting from from your home.
>> And the public has to have a means of participating. So, for example, a speakerphone would Those have been long in the Brown Act and those will be >> Back active now. We do have 2 new pass additional pass for participating remotely. Those put into law through a B. 24 49. And that's that you can participate remotely for just cause or in emergency circumstances. So very briefly, just need to care for a child or parent or grandparent, a sibling and or if you have a contagious illness that prevents you from attending in person or if you have a need this related to a physical or mental disability to participate remotely or if you're on business travel and business for the city or for another state or for the state or another local agency. If you want to use the just cause provisions to participate remotely, you should notify the city clerk at the earliest opportunity and give it just a general description of the circumstances that require you to participate remotely. Be aware you can only use that provision twice in any calendar And in addition at those meetings, if you do use that provision, you need to be participating.
Both audio and by visual technology and if anyone is in the room with you, that is over the age of 18. You need to identify who that person is and what their relationship is to you. 3rd, if you count the preexisting brown is under the emergency circumstances. Emergency circumstances are defined as any physical or family medical emergency that prevents you from participating in person. Again, you must in this case is not just that you have to notify the city clerk. You have to give that notification but request permission to participate remotely. And the council has to take action to authorize that remote participation. And then the same rules apply. Now, that's not in terms of 2, 2 meetings a but it is limited to no more than 3 consecutive months or more than of the meetings in any calendar year. And I'm just as with the just cause, but for provisions you need to participate by audio and visual on technology and you have to identify if there's someone in the room that's over 18.
I wanted to will not apply to the next your next meeting, but it will start to apply in March. So I want to alert you to that and I'll probably give you shorter reminder. And next time too. Thank you. And I have nothing else to report. Thank you. Madam City, attorney will be. Taking public comment on that item. We're now taking public comments on item 9. If you're in the chambers and wish to make a comment and have not provided your name to the administrator at the top of the chamber. Please make your way to the podium. >> If you're participating via zoom, please raise your hand. If you're dialing in via telephone. Please Dial star 9 to raise your hand. 3 minutes for your comments and a countdown timer alert you at the conclusion of that period.
Seeing no comments in the chambers zoom host. Do we have any comments on zoom or any proof recorded messages? >> Recorded messages we did not have anyone on 2. >> Thank you. Moving on to statements of abstention by council members. Council member of the press. Okrepkie. There you go. >> So I'll be abstaining from 30.6 13.7 is already voted on planning Commission. >> Any additional? Looking on seeing Madam City Can you please a public comment? We're now taking public comment on item 10. If you're in chambers and wish to make a comment have not provided your name to the administrator at the top of the chamber. Please make your way to the podium. >> If you are participating via zoom, please raise your hand if you are dialing in via telephone. Please Dial star 9 to raise your hand. You have 3 minutes for your comments and a countdown timer will alert at the conclusion of that period. Seeing no comment in chambers to host. Do we have any? Raised hands in zoom or any recorded messages.
>> Now, there are no messages now race to the zoo. >> Thank you. We will now move to item 11 mayor and council members reports 2, we have any reports. We'll start out council member Otters. All right. Welcome back, everybody >> since we last met, we had clean power have their monthly meeting. Their first win of the year. Just a primer and a little bit of an update. We've been working through what's called The G O Zone. It's a partnership between stomach clean power. Sonoma County Board of Supervisors in Marine County Board of Supervisors. And the goal is to create additional geothermal capacity for 500 megawatts of geothermal in the western region. I think is the best way to put it. We're currently in Sonoma County, one of the only places in the world that can do 24 7, renewable local energy. So the idea is to produce additional geothermal capabilities. So far we partnered with one group out of Nevada for 60 megawatts and at this last week we got an update on 2 more projects.
One is an expansion of the existing contract with Calpine. That's 25 megawatts. And then also open mountain energy up in bottle Rock in Lake County for an additional 7 megawatts. We also because it was the beginning of the year set our rates that we had discussed in December. We pegged the rates for stomach clean power to 5% below PG. And e's bundled rate for electricity. It be even lower if the state would fix the PCI. A issue and we can talk about that. If if council members need to and then we modified hour EV Charger infrastructure program. So right now, anybody who is a member of snow, the clean power can get 50% off a level 2 electric vehicle charger before it's installed and they get get additional savings if they enroll in the grid savvy program. So the cost, if you are to be clean power member and invest in the EV charging infrastructure would be between $0 and $100 for you to install it based on which charging you select and whether you enroll in some of these programs.
So good things for us to highlight for folks. We did see we went over looking at a 2.9 billion in dollars coming to California from the California Energy Commission to expand EV infrastructure our staff is working on going after that. And we've got our update from last year's car sales right now, California is 10% of the cars in the United States and represented 40% of the electric vehicle sold, including one out of every 5 cars here in Sonoma County. We also CTA, Rcp 8 where we really start 2022 annual report. We passed a model Tree protection ordinance that will be coming to each of the cities and the county for discussion. And we got an update on a potential funding measure that's been worked on moving forward for 2024, I've also report was reelected as the chair Ctr CPA at our meeting last week. Finally today we had a special economic development subcommittee meeting where we heard an update on our enhanced infrastructure finance district and just want to thank staff for their diligent work on that as well.
Thank you. Councilmember Rogers. >> Vice Mayor McDonald. Thank you, Mayor I do want to make a few more appointments tonight. I'm Andrea Rodriguez will be continued to serve on the community advisory board under my appointment. I want to thank her for her continued service to our community. >> And Doug McKenzie will continue to serve on the bicycle and pedestrian advisory board. Under my appointment. I want to thank him for his continued service. And I will be appointing Omar Lopez to the Board of Community Service. Omar is a new appointment he is in his second year political science student at the Santa Rosa Junior College.
He lives in Santa Rosa since 2013 after moving from Mendocino County, he's it's super energetic member of our community. And he is working for a generation housing, a local nonprofit. He's previously served the Santa Rosa City Schools. Board of Education is a student board member. So he has a background in governance and understands how to be prepared for these meetings. So he's worked on campaigns and and he loves Santa Rosa and wants to be involved in. So I'm super happy to appoint him to this role. I also attended the meant month event at place to play with Mayor Rogers. just want to say I was super helpful that day and she can speak to that. I also met with the Santa Rosa Metro Chamber recently attended the League of Cities Conference in L a and there I was able complete my ethics training as well as have an overview of what they do for the California cities and we talked about their legislative conference.
That's coming up in April. And it was great that we have our policy platforms that we just adopted. We're way ahead of the game. I do want to say congratulations to the saver. Bennett Valley Cough course group for their recognition and receipt of a community service award. I was able to attend the California Parks and Recreation annual awards banquet this past weekend and was able to see them receive that award. So congratulations to them. And for being a bright spot in our community. And last night I was a speaker at Census Santa Rosa met with Damon Connelly's office and recently had some onboarding meetings for GSA as well as a violence prevention committee that I will be cherry.
And with that, that concludes my report. Thank you. Councilmember Okrepkie. Thank >> a few weeks was able to attend the dedication of The structure on a courthouse square the sculpture was as beautiful as a great and then on February second, I was able to attend the housing one workshop my generation, housing or Gen age is very A workshop on multitude of issues, but it comes to and then that evening, I was able to attend the 2019 employees Service Awards for the City. Santa Rosa that's a great event, including a recognizing 35 years of service of one Parks Department employee.
They didn't look like it a day over 34 years of service and on the 4th floor went to the farm Bureau Crab feed the greats of the crab feed. as always, it was a fantastic event and a good time. And last week I was able to go to Washington, D.C., on a personal trip but was able to meet with legislative lobbying Why was and see the beautiful view from their offices over the capital, which is really cool. And then finally, I'm excited to to announce that the city is kicking off a new cleanup and beautification program called the Clean Santa The first event will be in my district district 6 we will be gathering at the former Kmart site on Cleveland that will be this Friday. The 17th from 10:00AM to 01:00PM and a 3, 7, 7, one. Cleveland have a clean Santa Rosa. A great way for the community. Get involved. The volunteer and join city staff to take care of our city and show community support.
>> Thank you, Councilman That was me Council plumbing. >> Thank you, Mayor the Enterprise district met on Monday and we had our reorganization David Rabbit will now be our chair and I will be our vice chair going forward. for finalized our commitment to continue moving toward extending our joint powers agreement participate or to put ourselves 2 jurisdictions for essential function, bonds, which will allow. >> Jurisdictions in the region to eventually. Place properties into trust to maintain them as in a way that is a more ethical and more affordable, frankly, then some of the more predatory joint that are operating in the area, which I'm sure some of you have heard about. And then the Metropolitan Transportation Commission met a couple weeks ago and we said goodbye to our outgoing executive director, Trees McMIllan and thanked her for her service. And we selected a new executive director and the firm ear and there was one other thing. and I remember what it I'm going to be placing a Jorge in a sense you on a community advisory board for the Southwest position.
I'm in agreement Mister Alvarez Councilman Route for us. And then also be placing double Faulkner on the art in public board. So thank you all for being willing to serve. Thank you. Are there any additional reports from council members? >> Councilmember covers. >> Yes, thank you, Mayor. I'm just reporting been conversations with the former Senator Wessel a San Diego who's been very successful with acquisition of funds for property. >> Efforts. is the same thing. >> yes, you will be in town tomorrow on a separate visit. So what really couples and once it really just purposes. So fellow House members respect Let's join me for for conversation with him. I would be more than happy a really long and just learn about what works for First to pour in funds to so private sectors and as well as federal and state it's getting ourselves on what can be done to that every live that is the leverage >> Thank you.
My reporter is kind of so I will try to get through it fast as I can I, too, was at the UN and dedication. And if you have not made it a to courthouse square to see it, please do. It is very beautiful. I'm definitely want to thank our arts in public places, a committee that took charge of that and made it happen. So thank you very much. I was able to participate in the point in time. Count if you have not done that and we need to do it twice a year. I mean, twice once every 2 years. But we actually do it once a year. So and that is where we count our unhoused that we have in our community. It helps us to it one, keep track of how we are doing to see if our numbers are increasing decreasing. And if we need to go back to the drawing board to do something different.
So I was able to do that with a a lot of county employees, not so many city employees, but it was still very fun. Lack in tack meeting on February 2nd, it was lobbied a delegation of Sonoma Water whack in tack representatives held a Sacramento lobby day I attended and I met with staff from offices of Assembly member, Connelly Assembly member. Would Senator just to name a few in the delegation met directly with Senator McGuire, along with executive staff and the California Department of Water Resources. And we regional issues such as forecast him for Reza bore operations. A drought aging infrastructure in groundwater sustainability issues the Russian river supply conditions. Is something that was discussed at the lack intact meeting. Sonoma Water staff provided a very optimistic water supply update will both with both Reza Boars. I'm looking like they will be filled and the U.S.
Army Corp of Engineers may flood releases from Lake Mendocino in January. So it is definitely looking a lot brighter than it was about a month ago. Sonoma 2003, 2004 water transmission system. Budget update was provided some water has been meeting with attack ad hoc finance subcommittee to review their proposed fiscal year 2003, budget. In the water transmission budget cinema, water will be presenting their recommended budget to the board of Public Utilities and the City Council for our review and potential recommendation in late March. And lastly, Sonoma, water, infrastructure report. Technical staff provided to updates regarding their transition to a new computerized maintenance and management systems in 2023. that will improve their system rate reliability and shared a video that highlighted the completion of 2 retrofit projects that will improve the overall system reliability for 2 So that is what's going on with water. Moving along to a park a month. I was able to at a place to play this past Saturday. A lot would like to thank all the volunteers that did come out and also a special thank you to not only our community members that came out, but some of our staff that came out on their own time to help make the park look.
And feel like a much brighter place in a place that people really want to go to to recreate. So thank you very much for that. I was able to visit the vineyard at had lunch with some seniors. I learned about some of the issues that our seniors are facing now in our and was able to take a tour of the facility. And lastly. Hoping to get into lastly, don't know the Farm Bureau, a crab was very delicious and very fun. A lot of networking it. And I was able to see a lot of people that I no in the community, but also meet some people that I did not know. The police department briefings. I was able to visit our police department.
It was to visit of I hope many to come and I really enjoyed myself and I want to thank them for inviting me and allowing me to come into their space. So that was very nice. And it was very nice to just sit down with them. We have some coffee and doughnuts and it was great. So thank you very much for that. I would like to make some appointments so for our in public places, the chair will be and garden. For Board of Community Service Logan gets will be our chair Community Advisory board will be Callum weeks and for the Board of Public Utilities.
I'm thankful that Dan Calvin will continue to serve chair. Lastly, I have a little something here that I would like to read. >> So please bear with me. I would like to honor I'm Stephanie Williams who will be retiring soon. Stephanie has been a valued employee for the city of Santa since 1992 when she was hired as a clerk typist for the utilities department. Stephanie has served in various roles, including sect Secretary, Confidential Administrative Secretary, Deputy City clerk and now city clerk this past year, Stephanie was so deserving. Lee awarded the Employee of the Year in the City manager's office.
Stephanie is the ultimate professional and is a prime example of a public servant. Stephanie, we wish you the best and your dedication and hard work will be missed. Thank you for a job. Well done. Thank you so much. >> Thank you so much for I just want to that it has been an honor to the organization for 30 years and especially to serve the council this council and pass councils throughout my career. You have everyone has helped me grow personally and professionally over the past 30 years and it has been a wonderful experience for me. And I definitely will miss everybody. But I will be kind of keeping my eye. I see what you guys are but thank you so much for the recognition. I do appreciate it. Thank you. Just looking to council to see if there any comments before we go to public comment.
>> Okay. Thank you very much. City clerk community. Please go to public comment. We're now taking public comments on item 11.1, if you are in the chambers and wish to make a comment and have not provided your name to the administrator. >> At the top of the chamber, please make your way to the podium. If you are participating via zoom, please raise your hand if you're dialing in via telephone.
Please dial star 9 to raise your hand. You have 3 minutes for your comment and a countdown timer will alert you at the conclusion of that period. >> Doing to it. Thank you, Mayor Rogers, for all of your outreach in going to the parks in person and participating, especially because place to play. He's been in the works for 25 years. We have set up called the Santa Rosa Youth Athletic Field trust put together before the turn of the century to help raise funds to get that place fully built. And as you can see why you are out there, it still needs a lot of tender loving care. I'm glad that you are there and I'm glad that you're looking at the other parks in your involving other good people. Especially good people are the park's people. It's really a difficult thing that our city doesn't have as many parks employees as we used to at the lower levels. And we don't even have a tree maintenance team like we used to have with 11 employees to take care of a lot of that stuff. So I'm hoping that you and all your enthusiasm.
We'll keep on pushing to make our parks better and will reach out give us even more young people of color, diversity in those jobs. Those entry level parks and maintenance type jobs, which we really need. Thank you so much for your time and your efforts on all that you're doing and all the rescue council members who also gave reports today. Thank you so much.
>> Mayor and members of the council and Stephanie. Thank you, Stephanie. You. You answered more from friends of mine in a very timely and thorough manner. And that's what I think a clerk is all about. You've been a terrific intermediary between the community and the council and we're going to miss you. But I'm going to take you up on that offer to around keeping an eye on this. Thank you. >> Seeing no other comments in the chambers zoom host. Do we have any zoom comments are recorded messages. >> Now there are no reported messages and no raised on sale.
Thank you. >> Will now move to item 11.2 board commission and committee appointments. Today. The council may vote to make an appointment to fill our to make 3 appointments to fill 3 at large positions for the Housing Authority H to serve a four-year term set to expire on December 31st. 2026. At 3.30, today the council had the opportunity to interview for applicants. Andrew Smith, Jeremy Newton, in in Tony Mill. The purpose of the housing authority is to ensure adequate. The Senate safe and sanitary housing for qualified people with in Santa Rosa consistent with federal, state and local laws.
The housing authority primarily consist of Santa Rosa Housing trust in rental housing assistance programs, both of which are responsible for improving the quality and affordability of housing in our city. I will now look to the council for a motion to fill the first of the 3 at large vacancies or if you would like to. Do all 3. And we can agree upon that. Is that? Yes, you may make a motion either to fill one or for to fill all 3. >> And in the alternative, you may conduct process of elimination if you prefer, but you may do it simply by motion.
Perfect to looking at council member Rogers. >> Thank you, By first for the first one, as I'd like to move to reappoint Mister Owen. >> Second, a Madam City clerk may be please call the vote. Council member Rogers. Council member Okrepkie. I. Council member Fleming. Council member Alvarez. Vice Mayor McDonald. I Mayor Rogers, I the motion passes with 6 ties with council member staff being absent.
Looking to build a second at large, they can see. Council member Okrepkie. >> Make a motion to appoint a chairman in. >> City clerk me please call the vote. Councilmember Rogers. I. Council member Okrepkie. I council member Fleming. I Council member Alvarez. wants Mayor McDonald. I? Mayor Rogers, I the motion passes with 6 eyes with council member Stapp being absent. And now we're looking to fill. >> The 3rd and final. The housing authority. >> Seeing no rains. I think the council is going to just a point that too. Seats. >> That were voted upon an agreed upon. if I can clarify so your intent would be to leave 3rd position vacant. >> It looks like it. Vice-mayor McDonald. I just have a clarifying question and perhaps staff let us know the process for going out for applications. >> And then how applications are received. So that the public is aware of this process and and maybe we're a little bit more aware of that as well. appreciate that. >> So >> I'm saying that we are soliciting applications from persons interested in serving on the housing authority.
We run that through all over media channels and in the press, Democrat. And it is also posted online. That ad has website linked to fill out an app? The application online, you can also submit a hard copy that we can. You can mail an and then went to those applications are received. We give them to the council to review and then we will interviews like we did today. just to be clear on this now that we have one spot, they can't will we have an opportunity to go back out again? >> have applications open again for the public to yes, that was going to be my question. If a council would like us to.
>> Put out another recruitment ad for to solicit additional applications. We can do that. >> Do we need to make a motion for that or can we just direct staff to go back out again? You can just direct staff to go out and do that, OK, we have another hand raised. So let me go to Councilman Flemings. >> Before we, thank you, Mayor. I have a question that a suggestion that my question is. Does having a vacancy create any issues in obtaining corum's to conduct the business of the housing authority, which and the other question what the mayor find it reasonable that each member of the body might see might choose between one of the 2 remaining applicants so that we could fill the slot this evening in or go.
The difficulty putting that extra work on staff. >> Can we have staff answer the first question, please. Can you promote Director Best do please? >> Good afternoon. This is making passenger director of housing and Community Services. Council member Fleming, can you please repeat the first question? >> The question does having a vacancy cause issues in reaching Corum or other administrative issues in the housing authority that can business. >> I >> would get to appointments that you have made during the course of this meeting. We will have 6 out of 7 positions filled. So I don't anticipate there being foreign issues. Ideally, we have a full a commission, but 6 of the 7 will allow us to continue doing our business. Okay. Thank But it could have. >> Allow split votes.
That sort of thing. Corrects. So then thank you very Is that my question is with the mayor find my appropriate. >> I would find your prior to going there. I would like to make a motion for Andrew Smith. To be appointed a second. city clerk. Can you please call the vote? Council member Rogers now? Council member Okrepkie know. Council member Fleming. Council member Vice Mayor McDonald. I. Mayor Rogers The motion passes with 4 eyes, 2 no votes and council member Stapp is absent. Thank you. I would like to take the time to think all of the applicants and also to let the public know >> that there are additional positions available on our boards and commissions. So if you wanted to take a look at that, we would more than welcome that we need to get those positions filled. So again, thank you to the applicants that apply for that for the Housing Authority. And now this mayor before we move forward, I just want to note that the housing authority bylaws do require a resolution. So we will bring back a resolution.
>> That's your next meeting on consent calendar with those 3 appointees. Perfect. Thank you. city attorney. Because public comment was made. >> Initially during the interview process is that correct? Thank you very much. We will now move to item told approval of minutes. >> We have 12.1 12 point to 12.3 in those are minutes for November. 15th 2022 November. 29th 2022.
In December 6 2022. Are there any corrections? That council would like to me? >> Seeing >> Madam City clerk. May please. So it a public comment. >> We're now taking public comment on item 12. If you're in the chambers and we should make a comment and have not provided your name to the administrator at the top of the chamber. Please make your way to the podium if you're participating via zoom, please raise your hand. If you're dialing in via telephone. Please Dial star 9 to raise your hand. You have 3 minutes for your comment and a countdown timer. Well alert at the conclusion of that period. Seeing no comment in Chambers. Zoo host. We have any comments on zoom or any pre-recorded messages. >> There are recorded messages and now, yeah, it's raised in single. Thank you. >> We will adopt the minutes as presented. We will now move to our consent calendar. Madam City Clerk. Item 13.1 is a motion authority to issue design, build a request for proposals. >> For the Fulton Road Riparian Habitat Mitigation Project. Item. 13.2 is a resolution amended council policy.
0, 0, 0 Dash 4, 7, community promotion funds. 13.3 is a resolution approval Second Amendment to General Services agreement. 0, 0, 2, 0, 7, 1, to extend the term of the contract increase compensation with Matrix Hg incorporated for HVAC maintenance services. 13.4 is a resolution approval of amendment to blanket purchase order 1, 6, 6, 1, 4, 9, with Smothers, Parts International Incorporated Santa Rosa, California, for the purchase of automotive automotive parts and supplies. Item. 13.5 is a resolution speed limits on Cross Creek Road.
Item. 13.6 ordinance adoption. Second reading ordinance of the Council of the City of Santa Rosa Preez owning the property is located at 4, 6, 4, 6, Badger Road and 9, 9, 9, Middle Rincon Road also identified as a sister's parcel numbers. 1, 8, 2, dash, 1, 2, 0, Dash, 0, 3, 4, and 1, 8, 2 dash, 1, 2, 0, 0, 3, 5, respectively. Our dash one dash 6 single-family residential zoning district found an axe to one Dash, 0, 0, 1, Item, 13.7 ordinance adoption. Second reading ordinance of the Council of the City of Santa Rosa rezoning. The property located at 1, 6, 0, 0 Manzanita Avenue also identified as assessors parcel number 1, 8, one Dash, 0, 3, 0, Dash, 0, 0, 5, to the R Dash 4, 0 Dash sr residential scenic Road combining district zoning district file an axe to one Dash 0, 0, 2, item, 13.8 is a resolution making required monthly findings and authorizing the continued use of teleconferencing for public meetings of the city council and all the city's boards, commissions and committees pursuant to Assembly Bill 3, 6, 1, until such time that the state and county declarations of public health emergency are lifted.
Thank you. Bring it back to council. Are there any questions from the consent Calendar Council member Rogers? >> Thank you. Mayor got some questions about item 13.2, please. And then I'd like to ask a couple questions about 13.3. Start with council member Rogers. Thank you. director. >> Yes, hello. I'm so for 13.2, I would like promote to the panel. She is a available to answer questions on this item. I >> So from my reading of the the way that the process will work out for community funding is the council will approve a set amount each year in the budget. By eliminating council members from serving on the committee.
That reviews requests. >> And a lot of the other folks that are on the committee. How will the public understand what the money has been spent on and what level of accountability will there be on the dollars? >> So for one thing, what we definitely want to do starting with the question about the amount so it's not typical to a program set by a policy within the policy and we were able to well, not we weren't able to, but it was always done through the budget process. Anyway. And so this gives councilman flexibility with the funds weather it goes higher or lower.
So that's one thing. It's it's just taking the amount out of the policy itself. The other thing want to allow for more transparency to the program and historically there was only one council that had served on selection panel and really it was few people from inside the who so the process itself will be more as will be And we clarify the process and then review of in the budget allocations will still be done through council council have an opportunity as it has in the past to still what's what we're recommending to be it.
>> Okay. So just to clarify, we'll set in the budget. The total amount. But then each of the individual requests will still have to come back on the agendas of the public can see what the dollars are being spent on. >> If I recall correctly, that's how we've done in the past. We're not proposing to change that process. >> Just looking for confirmation.
Okay. Thank you. Vice Mayor McDonald. Thank you so much. I just have a couple questions on item. 13.3. I see that this HVAC contract that's be increased by $65,000. Have we looked our in-house maintenance workers to be able service our HVAC equipment and and just for clarification, does this contract is to include servicing changing filters what else does this particular contract included says equipment. It breaks. It replaces equipment, but I'm assuming that that would be a different fee. >> Mayor McDonald, my name is Doug Williams and the facility maintenance and operations coordinator. Wow, I'll start the increase is not an increase of a $60,000. It was. It's it's a 15% increase over last year. 2 years ago, we went out for a request for proposals age factor, a contractor to do maintenance on HVAC units. This is just a extension. It was 2 years, a guaranteed. And then 3 years we come back each with their proposal.
We've been happy with their service the facility staff and Matrix has has worked really well. As for your question about in-house, I have a look at that. I called the city of San Francisco city of Oakland, City of San Jose and they have what is called a a a stationary engineer position, which is an HVAC technician essentially. We did look at that. The cost of that was about the same as cost for electrician. But at the time it was decided that we were not creating new positions in the city and we herring. New folks at that time. >> Thank you for that clarification.
And then just so I'm clear on the contract. Is this for one building or how many buildings, just this particular maintenance contract cover for our facilities. >> This is for all the general fund the building. So it's going to be all or fire stations are wrecked buildings. A police station city and the sea north-south. So basically all the general fund and 6. >> Thank you so much today. the clarification. >> Not a problem. Look at the council to see if there any additional questions looking online, seeing none council member Rogers in Vice Mayor did your questions get answered? Are we looking at pulling any items? Thank you very much, mayor.
Coming can I just ask a clarifying question to Councilman Rogers, are you comfortable with the process? So long as there's the accountability of being able to explain back to the public. But we use the funds on. >> That's what I was can. The only thing I was concerned about is making sure of council members are not in the selection process but have the opportunity in budgets. Talk about what it is for. And then there's reporting after the fact to the public on how it was used. I'm fine with that. Thank you. >> Thank you. Seeing no additional questions. >> Or comments from the council members will go city clerk for public comment. >> We're now taking public comments and item 13. If you wish to make a comment in person and have not provided your name to the administrator at the top of the chamber. Please make your way to the podium if you're participating via zoom, please raise your hand.
If you are dying in dialing in via telephone, please Dial star 9 to raise your hand. You have 3 minutes for your comment and a countdown timer. are you at the conclusion of that period? >> Hello, my name is Dwayne to from Roseland 2 items. 13.2 13.8, 13.2 community promotion funds has been confusing to a number of members of the public in the past. And it seemed it had been basically a fund to help the Chamber of Commerce and other activities going forward and some sort I guess many people in many parts of the community felt it was a lockbox.
You had to know somebody to get something. And if you are in the know nothing was coming your way. So with which funding mechanism set up and it always seems that it's the same folks getting money. There's many in the community that wonder how does this all work? Mister Rogers pointed out the public awareness is important, perhaps what should be done is there should be some sort of a mechanism which you could actually have public workshops and tell the public how they could participate and the opportunity to gain funds for community promotion in their area, especially in disadvantaged underserved and overburdened communities such as Rosen. Now looking 13.8, one of the things that's been very helpful. Is that you do these meetings now on a hybrid matter. With the governor and getting ready to and walk out, if you will. That has kept many people from participating. It was pointed out to me by one of the zoom stirs that I know that it's actually been more helpful for those folks who are zoomers to be involved.
Many folks don't want to come down here and sit around in a meeting and participate in the old civic kind of approach that was there back in the old days. They would prefer to have something where they could call in. And it's really been quite helpful to a number of people to make comments while sitting at home relaxing at whatever time of the day, these meetings might be going on. So I'm advocating that you keep this format going that you have now where people can call in, they can participate in this meeting without having to be here in person. But at the same time, you allow. All of the meetings that the city has all public meetings to be open once again to the public. That includes every committee, small committee such as the Waterways Advisory Committee, which used to be open to the public, get all these things back open and then make it even better by allowing them to also have this new 21st century technological approach where you can zoom instead of boom, if you will, us boomers got to come because we just feel comfortable with that.
But as you go and you can assume let everybody participate as much as possible. And one last thing in the past, it's been mentioned that there used to be longer opportunities for people to participate and have public comment up to 5 minutes in the past. When you have a meeting with not a lot of work, I don't think he should have a 3 minute limit. Thank you. >> Seeing no additional comments in chambers to host. Do we have any comments on zoo? >> There are no comments According Tom now raised on Sue. >> Thank you. Vice Mayor McDonald. Can you please promotion on Yes, I'd like to move item 13.1, 3, 13.5 and item 13.8.
Ms Mayer. make We do not on public comment. >> But I do want to note that, although the restrictions that I mentioned with the expiration AB 3.61, those limitations respect our with respect to the council members themselves the public. It is our intent to continue to operate hybrid for the public. So the public will still be able to participate without through zoom. from thank you. We have motion second. And the second from council member Rogers. city clerk. Can you please call the Council member Rogers? Council member Okrepkie.
All right. Council member Fleming. Council, member arrests. All Vice Mayor McDonald, I Mayor Rogers, I. The motion passes with 6 eyes with council member stop being absent. >> I'd like to move item 13.6 13.7. We have a motion from Vice Mayor McDonald in a second council member Rogers. >> City Clerk committee please call the vote. Councilmember Rogers. I. Council member Okrepkie abstain. Council member Fleming. Council, member arrests. Vice Mayor MC Donald, I. Mayor Rogers, I. The motion passes. With 5 Eyes Council member staff is absent and council member of quick pick. He has abstained. We will now move to item Our public comment on non agenda items. This is an opportunity for the public to speak to counsel matters that are not listed on this agenda, but which are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the council.
City clerk may be please have public comment. Right now. Take a public comment on item 14 non agenda matters. This is a time when any person may address the council on matters not listed on the agenda that winter within the subject matter jurisdiction of the council. If you wish to make a comment in person have not provided your name to the administrator at the top of the chamber. Please make your way to the podium. If you're participating via zoom, raise your hand. If you're dying, dialing in via telephone, please down star 9 to raise your hand 2 or 3 minutes for your comment. And a countdown timer will alert at the conclusion that that period well takes 12 speakers under item 14. If we have more than 12 public comments on item 14, the remaining speakers will be afforded an opportunity to speak on item 18 non agenda matters to provide public comment.
Mister fear him. >> And the mayor and members of the council, my name is Gregory Ferrand a year and a half ago I came before the council an announcement that some of you knew about, but hardly any of us knew that the impact it might have. He was called Arpa and it brought to the council and to the county an awful lot of money that was flexible and then help to solve a lot of problems and it at least begin to address a few others. Today. I'd like to bring you announcement, a kind of Valentine president. Some of you have been watching and listening to what did subsequent to the Cares Act. The Cares Act contain the arpa funds. But there were 2 other trillion dollar legislative packages and acronyms, you probably should begin to listen to.
One is called The B I L and see it was the bipartisan infrastructure law and the other is called I R a and it's it was see, it's now referred to as the Inflation Reduction Act. Both of those are going to give you a combined 5 times more money than you got from our You will be getting money for what? What the governor and a couple of other sort of mentioned yesterday he has a council, the governor of California called Kauai Ch and I attended a lot.
It's called the California enter Departmental Council on homelessness. Cow. I C H there will now be a cow. I see everything else in government because what didn't get funded under cares. Act would didn't get and homelessness and there are things like is, you know, bridges, roads, you do the broadband transportation education, a whole lot of other things that you are responsible for. And then you have ambitions for. We are going to be funded. The National Association of counties yesterday heard from 7 additional special assistants to the president who will now join the cabinet, heading departments larger than in some cases the existing departments it was wonder and a thrilling to a lot of us who have sort champion the we can work with government to get things done statement some of you I have known about the statement and people often deride government by saying hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to help from the community point of view.
We've always wanted to partner with you and lots of projects. >> And we found ways of doing that. And I think these 2 bills, these this bunch of money >> is going to make it a lot easier for us to do that. happy Valentine's Day. >> Next step will be doing do with followed by Peter Allen. >> Hello, my name is Dwayne Do with them from Roseland. What I have here is a document from 50 years ago. And 50 years ago on the 6th of May right here in this building. >> Right here at this place. And this time May 6, 07:30PM, next Fall and Transportation Commission came to Santa Rosa. Talk about how important it is to have housing. >> In the core areas of the city and how if you have housing in the core area of the city, it makes things better than the urban sprawl that we've been doing all over Santa Rosa. It's a matter of fact.
Many people in the Bay Area call this sprawl. Rosa, because we've brought all the way out to Wood Avenue up by Fulton. And all the way out past Bellevue. And now we're going to get ready to go take Moreland, go all the way down past Todd Road. Have to keep that in mind. We're going to have this housing that you've talked about for 50 years. This core housing, not fringe housing. He's going to have to come with you, folks having the political will to make sure that we get to higher density the taller buildings here in downtown Santa Rosa, like 50 years ago, when they put in the bell, Bethlehem Towers Silvercrest the 3 tallest buildings in Santa Rosa. Are here near the core. They're for seniors. And Rosen where I'm from.
We need seniors, housing. We came down here a while back. We talked with the about the lot. That was right next to exchange Bank on Sebastopol Road and debt. Now Avenue, we're 12 story building could have been put in. But instead city staff's allowing something that's probably going to be about 4 stories. So over there in that dense core area lost about 4 road where you could be having lots of housing. We're just getting lower level. Multi family housing and we're not getting anything. Rosen village at where that community center was basically destroyed with the idea there would be some affordable housing in there. That was 15 years ago. So now the previous speaker mentioned the American Rescue Plan Act monies.
That funding for infrastructure should be used there in Roseland upon sub. Asked for road to help that project get done. You folks have allocated to build out on the green fields to the far south of Roseland a mile and a half away from the Roseland commercial core. The anchor to one of the largest communities in Santa Rosa, which has been neglected for over 50 years. The most disadvantaged underserved over burn community cannot be disputed. It's in the county's records in the portrait of Sonoma County. Update 2021. This doesn't come for me. I'm just that messenger. You like to hear but don't shoot the messenger. How about we go out there and grab that big money that Mister Fear on just said we're going to be available from the big federal banks. Those guys that got to do, they got the acronyms and they got the money. Please go get it and spend it in Thank you. Next step will be Peter Allen followed by Tom. The Pena. >> First of all.
>> I want to thank everyone at this meeting tonight for their service, especially coming to the meeting on Valentine's Day. I also appreciate the recent e-mail from the city building official building official that the decision to leave the utility meters on the easement at 805, White Oak drive has been postponed. Well, investigation summary of our concerns. These were sent to city Council last Friday. I'll be sending pictures of the utility meters on an improved a lot in our association showing their temporary construction along with pictures of the type of utility meters on a lot with the Finnish home at 805, dry White Oak drive. And pictures of a similar in front of a previous how that house that this homeowner built right next door with no temporary meters remaining in front of that home. Just like all the other 129 homes and association. Our other homeowners in our association want to know why this homeowner is being given special consideration to leave these meters where no one else has left them or been allowed to leave them even though they are similar soil conditions and other lots in our community and in violation of the rules he agreed to when moved here, this location also violates your codes.
Both city and state codes. Then we want to know what is so special about this individual. But the city staff allowed temporary installation to be declare permanent, even worse. The city has recently declared that the private easement in our association that we have taken care for over 40 years are now public without the proper legal steps steps in the California code to make them public after these 40 plus years. Why does the city suddenly want to take responsibility for them? The city administration is claiming that the plain text of the city certificate on the subdivision map establishes these easements and public. However, this is a misapplication. Of this legal doctrine, a plain language, the plane, Texas State code mandates, a specific dedication and a specific purpose in plain text. To be a public easement, none of which the city or anyone else has done. In summary, the plain text of the overrules the plain text of the city is claiming justifies their actions. Otherwise any statement in plain text could be used to violate the law, therefore, misinterpretation, the plain text of the subdivision map kind used to violate the plain text of city and state codes.
I respectfully request the city reviews claim a plane tax to justify its decision and the private easement in our community are now public in light of the plane, Texas state and city codes. Thank you for your time. And again, best wishes for Valentine's Day. >> Tom opinion will be followed by crystal England. >> My name's Tom Lappin.
I'm the president of the Santa Manufactured Homeowners Association. I just want remind the council do I know you really don't need a reminder. You probably been getting e-mails from my members. And I'm here to mention those 5 parks again that got left out. I look at former Mayor Rogers and I remember at the last meeting how shocked he was when he found out that happen. And I don't blame anyone. I just want to get it fixed. Those parks are caught town. That is in Prep use District. The It's in Mayor Rogers District. Mayor Natalie Rogers. And 3 parks, the Councilman Alvarez's district Roseland. Wayside Gardens and carriage court Mayor Natalie Rogers, I want to thank you for agreeing to have a meeting with myself Roger McConnell and Joanne Jones tomorrow. Discuss that further. And Vice Mayor McDonald, I want to thank you. For speaking at our December meeting. I wasn't there, unfortunately, as you know. I've heard that members take you back as a speaker every month. And Councilwoman Fleming, I want to thank you for the long phone call that we had recently.
And now that you have sent a role, does a village in your district? They were very excited. But we've got another problem. I found that out just this Saturday. It's not clear on the city website and this can be fixed very easily. What the new rent control amount is everyone who is got notifications from the owners of the parks is still getting 5.7%. If you look at the what was the old ordinance, it says annual rent increases the CPI percentage change for the year ending of 21 is 3.7% this year. It's a very nicely redraw one page. With everything listed in attachments. But you have to jump from up here where the original ordinances 2 down at the bottom to where the amendment is and then you have to toggle back and forth between nowhere. Does it make it easy easy for senior residents to find out what their increases? And I'm hearing through the press, Democrat that people are not sure what their new rent increases are. I looked at myself and tried to find out. It's very hard. Please look at it and get just it. One thing you have to be.
>> Crystal in Clinton will be followed by Thomas else. >> Thank you for your time today. My name is Chris, All England. I'm sure that you guys have heard the child who was hit on and is in critical condition. I myself, I'm a mother of 4 children. I have 2 boys who go to Manzanita and I'm here to ask you to please put cross school crosswalk. Safety on the agenda so we can talk about this and come together as a community in December of 2021.
My son was also hit in his school crosswalk. Our school crosswalk as flashers. It has a median and a crossing guard and the car coasted through the crosswalk hit my son. He my son, fell forward into the asphalt, smacked his head face down and then the rear tire rolled over his back leg. Parents saw what happened and started laying on her horn, trying to get the driver's attention and the driver never stopped. She said she saw him looked in his rearview mirror and firsthand like what? And kept going. We never heard from the police again regarding whether there is an investigation, whether they were pursuing it or not pursuing it, whether it was a close case.
>> Since then, even when my son was in a wheelchair with his broken we were almost hit as I was wheeling him into the crosswalk. Again, flashers on during reading night again, flashers on cars flying through that crosswalk right in front of the school. Almost hit my husband who was carrying my 2 year-old daughter. I did our dose it so. You know, maybe the car wasn't looking, but I saw a car I put on the flashers.
He had over 300 feet to slow down and he never took his foot off the gas pedal. He was going 45 50 miles per hour and a large truck and 35 mile per hour zone and almost hit me again. So this issue doesn't matter about what time of day it is. And it's more about distracted drivers and or indifferent drivers. And the flashing yellow lights. Send a level of ambiguity. We don't want them to know be cautious of pedestrians. We want them to stop for pedestrians. So I'm here to ask to please adopt crosswalk safety policies that. Speak to our current realities. When the bailiff Asher's came out, that was for a less busy time with less distracted drivers. We don't want our drivers slow down. We want them to stop. So if you can, please put this issue on a further agenda so we can come together and talk about this and keep our children safe.
Thank you. Thomas. will be followed by Sandra Lee. Most. >> Thank you for the opportunity to Happy New Year. And Valentine's Day as well. That's a really important issue. I think everyone in the city recognizes that people are not stopping a crosswalk son. They're very dangerous. As a as a civil engineer traffic person those are very important issues. We were not controlling Speed of people driving at this time. There. She says very destructive. But I came here to speak about something else and heard something very interesting from Gregory, which is obviously about these new funds. And I when I came to talk about is I'd like to speak with staff and so on potentially about creating another safe parking site within the city. So the former mayor had in his district safe parking site develop. And I think it's been very effective in like to be able to talk about creating another one, possibly using some of these funds that are coming down from the federal to be used for this type of housing, not a giant place, but certainly something that can move people forward in their in their housing one other thing is that if we talk about sprawl, what you can see here on the man out.
>> Over and fun well. >> I mean, that's the park. They're actually. But then in Oakmont is where you can really see the sprawl. And one other thing that's happening some development center, which is kind of getting imported into a crew according to environmental impact in reporter and specific plan for for Sonoma Developmental Center is they're looking at having a very dense population of some 2000 residents or so or more being sort of imported the the it's consistent of the. developmental center which would be effective effectively like putting the down town of Windsor there.
They want to have. 3 story buildings. That was the type of thing. I was Santa Rosa's leadership. 15. that was about 1999 and there were people Sam Salmon and fudging. There are people that were involved in the leadership Santa Rosa at the time. they were advocating Windsor and having a nice downtown and having. Concentrated population there that could attract other services. And so on and be a downtown. That's exactly what they're putting. It's a moment elemental center isn't downtown Windsor. And the problem with that is it.
You will have a forest for sprawl out this direction. Much more than we have seen, especially in the valley. That has been resent and we need to really be careful of that caucus. And thank you. >> Sandra Lee, most will be followed by Monica Zapata. >> Hi, my name is Sandra Lee Miss and I resident center of the Been here my entire life. So I definitely have seen that the changes in the growth that we've had. I'm also a mother of but they just from directly middle school and caught 2 year college age. Now crazy to say that. so I'm here to also talk about the the the focus of safe school crossings as well. The other piece of me that I've also worked in school systems for over 15 years from really school districts, Unified School, district's inner city schools as well. And I have seen this issue come several times in my time. But what I'm just also here just also support Crystal who just shared about her son. But it also just not only affects our impacts her life or her family's or her child's life, but it also impacts the school's community as well as other parents who walked their children to school.
Here we are thinking that our children are safe walking into When you get that phone call, when there's been an accident, one that hits home to me is a former student of mine that was hit and tragically It was about 20 years ago, but it was just recently just kind of lifted lifted up again for me I don't want to have to put up another boulder with a plaque of the child's name on tragically. So we need to, you know, put our heads together. And I ask that you that we put this agenda item on our list to work together to figure out how we can improve these situations. But thank you. Monica. >> Hi, my name is morning cause about I'm here to talk about crosswalk safety as well. I've been a resident of Santa Rosa for about 4 years now in my current home on Avenue, which is a hot spot for crosswalks.
The reason why that intersection is so important to me is because I live between West College and West 3rd and I and the 4 years that I've lived on crosswalk, I have witnessed 2 people. Get injured in the same crosswalk that is painted white on Avenue. This issues important to me because I witnessed the first tragedy of a teenager getting hit and I e-mailed the city about it and they did some work on. They put a camera up to see what they could do and the resolution to that incident was that they replaced a yellow sign with another yellow sign. And that made me feel enraged because the same thing was point to replace this sign. And since then, I've brought my 7 year-old daughter to come to a community meeting where Diana McDonald was there. We had another resident who part of the council who was there and she was able to put in her public comment about her safety because she walks to school without cross walk every day.
And the other incident that has passed that has happened was a man with his dog and I could hear that dogs wheeling. My window and I could not hold it together for that one. I I was just I couldn't figure out what had happened because I couldn't even understand what was making not sound. And until I saw someone's car pulled all the way on the sidewalk.
Did I understand that someone had gotten hit in that sidewalk and they were working to help assist that person? My neighbor walks with rocks in his pockets because he is so worried about getting hit on the sidewalk, not just on the cross walk on the sidewalk. He has run his own vehicle into another vehicle to stop traffic at that sidewalk. I'm so sad.
And I'm so for afraid for the people who walk on that street every day, which is quite a few of them. And again, I just ask for to repeat the sentiment of really thinking about what kind of signage is going to be effective for streets that are this busy for people and for bikes and for all of our community. Thank you so much for your time. >> If there's anyone else in the chamber that would make it like to make a comment. Please make your way to the podium. Good afternoon. >> My name is Matt them. And that is. I'm a mother of a 17 years old that in an IED u-s-led concern. I think, you know, my was a special needs. I really feel Corey, that something that happened like my frankly being then you can be happy with my son. Cool. Right now. My prepare him for being the bend and in the city.
So I think. You can have the opportunity to make this change in. All the kids in our community can be safe using some think that these for them, the crosswalk. Thank you. >> Good afternoon. My name is Nancy. What an employee at one of your schools see schools. I start morning supervision out in the yard. The playground at 7.30, we have students crossing. There's a crosswalk that's visible from our playground. Many mornings I've heard. The tires breaking of cars that have had to stop. And because they are not giving themselves enough time are not paying attention that we have students crossing. We have across guard at that.
Crosswalk and to think. Of the possibility of one of my students being answered out there and how I'm going to respond to all the students that are there watching as this unfolds. And I hope it doesn't happen, but it's a matter of time. So I ask him, please, if you put this on the agenda. Safer, crosswalks and it's just for all of our schools in Santa Rosa and everywhere else in Sonoma County.
Thank you for listening. >> have any additional speakers in the chambers. You can use please speak into the microphone. Thank Better. >> A key sites encouraging housing policies that improve the time certain teen cost of housing development by streamlining and reducing the cost of entitlements and permitting processes, including increasing by right development opportunities to meet our local and regional housing needs. As you may know, a key site is an employer of over 1500 full-time employees. Another 500 contractors in Santa Rosa and retaining and attracting talent. Is it? Is it? Key critical area to our success? And I think the success of the city, but is a big challenge because of lack of housing for new employees that we would like to hire. So we're encouraging that council to include. Perhaps a high-level staff person to align and coordinate departments with an eye towards increasing efficiency in the entire of men and permitting process which could use some help. Sure, you know, and the policy extending center to you, structure to multifamily units, the same size.
Thank you very much. >> No additional speakers in the chambers. Zoom host. We have calls on zoom. >> counts, praised. The first one resident 6, 9, 4. You've been allowed to talk to speak place. Residents 6, I'm time. You yourself >> and deeply apologize. This is Charles, a Spanish I just wanted to ask for the most, and the other interpreter into the Please. >> We don't available to you this >> They are interpreter and the Maury is pregnant has been present. >> more we are not able to add him. I-10 should you must set aside in a different female. >> understand. Okay. Thank you very much. >> OK, we now have a You are allowed been unit. >> I >> He did even Ing City Council and staff housing policy attorney with legal aid of Sonoma County.
I just wanted to hop on here and second, Tom opinion, concerns. And let you know we at legal aid are trying to support mobile home residents with how much rent they should pay but that's what we're hearing is some park owners, even those that implemented a rent increase that took effect will be taking effect after January 6 are not issuing any notice. The rent reduction and are refusing to answer inquiries about when tenants inquire as to whether their new route will be the lower amended amount or 5.7% increase. So, you know, going on the city's we can direct them to the website because it's not been updated. And the, you know, add to that confusion. We do have a letter from >> City Attorney Geoff Burke, the went out to mobile home parks, letting them know that the run increase was affective after January or the rent increases affective after January 6, regardless of whether when it was noticed and if you haven't seen that letter, encourage you to get a copy of it.
That's the only guy. And so we have and that guidance flew in the face of what the residents believe, which is that the rank, the rent increase. apply all the either retro via either an urgency or rent freeze. And I know like Tom said, I'm not putting blame anywhere. I just want to know what the solution will be in LA. I'm able to inform sentence that there is a solution coming and we're happy to us as spread, provide, you know, ideas and options.
And I just urge that if this doesn't come up before March 9 to be prioritize for the March, 9th goal setting meeting. And you know that. >> That agenda be set forward in a way that >> residents can know whether or not they need to show up on the 9th and the 10th. Since it is a two-day because, you know, most of them are senior and not all of them are able to get out and about. So it's a big deal when they do show up thank you. And you know, thank you for continuing the opportunity to speak on. does help people that have small children like myself and I will be back when you guys get your regular calendar. But thanks so much for hearing me on this issue. >> There are no other with their hands raised on And we have not recorded messages. Thank you. >> We will be moving to our public hearing for tonight. But I would like to thank all of the people that provided a public comment and to let you know that we have taken some notes we look forward to working on some of the suggestions that we received public hearing.
16.1, Madam City manager. Item 16.1, a general plan amendment when a package housing element update 2023, the 2000 31 and sequined to 20. 35 general plan Environmental Impact Report supervising planner Amy Lau would lead a discussion. And if you could introduce your team. For the record, thank you. >> Absolutely. Thank you so much. Give us one moment to put the power point. >> And while they're preparing, I just want to the city attorney, Ashley and director Hartman for all the work that they've done moving this forward. I know it was a lot of work. So it's great. Greatly appreciated. >> All right. Thank you for your patience there. I think we're in business.
Good evening. Rogers, a member of the Council. My name is Amy Lyle and supervising planner for an advance planning team, which is the long-range planning team. And this evening we're going to be presenting or housing element for you with the recommended adoption and presenting. Tonight we a couple different people when we have the tree scare on a who is our equity in public health plan or then we also have Cynthia who is a consultant with place, works.
So we'll be breaking up the presentation and hopefully making this go a little bit quicker and will be as succinct as possible. We are going to provide a little bit of review just for context the community members who may not have have seen this presentation yet. So this is very similar to what we presented with the Planning last month on January. 26. So with I will note this housing element is part of our center is a forward General Plan update project. So the housing element before you tonight is an 8 year snapshot in time, whereas the general plan is looking at 2050 so much longer horizon. So this is part of the process but pulled out to move on a faster track. But we are still working on the general plan update, which will becoming before you later this year.
All right. So for we're going to give you a little bit of review over what is required as part of the housing element, the process and where we've been and what is in the housing element and what our recommendation is this evening and what the next steps are. I will say the housing element itself is around rather thick We hope that you all to get that hard copy. We do have summary documents which are just a synopsis. It is all of the policies and programs. But then I'm a little synopsis of the chapters within that housing element.
So we do have copies of the summary in English and Spanish for the community here tonight. So they are up at the desk near the front door. And of course, that's online as well. And I should note that online there's multiple versions of the housing element. So we do have the housing element that's before you. We also have a version where you contract the various changes that have occurred over the last year. And so those are annotated with highlights where comments have been incorporated in response to the state and then tracked changes with those comments in response to community comments and other engagement efforts. and then we also have the summary in English and Spanish on the website as well as well as all the comments that we've received to date. Okay. the housing element I should also note is one piece of the complex puzzle related to housing.
It is the policy document that will be in place for 8 years that set the policy, the and all the other zoning code updates and work that would occur come under this document. So it is not here to solve everything, but it is one vital piece of that puzzle. Much of this document is state mandated. There especially recent years. A lot of legislation around housing and what needs to be included within a jurisdictions, housing element. It is one of the only pieces of our general plan. I'm really any local land use authority that has to go through state process. So it get eventual certification by the state and review throughout. So we'll talk a little bit about what that process has been for us how that actually works. So also note that we have been working collaboratively with other jurisdictions. We have grant through Association of Bay Area governments to have a housing collaborative.
So we worked jointly with the jurisdictions from Sonoma and Napa County supported by consultant team. So we've been able to do additional outreach, have a lot more coordinated discussions around policy and housing. so that has been a add a value. Add to our process. All right. So this site is I'm not going to go through this in detail, but this is just a snapshot and a timeline of where we've been. And significant changes to state law, especially since we've started the process. So the it's been a bit of a moving target as far as what needs to be an element, how much review goes into it and what this process is. we really started this process when received our housing allocation numbers. So that's our regional housing needs allocation. Rina. So we'll be talking about that little bit more.
But once we received our allocation, which in this case is 4,685 units that really provided us the information that we could go and then draft the general are this general plan element with. We did kick this off with a study session in 2021. And the process throughout has been in partnership with HPD. So we did work with them and them reviewer housing element. There are draft was submitted to them after public comment and they took full 90 days to review that. We've also had informal discussions with H C D and that's housing community development making sure I'm not using too many acronyms, but we wanted to make sure that when we get to tonight and the submission to to them for that final certification that we have anticipated public comments anticipated needs from hcd and that can go through this next review and and get a certified housing element. So I do just want to note sense. We started the process. A few things have occurred. So one was a B to 15, which went into effect in January of 2022. This like expanded the timeline for a CD review without adjusting the final deadline for the housing element certification.
So now it essentially needs to be completed. 74 days earlier than previously required. So that also means that our housing element had to be posted for public comment for at least 30 days for an initial draft and that we had to wait 10 days or 2 weeks after comments were received from public comment period before submitting an initial draft to HPD. And a CD now has 90 days to review housing element instead of the 60 for the last cycle. All of this remains with the same deadline of January 31st. 2023. There are also a lot back and forth over our reena numbers at a bag. So that was that process to track late. So we We were anticipating the number, but we did not have those final numbers in addition, the 2021 legislation increased their requirements with affirmatively furthering fair housing. And so this is relating to a whole new section that's required in the housing element and that guidance from a CD did not come to us until early 2021. So there were a variety of different shifts and pivot.
So we had to make we're very fortunate in that we had a consultant under contract already for a general plan. Update and they were one of the 2 consultant groups in the state at the time. Who knew how to specifically feature affirmatively furthering fair housing report. So and I will say that because of the myriad of new laws that HPD has to implement. And there's a large number of statutory requirements that CD has to deal with at layer of government. And so most of the housing elements reviewed about 90% require a second round of review. So although we submitted our housing element hoping to be on track on time in August. We were hoping for a conditional certification letter. They did request another round of review and provided his comments. So the that you have tonight includes the comments that we've incorporated for 8 CDs review.
And then we also have within your staff report, the itemized list of requested changes that came out of our planning commission hearing last month. So with that, I'll turn it over to be traced to highlight our outreach efforts. Thank you, Amy. Good evening. A city council community members and staff for president in a meeting today. >> I'm one of central parts of the housing element was a public outreach. This was required by by the state. we all the requested items that the state was requesting through through the starting with service provider City Council and Planning Commission study Sessions, community workshops that happened during March 2022. And we had an online community service and survey as well the participation of the Net. Cinema Collaborative equity working Group S Amy was mentioning besides the element conversation was included in the Santa Rosa forward.
That community involvement strategy. So all the comments provided by the community through the preferred alternative vision of the city Processes were included in this in this housing element who were to a group that was working on this element and included. And if I can at to the housing public outreach. We also had additional steps be on state law and this included creating a specific have a website for the housing element which Kuntz can be found in a Santa Rosa forward dot com we created bilingual social media compaines together without our communications team. And we had bilingual pop ups. You priority These coming out to communities that usually don't show up to 2 2 public meetings set a table by priority communities. are referring to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission methodology on identifying census tracts that are both low-income with a high percentage of people of color additional to do is we created channels of communication that were more accessible for for community members.
We use the Let's connect, let up for him include our our draft and receive comments from the community. We opened our text messages and channels to be able to receive comments from the community too. Once we submitted the first draft we heard from from community organizations that they want it different requests in relationship to housing policy as well as time for reviewing the draft. we had additional during December focused providing information and fostering cull collaboration in terms of the outreach that we created. And finally, during this time while we were that the that HC the required to our housing element, we were also creating a bilingual housing elements. Summary scenes. We couldn't translate the whole document because that was $11,000 for us to translate.
We we decided to make a summary of document to make it more accessible for our community members so that they could this document. And we decided to translate that document into Spanish. So is a document that we have upstairs in case any of our community members wants to see it. we also have to say that this document is very unique scenes. We're the only city in the state that when that ahead of what the state required and created a document that was accessible for community members and that was translated into Spanish are into a different language thank you, Amy. L, I'll let you continue. Thank you so much. >> So I'm not going to go into detail on this slide, but just to say that these are all the components of the housing element before you tonight.
So we're going to go through these chapters very briefly and will focus on the the policies and programs a little bit later in the presentation. So first, we wanted to give you a little bit of information on the So the regional housing needs allocation again. This was a process that was headed by a bank and included all of jurisdictions in the 9 County Bay Area.
And ultimately what our allocation and it to be is 4,685 units. And so this slide is really showing you that there's a breakdown and how are asked to produce these units they're not just all moderate are all above moderate. They very specific as far as what income levels the housing needs to be created for. And this includes almost 2000 units for our low income brackets. So we can come back to the slide of you would like. But just to let you know that it broken down into different incomes. So for us specifically on this is how we within the context of the Sonoma County region. a lot of the other cities have been grappling with the same issues how to accommodate their allocation within their cities. A lot of reena allocation numbers have increased. So we are actually a very good place because we don't need to rezone property to be able to meet this allocation. So we'll walk through that as well. And then just a very quick highlight on our past cycles. So we in our 6 cycle right now. The last cycle, which is the 5th cycle ended the end of last year and we are working on 2022.
Numbers, but I will say are our housing count is around 1100 units. So we still will not meet our reena for the last cycle. But again, there is a significant need to increase the amount of units in those low income categories. We have been able to produce the housing and above moderate categories. Also know that this does not include any fire rebuild. So those are counted as existing units as those rebuild. And then looking back a little bit further. Here are the previous cycles before our last one. I'm just giving you some some information about well we've done or not. Well, we've done as I've noted, the housing element is one piece of the puzzle. We have no control over what comes in the door what production occurs. We as much as we possibly can with your leadership to streamline housing, to provide incentives but the end of the day, a lot of the challenges come down to funding in the actual projects themselves. All right. So moving into what the other chapters are in the housing element, the first chapter is the housing needs assessment. And so this is really a deep dive of data.
It's a very demographic heavy it is a snapshot in time. So it This was released in June of last year and a lot of the information was based on the available data at that time and the available census data at that time. So I'm just to give you a little primer of what's in this. I just pulled out some of the highlights in my mind that are important to note one that we saw a huge increase in overcrowded units between 2010 2019.
This has been an increase in area of highlight around the state because that does leads substandard living conditions. a lot of unsafe situations. And so we are experiencing that in Santa Rosa. And we do believe that the 4% of the units being overcrowded is an undercount. And so that will you know, focus over the coming years. Interestingly, a 46%. of our households are renters. And 62%, of our households have families. And are not just single people living within a home. And then I'll turn it over to be Theresa Talk about their housing. Thank you, for the for the first time, the for housing assessment was required housing elements in >> Up to to the to the regulation in April 2022. So this is pretty recent the CD at have to analyze safe, different, 60 for incorrect. Rest exhibit where relevant to understand what are the main barriers to for housing and one of this is racial diversity. Household income rates of poverty. Rita forward crowding overpayment and family status as well as rates of disability. We included in this slide graphic portrait of Sonoma showing differences in 2014 2021 in relationship to Human Development Index, this index actually takes into account housing, which is a big part of the portrait of analysis and we can say here that there's 2 that we see in in the city of Santa Rosa having with Human development index and this is black and Asian populations.
And we want to point this out because it's not visible during the analysis that we made in the in diversity composition index. And we want talk a little bit more about that. And what was discovered in the for housing assessment. So in relationship to I I want to bring up some of some of the things that we addressed during the during fair housing analysis. Number in terms of race highway one to one actually serves as a physical barrier that separates the city into 2 different sites East and west. the east side less diverse and home to the city city's most affluent households. While the Westside at reflects more diversity, both in terms of race and ethnicity as well as income for for for the topics n roses.
Nonwhite communities are clustered in south there and sound Western Santa Rosa primarily mixed commercial and wrestling residential south Highway 12 and east of Stony Point Road. Additionally to We found the highs they versiti in the city is common lower resource areas this regional, this patterns are not happening in Santa Rosa. This our regional patterns that are happening across the county and across Greater Bay Area. So just to add to this west in Santa Rosa is consider low resource area while most of the side of Santa Rosa's to hide resources. So this is something that we identify through for housing assessment and that we also addressed in the policies included in Important just to to mention that this is a new part of the of housing element that was not this is considered before and also gave us a lot of feedback in terms of the communities that we have not been not engaging in the past.
And just 2 at to the conversation of of engagement. All we had more than 42% of people who were renters responding to to community engagement efforts as well as people owned businesses in Santa Rosa and make your leave in Santa Rosa. But greater racial diversity in the survey responses, including 2% Asian communities, 2% black and African-American communities as well as 15.3% of of Latinx or Hispanic members of the community. And just to to add up to we had a fair distribution of H in the in the responses that we through our engagement except for people on their 17 years old, which were it was the only group that we did not. We're not able to address. And just this, this is some points to the to the not only that for city come the company can position of the city, but we're addressing the comments requests that the community ask us for in this in this part for part of the housing element.
Thank you. Thank you so much. So we will move on to the next section of the housing element, which is the housing sites analysis. >> So this is directly related to that reena number. So this showing that we have the ability and the capacity to be able to meet that. 4600 number. again, we do not have to rezone any sites. This is not a likely development pattern. This is recognizing our existing capacity to be able to fulfill that allocation. We are engaged. The general plan update, which better community driven process and a snapshot of a larger trajectory of how our population will grow and change over time. It is certainly in concert with this housing element. But this is just identify an existing capacity. There will be increases and intensities of development. But in areas that are driven by our areas of change in our party development areas as noted in the the larger general plan effort. So the site inventory does include projects that are pending that have been approved and are under construction.
So we are able to take projects that have building permits issued as of July last year into this cycle. So this is really just providing the map showing where those projects are and what amounts. And then we look at the vacant and this is split between downtown and non downtown. And that's primarily because our downtown specific plan has no density. We have floor area ratio, which it's been a challenge to work with the state on this because they are looking for certainty that projects will develop at a certain density. So we took a very conservative approach to show what certain projects have been doing in the downtown and not a lot of numbers associated with our downtown plan with in our housing element.
As you know, the downtown plan was adopted and I'm able consider up to 7,000 units. So for this 8 year period of time, we're only suggesting that the capacity is 1300 units which may or may not be the but that is the capacity that we have been able to work with HPD on as far as what densities we can show and what types of housing units can be developed downtown. So outside of downtown, we do have a range of different sizes of properties and the different types of projects.
Hcd is very particular about the size of of the and the different components of the site on how he it will be developed as a lower-income site, moderate or above moderate. So this really reflects a lot of back and forth review with H C D. And we are counting some of those properties that have not yet rebuilt. That is allowed within this cycle to recognize that existing capacity, as you may remember when we came to your council last June, that was a question is if we wanted to identify the sites within those wildland-urban interfaces that have the potential to rebuild, knowing that those property value or those property rights still exist. The other piece of this is projecting how dues will develop those are our recess or eat willing units. We've had a lot of success in the city with promoting are a dues and especially with our rebuilds, adding those those units. And so these have we have taken conservative approach as well. Looking at the annual average that we have done over time and what we can likely do based on the capacity we have over the next 8 years and we also have to show a breakdown of income amongst our are a And with that, a big methodology is you see on the slide.
All right. With that, I'm going to turn it over to who is our consultant and who has helped us dropped this. This document tonight. >> Thank you, Amy. Good evening, Cindy. A with place I'm just going to jump right in. So another section of the has an element is the housing constraints section. And this is where we look at governmental constraints and non governmental constraints and governmental mean we're looking at the city the processing times and the procedures allowable things like that. Things that the city has control over. We also look at non-governmental constraints and these are things such as the cost of land, availability of financing and construction costs. We also include information on energy conservation, identifying available programs that are out there as well as the city's practices excited. So for the evaluation of the previous causing a moment and the review of the previous cars and on section is where we look at the city's progress towards implementing each of your programs from the prior planning period.
So for the cycle. So once we've reviewed where the progress has been made, we determine next steps for each program to shun the program be continued, shouldn't modified or should it be removed because it's been completed. Thanks. Cent. And looking at the housing element goals you can see we have 6 overarching goals that are aimed to encourage housing developments addressed special needs groups such as large families human, that households persons experiencing homelessness, persons with from workers. And we also have ensuring equal housing opportunities looking at ways to reduce or governmental constraints and developing energy efficient residential units. site. So here you can see that the 6 cycle has an element. Has 42 actions also called program sometimes so those 42 programs, our actions and there are 7 that are continuing. There are 19 that are modified modified mean a majority of the program most likely remains the same. The funding could be modified or the time frame could be modified on this.
And then we have 16 new programs that are can they're new to the House announcement. And these are typically based off of new state law requirements to ensuring that we're meeting all of the new requirements there. And it's also embarrassing included Tucson Port analysis. If we have our sights in the want to include additional programs to strengthen our analysis, we would have new programs there. Thanks site. So the next few slides, we're going to just kind of quickly walk through what the different programs are. All of these obviously are detailed in the has an element with timeframe spending and responsible parties. So you can see here, these are continuing program. So again, these are carry over us from the cycle document looking at adequate states. This is ensuring that the city will maintain sites to meet your enough throughout the planning period. I'm looking at opportunity development areas.
The center is a has-been trust fund. Housing for large households. A large household is where there's 5 or more persons. And build community acceptance, real property transfer tax and participation in the mortgage credit certificate program. Thanks site. So now into our modified program. So again, most of these were all of these were in cycle, has known it and then they were modified to continue to be relevant for this current cycle.
So we're looking at encouraging mixed use projects. And as mentioned welling units, code enforcement activities has Erie have this kind of play home Park preservation, preservation of at-risk housing at wrist is our housing units that are and converting to market rate was in 10 years identify actions The inclusionary housing program support affordable housing development overall and funding for affordable housing development. Sarah modify programs continued and there are several programs in that special needs groups. As I mentioned, persons with disabilities, from workers, persons experiencing homelessness, extremely low-income households, senior households. We also have fair housing services as a program. Tenant protection, eviction prevention measures Section 8 housing Choice voucher program application for streamlining income plans at with SB. 35 and then energy efficiency in residential development. Excited. And then last we have our new And so as I mentioned, several of these programs are there to address new state or to help strengthen our analysis. And the document you can see we have law consolidations small, safe development, innovative housing options. Large lot development, a subdivision. These are all going help the staff. Our analysis for the Saints in the Tory looking at completing the housing conditions survey.
This would give the city an idea of where the rehab needs really are within this community. Mobile home, rent control for double housing tracking and essential housing bond financing program. That's ahead of the pro has designation, which is a one on this slide. The first 2 programs age 30, an age. 31 this fair as the trees mentioned. So 86 86 is a brand new section of the housing element. So there are 7 rather lengthy programs to address that their housing needs. So will 30 31 were looking take this placement strategies and play space for finalization strategies. We also have a new program for Land Trust program for his own in could amendments. That's for the state law requirements come into play. Looking at revising parking standards, design review findings and then water and wastewater priority for affordable Housing development.
Thanks. making hand this back over Thank you, Cynthia. >> So I'm actually not going to go through this like we did go through a lot of the detail of where we've with hcd the beginning of the presentation. So I will say for next steps, if your council adopts tonight, we will be submitting the housing element to each CD they do have 60 days to be able to review the document. We hope they will take less time. We have we will be planning to request an expedited review.
We have the draft before you to them last week to get a head start and ask for their informal before your adoption so we will be in full compliance under state law. Once we have a certification by hcd. So there is a a gap in time until that occurs. So during this time period, there's a couple different things that we want to make sure you're aware of. And under state law. That means that one we may have potential impact to being able to apply for different grants around the state. We to give you more context along with all the complexity of the state laws that have changed. I will say we are not alone. We there are only 4 jurisdictions in the 9 County Bay area that are currently in compliance with certified housing elements in Southern California a year and a half after their deadline. Approximately 46% of them are in compliance. So the state funding opportunities have shifted. What we're seeing is instead of asking for a certified housing element at application.
They now say certified housing element at the time of award because they're simply not enough jurisdictions in compliance to be able to be able provide grant funds. The other piece is something called the builder's So I know you may have heard about this in the news as well. And what this does is it provides additional streamlining for affordable housing projects. So it's our position that it with your adoption tonight and with the findings that we have in our housing element resolution that this streamlining opportunity and the other penalties would not apply after tonight.
And that's because the resolution before you does say that we are in full compliance with state law based on a CDs review and their letter that they provided and the changes that we've that you'll hopefully adopting tonight. And that is consistent with bag guidance as well. And so with that, I will also note that the resolution that we're hoping you adopt a night also includes the ability staff to make minor revisions as necessary to to the housing element. So if they do find minor things within their review, that we would have the ability to make those changes without having to go back through a full adoption process. that is something that we will have to assess once we get those final comments from a CD, which we hope will just be a certification letter.
So this housing element tonight certainly a project under sequa. And so there is an addendum as part of your package. And this is an opportunity reliant on our existing general plan. IR. This is primarily possible because we are not changing any land use or zoning as part of this. This is a policy document that recognizing the existing capacity that we have and is in line with our existing general plan. It will as this is a general plan. Amendment will become part of our existing general plan. We will be continuing to work on our general plan update and making sure that all of the policies are consistent in in concert with this housing element. So there there may be changes on the horizon as we work the full comprehensive update and certainly opportunities to non housing things that helped create these complete communities and look at infrastructure and other needs. So it's our staff recommendation that you hold a public hearing and consider 2 resolutions. There's the first resolution would be approving the agenda and to the general plan or environmental impact report.
And the second would be resolution to adopt housing element as part of the Winter General Amendment package. So also know that there is some late correspondents that you've received most of that was posted midday today. And we do have one letter that I'm not sure posted and that is from generation housing. So we do have physical copies of that for you this to make sure that's in the record as well. I will note that the generation housing letter acknowledge and single us out as one of the jurisdictions that did provide additional time. I'm the only jurisdiction in Sonoma County to provide additional time for their review, as well as collection of housing element, commenters that we've worked with as far as stakeholders. And we're, of course, ready to respond to any of the comments and any of the leak correspondents as as you would like.
So with that, I will conclude and turn it back over to Rogers. Thank you all for your presentation. And for being with us tonight. >> I there any questions of staff from council members. Council member Rogers. >> So first I did want to thank everybody for all of the work that's gone into this. I know that it's one of the more difficult and lengthy community engagement process is that we see across the city. But I did want to ask one question for me. One disconnect. Is between slide 15 and slide. 18 side 15 as we talked about is the disadvantaged areas of the city slide.
18 is where we are citing projects that are outside the downtown specific plan and it one of the things that's most striking to me is that we're not proposing are we're not identifying a single site and northeast Santa Rosa and again, even outside of the a very high fire severity zones. But we don't have a single one that is identified as being low income or proposed to be low income. Even when our own report shows us that we already have an over concentration of where where poverty and where different demographics exist in our community. I'm wondering if you can just respond to that. >> Yes, and Allison pay to weigh in as well. But that is and you're absolutely correct. And part of that is because of the methodology that we have to use to identify sites. So a CD is very specific about what a sight is required to have to be able to a lower income fully affordable projects.
And so we just don't have the abundance of large sites within the northeast area. And that's one of the primary issues. Our sites have been reviewed in accordance with our fair housing policy as well. And that's one of the lenses that hcd reviews are sites with is to make sure that we are proud of them looking equitably throughout the community. As far as the distribution and we actually did incorporate a programs related to not having enough large sites available so some of those projects that we would like to see in the northeast. But I'm Cynthia do want elaborate on anything.
Yeah, that's a great So really at this point with the House and this is land exercise. So we are looking at what's currently zoned appropriate. And as mentioned, a CD ties density to affordability in till. >> Comes an actual project. So we're taking an inventory of the sites that are zoned at different varying densities and then allocating them towards each different income category. So as these develop, they could develop differently. This is just based off of this initial analysis looking at density and affordability. >> I would like to have something Councilmember Rogers in relationship to this.
>> We also going through general plan, update part. And if go back to the to the final draft of our all of preferred alternative, there's actually areas of change in the east of the city which are addressing This in this changes of owning in the future, which will help with policy after the same year cycle because this is this is only for it for the next 8 years with within the general plan update. We're planning for the next 50. So expectation would be now that we get to the other part in terms of land use to change what we have right now on the east side of the city.
So that would >> and one more out on is that that matter was showing the vacant land capacity. If you look you can find the slide. But the map showing the approved or under construction capacity. We do have 100% affordable projects occurring on the east side. A couple under construction at right now. >> Are there any additional questions from council members? Yes, I have one additional question Can you talk us through a little bit? The pro housing designation, what it is, how we anticipate to get it and why we would want it. Yes, great question. >> So your council did approve a resolution allowing us to apply for the pro housing designation. So that application is underway right now. It is an application to a CD. It's the same set of reviewers and basically what that designation provides is additional opportunities for funding the legislature is layering on other incentives around that pro housing designation. But a tip to date. Compliance with housing law and our ability to prevent produced units has really been tied to our ability to show success of those reena numbers and the success of actual housing being produced.
But we know that jurisdictions don't always control the market. We don't control the market or the production. So the pro housing designation is really trying to move that incentive. 2, 2 jurisdictions that have policies in place to streamline housing to and encourage housing in all different ways. So there's 4 categories of policy area that Hcb is looking they're so far only a handful of properties have are jurisdictions have received the per housing designation. So we hope to apply for that. And it will coincide with certification of the housing element. But that will put us in line for additional incentives as we move forward. I will we have to keep the pro housing designation. So it is not you get it and you have it forever.
We will have to show progress towards that designation that we are moving on the draft policies which are part of the application and continuing the programs that we have in place. Does answer your question? That does. Thank you all have comments at the end. >> Thank you. Are there any additional questions from council members? Then here? Not online. We will now open the public hearing. city clerk, police conduct. Public comment. We're not taking public comments on item 16.1. >> If you're in the chambers will first call on those speakers who have signed up with the administrator at the top of the stairs. We will then pass anyone who's not signed up to make your way to a podium. If you're participating via zoom, please raise your hand. If you are dialing in via telephone, please Dial star 9 to raise your hand. You'll have 3 minutes for your comment in a countdown. Timer will you at the conclusion that period. First step will have Dwayne De Wit followed by Bob Harder. >> Yes, thank you for your consideration. There. Can you please state your name? >> Thank you so much.
My name is a drink. head taller than I thought. Means aging covert some locally for Santa Rosa mbe residents of the west and father of said Young child. I'm happy Valentine's Day. There's a lot to commend about the city about this. Housing element is a very difficult process. A lot of cities in California are having a very hard time meeting. The state's new standards. So there's a lot to work with hearing commend city staff and the consultant for doing a lot of great outreach to our all volunteer group that's dedicated to pro housing affordability.
Pro liveability pro sustainability and our housing development. So thank Nevertheless, 4 key inputs, one, we believe the city should probably look at scrapping the inclusionary so-called inclusionary ordinance. There's a lot of new research out from HUD and others that show that the inclusionary ordinances increase housing costs over what they would be without the place in the city center is already had to ratchet down its inclusionary ordinance to prevent up housing production from being stopped. So that's number I would just add to that common sense here.
We don't tax schools to make education more affordable. We shouldn't be taxing housing to make housing more affordable. It doesn't work. Number 2, we should eliminate car parking minimums, citywide. We've already done it in the downtown area and the areas around the smart stations. Minimum parking ordinances increase the cost of prolonged car dependency. They violate our climate goals. They violate our Vision, 0 goals. Let's be on the right side of history here. Cities are doing this across California. We should do it here and be a bit more visionary on that front and we can do that in the housing element. 3 when it comes to bikes, please don't force me to drive places that I would rather not drive and I'm not alone. Lot of people would like to bike places but they don't feel safe doing it because there isn't the adequate infrastructure in place.
Not enough support and the housing element where this can be addressed is in parking minimums for bikes, particularly multifamily housing. We strongly city staff to work with the bicycle and pedestrian advisory board on strengthening, bringing bike a minimum parking multifamily 2, 1, 2, 1, and particularly getting some minimum standards on bike parking. The bikes are really attractive way to eliminate about 20% of road trips that are currently taken by car in the city. But they have specific and charging requirements. So please look into adding that to the housing element as well. And then strengthening the pro housing designation. Long story short, the benefits of the designation are strong, but they're going to get a lot more competitive as more cities in California angle for this designation. So please work with staff to maximize the amount of points that we can get some really important. Thank you. Hello. My name is doing to it. I'm a member of the Sonoma County Housing advocacy group which has been in place. >> For over 27 years advocating for affordable housing. This is a nice aspiration.
Ul document. But there are some inadequacies. Congratulations to all the magnificent 7 women that worked on it. There's all this good stuff going. But as usual with a big document, there's some open spaces. I'm very supportive. And so is the Hag. Of these new opportunity development areas. All of the programs are being put forward. The community land trusts specifically the downtown specific area. Specific plan is a really good thing. And that's where a lot of this housing should go. Thank you to Mister Chris Rogers for his comments about the Santa Rosa. Truly important to remember that all know CA and the Southeast Greenway are large sites which should have a lot of affordable housing put into them.
And that needs to be mentioned in these types of documents. The idea of going forward for pro housing designation is very nice. The political will is what it usually takes. And that's been the dilemma and the past. As you look back to the document you see, we've never really had a problem providing housing for above moderate income that's always been able to happen. And that's not a problem for the rich people to find a place to live where the problem is is for the people who are below moderate income, extremely low-income people, specifically. And that's where we need to really focus our efforts to make sure that we're housing these people.
And we're actually having actual units produced. If you encourage housing, encouraging for those who are the most vulnerable, extremely low-income, very low income, low income. Go right there, Bill. Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of units because we shouldn't have any homeless people in this community, which is in one of the richest places in the United States of America. There's billions of dollars in Sonoma County. Let's make sure house our people. And then one thing that doesn't get mentioned much as it's passed over vacant units are at 5%. So we have 70,000 housing units think of those vacant units.
That's thousands upon thousands of housing units that should be in use. There's never enough time to go deeply into all what we need. But the downtown area has been supposedly the focus for at least 30 years. And that's where we need to go where the city owns properties and plans have already been put in place. That's it on shelves for the White House property across from the post office. Things of that nature, your parking lot and cetera, you can take the lead. You can be the folks, the new council, the new mayor go for it. Don't be bashful. Go out there. And house people as the old people used to say, build, build, build.
I say House House house. >> Let's go for help in those unfortunate. Bob Parker will be followed by Lauren Fury. >> I'm a name is Bob Harder. 93 27 like the drive. Windsor. I apologize in advance my voice. The person medical things I'm dealing with. I'm here to speak in favor of your adoption of the general plan and the amendments. And really want to address. What I think you need to do to fight for. Achieving it and to vent and to defend against. Those who will try to sabotage it. I've been working on cities Santa Rosa County of Sonoma Town of Windsor General plans and housing elements since the 1970's. What they share in common is. Sincere belief to achieve their goals. Which gotten more challenging through the years as properties, more expensive and center. What they also.
Share is their failure to meet the goals. Generally speaking. That's not new news. Here's my thought on why that has happened. As shown in your slides and it's gotten worse. All say through the years. About half of our housing needs are for renters. Who don't tend to rent for 1000 Square-foot homes at Fountain Group. Most of our production has been the above moderate. Generally 2000 houses a year and 2000 more affordable housing generally for renters. What comes through the door as staff said. Has been continues to be all say except for Hugh Food trail. Single-family homes. And I've been in development business a long That's what I would build because I can build it.
Sell it and walk away from the place. That's what single family home developers are in the business for like doing. And most neighbors support. 2 cautions I have is one. Defend this. Especially with regard to density and houses per unit. Single-family home neighborhoods don't want renters near them be. Renters. Don't want high-rise near them. Then you get into splitting condominiums who are owners don't want renner's near them. This rental owner sense. And as you can see, we're mostly runners so guard against their concerns which are legit and it may be more difficult for you now with district and developers who come in and only want to build. Lower density and will encourage you. To forget about the higher density these lands are zoned sometimes and encourage you with you more.
2. Thank you, Bill left. Thank you. Thank you. >> Next will be Lauren Phiri followed by have been weak. >> Good evening. Council members and members of the public. Generation Housing's 2021 report found that Sonoma County needs 58,000 new homes by 2030, with the lion's share of that need here in Santa Rosa. Our city is uniquely poised in the county to set ambitious housing goals. We haven't developed space within city limits, sufficient infrastructure, transit options, including 3 smart stations and has largely flat city. We have the opportunity opportunity to create a safe efficient bike and pedestrian network that spans the city and sports denser housing development. The current housing element is an opportunity to lay the bedrock for achieving these ambitious housing goals. I want to thank this council and especially the city staff. Who have put enormous effort into this housing element draft and for all the work done to engage our community and the development of the draft and the wider general plan effort. I also want to implore both council and staff to make several critical changes to the housing element draft before adopting it. So we don't miss this window to propel Santa Rosa's future into a new denser and more equitable direction.
One, please consider eliminating the inclusionary housing requirements. Research has shown that inclusionary housing disincentivize is new housing production in areas with high housing costs, relative to rents Santa Rosa has Bay area costs, but not Bay Area. Rents which makes the financial feasibility of new housing developments more challenging here than elsewhere. Adding inclusionary requirements, which further reduce rental income on a property or add capital costs in the form of in Lee fees makes the financing of new construction even more daunting. We need new construction to be financially viable, to increase the housing supply here in Santa Rosa. And make rents more affordable for everyone. Beyond direct cost to new developments. Inclusionary housing bird and city staff with the implementation and monitoring small numbers of restricted affordable units spread across many different buildings as the 2021 press Democrat article on the Vineyard Creek Apartments exposed monitoring and enforcement of current of current inclusionary units is already a significant challenge here in Santa Rosa. recommend eliminating parking requirements throughout the city as other cities have already done.
And Santa Rosa itself has already done in the downtown core requirements that prioritize cars over people and other forms of transit is in direct conflict with the city's climate and vision. 0 goals. 3 increased by parking minimums to at least one secured by parking spot per dwelling unit throughout the city. Also developing adopts minimum e-bike e-bike parking requirements for new construction since this is an increasingly affordable and efficient way of moving through cities for him for a hat, higher pro housing designation score funding programs are already ranking Pro housing designation, Pro Housing designated cities, including the new pro Housing Pilot Incentive Program in 5 ensure that forthcoming transportation element is drafted in consultation with the Santa Rosa Bike and Pet Board. Thank you. >> Evan Week followed by Alexa Forester. >> Good evening, everybody. even wig on resident here in San Santa Rosa, I just want to thank the I've been able to have conversations with several them over the years.
So at meetings and I read number events. So it made an incredibly responses. I really appreciate that. And all the work that's been done really development of housing in particular, affordable housing livable community here in Santa Rosa. I'm the one thing I wanted to really focus today's we have different elements and obviously in order to tackle something like a general plan, it's incredibly complicated. We can't do everything all at once. So we separate them out into elements. My concern is that you miss the opportunities to really make sure that things are synthesized. Whales are from the staff tonight, which is reassuring is that after this is approved, there is still opportunity to make sure that there are elements or car in concert in 2 things.
The 2 elements that I'm can really make sure are actually in concert is the housing elements and the element to make sure that, you know, you wouldn't you allow for housing development without thinking are the roads there? Are there stop signs there are are are their driveways available, But we don't have that same thought about bicycle infrastructure. We have we can I what my request then is that as we develop this general plan, a larger sense that we're really thinking about connectivity. And not just, you know, first we do the housing element and then we figure out, you know, where we want to put some bicycle path to really think about housing, where people are are transportation where people live the ability. If we're going to be allowing for housing in one area is their transportation routes. We heard earlier tonight, a whole bunch of 5 really concerned people about the safety of their children.
And I can tell you there's a number of places throughout city that it's just unsafe. And the reason why people don't bike is there. They're nervous, right? And so how can we make the average person moms and children and site just average person not just like die hard bikers right? I'm not like the bike again that we showed up for the night. But like just normal, everyday people to see the chance for that, you can actually live a life without parking requirements for development another So already heard that one, but you can actually live a and sustainable life here in Santa Rosa without a car. And that's going to require that density that we're being working towards as part of this housing element. But it also required the it infrastructure. So I do hope that those things getting concert and last thing I'm going to throw in there is a program age 6, innovative an alternative housing.
I hope that that you dig a little further into that. Not just sort of like consider the options of by, for instance, making movable tiny homes to be considered a to use co-operative housing, all those opportunities to really broaden your horizons about what can be housing here in seeing Santa Rosa. Thank you so much. >> Alexa Forester. And then Gregory fear in. Is on. Can you guys hear me? >> Hi, I'm Alexa I am a mother of a 15 year-old and just recently turned 12 year-old and I'm a professor at the JC and those 2 months have made me care about some things very deeply that I love and I bring them here because I love this city so much that I'm spending Valentine's Day with my city. So the things that I really care deeply about our the city's adopted Vision, 0 safety goals. I want my sons are spring Lake, middle students. And in addition to the student that's currently in the hospital still from being hit in the past 2 years, students have been hit on Spring-like middle students have been hit on bicycles as well and motivated me.
And my has been a number of our neighbors to collaborate who the campaign bikeable Santa Rosa. And we've very appreciative for the council's response to reaching out to you about that. The other goal is equity many of my students at the J C struggle to complete college because of transportation issues and because of the lack of affordable housing for them. And then of course, climate goals. Because when you have kids and you think about what is Sonoma County going to look like 40 years from now, is this going to be a safe place for them to live all of these things inform my vision for the future of Santa Rosa.
And there are a number of ways that those intersect with the general plan, you know, overall and then the housing element in particular. So I just want to endorse everything that's been said by Adrian and Lauren and Evan and other speakers tonight about that, you know, and the gratitude, especially for the language justice component in making sure that everybody has access to this but I want to especially endorse the the removal of parking minimums across the city, not just in the downtown core.
If you are requiring development developers to put parking minimums in their housing structures, you are admitting defeat. You are admitting that you have designed a city where there it's impossible to live without a car. I think people should have the right to drive their cars. I think we should make it safe for them. But you shouldn't force people to drive and you shouldn't force people to bear the cost of car infrastructure if they want to choose not to drive. I also want to just advocate for what Adam was saying about making sure that the housing element integrated and worked system work systemically with the transportation and circulation elements. When those come before you. Thanks for your time. Happy Valentine's Day. >> Gregory fear and will be followed by Kristin Kiefer. >> Gregory Ferrand.
I want to say this is dreams. Some part of me says it's a fiction. But I want to supported nevertheless with some exceptions. It's clear. And if you read it and I know you all have most of the low-income home and I mean, not $50,000 a year, but folks making 30 2010 will never have any impact from anything you're doing in this book. >> They are not going to get places to live in. And you know, it. Now. The other thing I want to say is everything this guy said in front of the lectern here, Paul Harder. I totally agree with. Every single word he said is true. And the 3rd thing I want to point out is all of this comment about in lieu fees in you know, inclusionary zoning.
You wouldn't have the 5,000 units that Burbank in mid Penn. Any agent anybody else built without that funding. I don't understand their perception that somehow the money for low-income housing, which is what Burbank has been trying to do would fall from the sky somewhere. It doesn't happen. They point to one sores. The bonds. We've tried bonds and every time it comes up, every time they put it on the ballot, it has nothing to do with the real low income housing now because affordability is a huge stretch.
We've now gained over the last 20 years. A lot of people who think they can't afford housing from the folks that we used to say. We're down and out to everybody. We are a community that has only a few people who can afford to have a home ownership and a whole lot of people who are struggling to just be ranchers. Market does not produce without pressure anything for what I would call affordable. And the only tool you have to get affordable is to browbeat them into doing what we've done for the last 20 years. Have those who pay more help pay for those who can't.
That's what it's all about. That's what your inclusionary. And in lieu fee is all about. And God bless you for Because he's one of the few people who buys into that. Thank you. >> Kristin Kiefer will be followed by Cliff killing him. >> Good evening. Mayor Rogers, an honorable members of city Council in our city staff. Thank you for hosting this public hearing tonight and for hearing all of our comments from the public.
I want to appreciate give time to appreciate all the work that has gone into this housing element. Update. Although I do want to point out that there is still work that can be done to make the city policies more impactful. Want to voice support for continuing programs that make development of 80 use more flexible. I will admit that from an outsider's perspective, the convoluted process can be daunting and there can be moved more done to boost those numbers of producing more 80 use, especially on properties and historic preservation districts specifically in the stationary, a specific plan. I would also like to support programs too. Relook at lot consolidation and small site development. The opportunities for zoning code amendments will give opportunities for flexibility that 10 increase the number of housing units that we have available to renters. And homeowners. I want to applaud the rate at which multifamily development has been approved by city staff. And that has been in the process of being constructed. Yeah, I do notice that many of these developments are located on the outskirts of town or outside the station area.
Specific pound plan boundary. This is concerning to me. As this does not. Align with city policies and goals to address climate change, reliance on private automobiles continues to be a strain on families in Santa Rosa and does not furthers goals and strategies to address climate change. More a lot has been written about the hidden cost of housing and owning in a private automobile is on the top of the list. Also, I'm a cyclist and I want to continue being a cyclist and to feel safe that when I commute to work, that is my decision for my health, for my community to be a better steward of our community. But also I want to feel safe on our streets. Bike paths are great, but there can be so much done by looking at the bike and pedestrian advisory board's plans in advisor ship to this council. I'd also like to re-evaluate have this council and city staff re evaluate the fees and regulations regarding smaller developments or rehabilitation projects.
Permitting and impact fees are often impediments to creating different sizes of units and opportunities. That fit into the missing middle or midsize projects that could provide anywhere. From 2 to 4. You know, 2 to 8 units on a smaller >> Thank you again for the time. And I hope you have a great evening and consider making amendments before the approval. >> Cliff will be followed by Thomas Pounds. >> My name's clip with them addressed new not only the organizer of the Gateway property, but also one of the property owner to the Roberts District. I bought my property in 2006, 6 months later, we can rezone from light and does peal to TV are. 25 to 40 units per acre. In 2016, I formed the Gateway Coalition. help defeat the Redwood Gospel mission. Will most And that organize the property owners to mark the properties. We had a developer interested in it. But the environmental issues came up.
We security grant from the EPA through count CDC Summit County. And we environmental which we completed 11/20/2020. Rose a rezone their properties 6 weeks later to the now on realistic The show. I understand the housing Noman plan to identify where housing can be built. I had identified the gateway properties. It's 10 acres in coal at 25. 42 good for 400 units. Of affordable workforce and market rate housing. That's a reasonable density that can be built anything over 40 unit requires basically structured parking. I know there's no parking minimum, but the reality is that 90% of the people in Santa Rosa and Sonoma County own cars, even if they take bus, they will own a car and no developer or financial institution will support development without Park used some kind. The reduced parking would work if we were to put a 50 or 60 units for reduced parking, supporting things like Studio apartments and a block up into 2 bedroom apartment that would economically work and not require the structured parking the core density of downtown the density work because this parking structures center of it Southwest does not have any parking structures.
Southwest is. A depressed area that needs affordable housing. Robert is technically on the south side of Highway 12, which puts southwest not this part of a where the homeless encampment has been a plague on the Roberts that Rick, I organizing a police and public works to clear the homeless 7 out of the really the last 8 anyway there place. Bill, I hope you read the letter is sent.
>> Thomas also be next in than anyone that hasn't checked. If you'd like to speak, please make your way to the podium. >> Thank you very much for the opportunity to speak. Over the years. I've come before the city Council. In order to speak about some of the screen and that is great to see that property. Use it as a Parkland. But the area to the North is primarily rental property. Should be up zoned for for the future. So that you can have been filled the air and even room, you redevelopment that would raise the height of those buildings, have access to that park and greenway and that you're safe access for bicycles, pedestrians, and so on to the to the core of the city.
A good deal could be done there. I think the point that I'm making is that I'm surprise. Well, I'm not surprised but I would ask you to consider. Sony. As a part of this housing element that you go forward with with amended Sony. Zone changes because this is an amendment to the general plan. So you don't have to stick with your existing general plan and the zoning that you have. This is opportunity for you to change some of the zoning within the city. Some consolidation is only particularly with regard to commercial time zones. There's so many different kinds of commercial zones and every 3. Very confusing. And in particular, one aspect of that, Sony isn't the city approved. up to 50% of housing occupying. Commercial property. If it was in. General commercial. So it's the city approved But the interpretation was that must fall within a specific zone home.
Commercial general. Which is only about. Less than one-tenth of the commercial property within the city. So it's a very specific general commercial means all commercial does not mean commercial general zoning under specific zoning. So I would look at number one in the 50% of square footage could be converted to to housing. Specifically also with in this particular housing element is you can utilize is zone changing. I would recommend that you. approve this leader after you get you know, conditionally after you get zone changes because you can have the approval of for at the time of time, housing that you're looking for. >> So you can delay that and get your zoning change if you want to. Thank you. >> there any additional speakers in the chambers please make your way to the podium. Seeing none.
We'll go ahead and turn it over to our zoom host to facilitate >> we do have a some hangouts raise? her will margret county and You are Followed by Josh work. >> Hello. Can you hear me? >> Yes, you're you. >> It's murdered some and you and latest on county. I'm just calling predominantly expressed support for the housing element plan. I want to thank staff and planning for. I'm giving our with coalition. We sent a letter around asking for additional time. analyze and respond to the housing element Rastan. They've been really accommodating. And, you know, we just we really appreciate that because our coalition group, which is made up of a lot of different sectors.
We have been working really h*** o* analyzing all the housing element plans across the county. And so we appreciate that. And I just wanted to note the it's. Legally and had submitted a letter in regarding some changes too. The meant draft primarily around fair housing and tenant protections. And program age, 32 looks to area that the the city well look to formulating policy around preventing displacement. And Senate So around that, though, I would just encourage you to consider more specific language. You know, the housing element is supposed to have a tangible and measurable. Goals and specific. So when we're talking about, you know, it's going displacement and eviction protection. You know, we know that the city funds, you know, eviction defense and we legally Nonprofit that provides free legal assistance to low-income tenants facing their loss of housing and we encourage that to but, you know, having that ability to have an attorney in court doesn't necessarily prevent the loss of housing because in the absence of local protections.
Loopholes and state protections. Attendance and there are some role. There's not much that there's not as much that we can do to keep people house as we could. If there was, you know, just cause eviction protections like Petaluma is adopting like snow love. The city of Sonoma has put into their housing almond plan. They've also put a rent registry and run stabilization and the city of Sonoma. They're the only jurisdiction in the county to do so. And I would urge you at least consider what what they're looking at. And then, you know, would support the comments area of Gen housing. I don't disfavor the inclusionary housing policy. I think it Its intended not as a solution to everything, but as part of the solution. And, you know, it was designed to zoning practices such as redlining. And so it doesn't go. will now hear >> Joshua, it can unmute yourself. >> I'm great. Thanks so much.
Can you hear me OK? >> Yes. >> Good evening. Mayor Rogers, Vice Mayor McDonald and council members and staff by name is Josh for and I'm the director of special initiatives Generation We we want to all the progress made on Santa Rosa's housing element with special thanks to Director Hartman. Any light on the planning team. I'm Cal Weeks personally asked the day pass along his gratitude for your work. Having worked with all of you over the year as part of the local housing element working group. We know it's it's not easy to look ahead. A full 8 years to think through what the housing inventory will look like. But this house, it does represent a commitment to create a policy context where where housing is more likely to be bill we want to say that we think the plan is ambitious and several areas and we would just encourage you to see it as a Please be flexible adapt to what is working as you done with 80 use and consider applying that to new types of housing which is smaller and affordable by design housing that continues you for tonight to be very difficult to develop in part because of the larger per unit size fees.
We think those creative policies can work for more than one type of housing. Just to general comments. Although this housing element is a state mandated component of the general plan, we really do encourage you to view it as adding more and not less power to city governments to build housing. The state's many new policies are designed to help localities pivot from past and restrictive laws that you want to council have inherited. But that no longer truly match your client needs committed to equitable housing and and the need to house workforce residents secondly, part of that inheritance from the pass includes a lot of dated ideas about the cost of new housing and especially the cost the cost benefit terms of denser housing. That simple does not with today's housing economy. >> And so for those of the group is speaking, housing want to one day you saw how outdated our sense of land use revenues can be and how those perceptions continue to favor traditional emphasis on low density housing.
But today, the tax revenue generated by dancing. It's far out without ways single family. You know, we continue to collect fees on density units when in reality, it's single family homes, too, do not generate the revenue down the road. So please consider these kinds of flexible approaches as as the the cycle get started the housing element is long term for a reason because it asks you to revise and adapt, but also because it allows you time to change broader ideas and perceptions about what housing as thank you very much. Thank you. Thanks for your service and we appreciate you moving us forward. >> OK, we will have followed by Chris. Do >> thank you, Steve Bernal Bo, I chair the Transportation Menus. Coalition and we're looking very carefully at the requirements of the there are resources board that we reduce driving at the rate of about 5% per year.
A 25% reduction by 2030. We appreciate the work that's being done this. We hope as you >> move forward. You listen to the people that are asking for reduction or elimination of parking minimums. And we really look at the fact that upcoming generations are less wedded to the car. Then. We think we would like to think about them. The there. There's a good deal of indication that people are waiting longer to get their driver's license. They're relying on other forms of transportation, particularly e-bikes. The banks are making it. Abel and make is able to commute. 5 miles on a bicycle. And be comfortable. We get to work. We need. We need to make our streets more comfortable and we need to. the cost of parking a car from the cost of running a house apartment. And bundling the cost of parking will impress upon people. The fact that you really don't need to have a car. You can live more economically without one.
So those are just some ideas about how we can proceed forward. Thank you very much for what you're doing. Hope to move this forward tonight. Thank you. >> we will have. Chris, if you can yourselves. >> Thanks so much. Just want to quickly the things for staff and council for all the hard work on this. The consultant as well I've been paying increasingly close attention to the process and appreciate you know how hard it is to to keep making progress on this with the dizzying array of requirements from the state. And of course, all differing points of from the community. So just really appreciate the effort. I also want to underscore amends. Others have that, you know, this is a visionary document and should be a visionary document. And I especially want joined the folks that are connecting the dots between housing, and use. Obviously in the city and the county brought the transportation itself is a very significant land-use issue. we do need much, much denser development.
But order for that to work order for it create the city that we really want, we need much more people from streets so that spiking. But it's also pedestrian infrastructure. I was struck ththe gentleman you know, emphasize that it's just not realistic to build without parking. And of course, there's lots of exples of where it is being done. Now. So I thi we should nogive in to that that inertia, that point o view that we can't chang We should be the visionary. And we should bring the infrastructure into play to make that possle. All ended there. But ust want to say thank, younow, that's that will get approved tonight. And also jt really looking forward to working on the transportati elements to make sure this is success.
>>here are no of >> cars. And there no prerecordemessages. >> Thank you with no addional members of the public that are shing to speak. We will now close the public hearing. Bring it back to council for any final comments or questions. Council member Rogers.Thank you, yor. >> didn't want to justake a couple of commentsas well, mostlyecause we've seen rt of this interestg xtaposition and the pres over a couple ofifferent articles in the la few days. One was the arcle that I think ant Day hat talked about this discussion that we're going have nd one was over the weekend. An article th talked abou More people leaving Sonoma Coun than cing in. And I received a nber of comments fromolks who really were questioning why do we continue to build housing iwe have fewer people cong into the community at whave leaving? Anfirst of all, I thinit's really portant for us to contin to fight that narrative pushback and say that just because we he en htorically unr house, rticularly forhe lt decade, esn'mean at fer people.
Heres a good thing. When we lo t the mographics, whene lookt thfact that retired individuals the community contin grow and that the loss of indivialin the community are thoswho are the workforce orare younge I ink it tells uwhthis process is so impornt. The isot the ability r ung ople to geestaished in our mmuny. en you think of the metricswhenou think of the life points going to school, meinyour significant otr bung your firshomes, things that bring you theommunity and allow u to live ther Do nohappen in Santa sa at the same rate otr aces beuse the cost oling is so high. nde heardm so businesses. K se is a eaexample of eir inability toind workers wh arhe because peoplare leaving and the inability atact workers who a unci meerraft and I were st talkg about issueshathe ci isavg, whe weind alified peoplehoook thsarynd say thas great at smuch more than making elsewhe. nd then they look atheost of living andhey' like ere's no way I c go there.
Iant tothank staff fo th. want to tha t mmunity for showg in ppt today. And I al wa tthank staffonot trying to t way out. We'veeehearing stors Hillsborough an otrscommunities atave tried to game t stem to tually build less hoinor hoinof a different te, mo proprie pes. I think our plan tt'been put forward toy a pn that's alistic fooucommunity. That okat the edn r commitand tries to pry ove an appropriat responseSo just want to thk eryone forhe paication in i Are the any? Counlmember Okpk? Ye, I just le rs reere Councilm Rer said. And thanyo Steph, so much forllhe work he put intohi Tha you for. >>llhe akeholdersn e couny as well as allof you give plicomment. A alsoememr we hear everythingouuys are ng d is isn't t onlchce that you were gog have o dress any of yo concerns. do have o goa coming . That is a gre portitfor you tohoup antalk bo hsing and what you wt see an hoing and to t cncil talkineaier cruitment. Ye, it's it and being living here d ying to bu a house.t'it intimiti.
It's timidatingo y to move to Santa sa as a young pers to sta aareer star famiAnd we're very cognanhat as a whole council. so don't just because if any chaesre made tonight that you are happy with doesn mn that it' going unhearand that it won't be address aa later te or discusseat aater date. I want tasre everody that. >> A tre any additial commts fm council mbs? esons? Seeing noneouncil meer Rogers, if u would, please make a moonRight up with a resolutioofhe Council of theitof Santa Rosa. Adopting an addduto the 2035 Generalla Environmental Impactept to update thhousing element of the ger plan for the period of 2023 to 2031 and I also hrd in a way fothe readg of the text.
T then I also heardstaff k for a ttle bit of lway in case they nd make nor tweaks wiout havi to me back through the full process. 's alincle that in my mion wl. Second. >> All right. hav from council member Rors and second from cocil Prep Key. ty clerk. Can yo plseall the vote? Council member Rogers? Cncil member Okreie. I council member Flemg. Couil mber of Coress. ll Vice yor McDonald, Mayor Rogers, I the motionpasses with 6 es withouncil member app abse. >> Iill also make a most in approving the resolution o the Counl of the City of Santa sa adopting a genera plan amendme to update e housing ement of the general plan forhe period of023 to 2031including affirmately furthering fair housg in compliance with thetate hoing elemen Law and authorizing staff to submit the adopted housing element the lifornia Department Housinand Community Developmenr certification and wait for t reading of the text.
Cond. I have a motiofrom council meer Rogers in a second from council member Okreie city clerk thing please call the row. Council meer Rogers. I. Council member Okrepkie. I couil member FlemingI. Council member arrests. Vice Mayor McDonald tie. Mar Rogers, I? The moti passes with 6 es with Council membestop abnt. ain. Much tnks to our staff and also the stakeholders in the community. And if I can add, I think that we're all stakeholders in communit So thank you very much for your participation.
>> In the hard work will be now moving to item 15 repor items to 15.1. Madam City manage Item 15.1, a resolution. Making. Resolution making require findings in approving the hiring. Jeffrey Burke, retired as a temporary employee to serve as parts to serve part-time acting chief assistant city attorney for a period of a limited duration. I will turn this over to city Attorney Gallagher. >> So HR director Amy Reeve will be doing the presentation. Thank you. >> Good evening, Madam Mayor and members of the city Council, I'm Amy Reed, the director of human resources. And before you for consideration this evening is and I am approving the hiring of Geoffrey Berg as a temporary employee and retired Annuitant to service part-time acting chief assistant city attorney for a period of limited duration. Jeffrey Burke, retired from his position as the chief assistant city attorney on January 4th, 2023 and the city is currently conducting an open recruitment for his replacement.
It is anticipated that the recruitment process could take between 4 and 6 months and there are critical issues and projects pending which will need to be addressed with the recruitment for a permanent replacement is ongoing. Mister Burke has this. Specially is knowledge and skills required to address this critical issues and projects. To ensure a smooth transition and uninterrupted city operations. It is recommended that Mister Burke be returned as a temporary employee to serve in the position of part time. Acting chief Assistant City attorney until February 20th 2024. or until a replacement is appointed. Mister Burke is a Calpers retired a tent and his employment is therefore governed by CalPERS regulations. The CalPERS regulations allow retired person to serve without a reinstatement up on an interim appointment by the council to a position that's currently vacant during recruitment period and deemed by the council to require specialized skills. Or an emergency situation to prevent the stoppage of public business. Pursuant to the CalPERS government Code Section 7, 5, to 2.5, 6 f one retirees should not be eligible to begin work for a period of 180 days following the day of their retirement and less.
The council does certify the nature of the appointment meets those requirements stated above and that the appointment is necessary to fill a critical need within that initial period. The CalPERS, the CalPERS regulations require that the appointment be of limited duration, that it must have a beginning and an that the retiree will not work more than 960 hours each fiscal year. And that the compensation must be within the existing hourly range for the chief assistant city attorney. Additionally, a retiree should not receive any benefit incentive compensation in lieu of benefits or any other form of compensation other than the hourly pay rate. Finally, it is recommended by the city attorney's office and the Human Resources Department that the council by resolution approved Jeffrey Bert to be hired as a temporary employee to the position of part-time acting chief assistant City attorney for a limited period from February.
21st 2023 through February, 20th 2024 or until the permanent full-time position is filled, whichever is sooner and to certify the appointment is necessary to fill the critical position of chief Assistant City attorney. With that opening up for any questions. Thank you so much for that presentation. Are there any questions from council? >> Seeing none here there. Any. Online saying none there. 2 as U.S. Council member Okrepkie. >> resolution of the city Council. The city center is approving hiring of Jeffrey Burke is a temporary part-time employee into the position of acting chief Assistant City attorney for Linda duration from February. 21st 2023 through February. 20th 2024 or until the permanent position is filled way for the reading of the text.
>> second. But I to get the dates corrects. >> And mayor, we need to take comment on this item. Also. That the dates are correct from starting February And we've made it for a year duration in the event that we have difficulties for the appointment. So that is correct. And I'm sorry, did I miss that? You open the for public comment. You miss it because I didn't do it. >> Okay. >> So I think we have a motion by a in a second by Rogers.
But if we can go ahead and open public comment. >> We're now taking public comment item 15.1. If you're in the chambers, please go ahead. Make your way to the podium. If you're participating via zoom, please raise your hand. If you're dialing in via telephone, please down starting 9 to raise your hand. You have 3 minutes to comment a timer. Will. Are you at the conclusion of that period? I'm seeing no public comment in Chambers.
Do we have comment? >> I know we raised hands and no comments. >> Thank you so much. So we have a motion by council member Okrepkie in a second by council member Rogers City clerk. Can you please call the but? Council member Rogers? Council member Okrepkie Council member Fleming. Council member arrest. Vice Mayor McDonald. I Mayor Rogers, I. The motion passes with 6 eyes with council members. Stop >> Moving to item 17 written communications. We have item. 18 is our lives public comment on non agenda matters. >> If you would like to make a comment in your in the chamber, please make your way to the podium scene. seeing no hands raised on zoom. Are there any? Other comments? Seeing none we will now go to announcements and I just wanted to point out that we will be having some local are in the throughout February.
So thank you very much to the in our city that have provided us with there for February and Happy Black History Month. And I think that meeting adjourned. Thank you so much.