This is the IETF Plenary. Please come on in and take a seat you're standing in the back. If people who are standing in the back
could close the door in behind you and come on in and take a seat that would be
great welcome to the plenary session here at IETF 104 my name is Alissa Cooper
I'm the chair of the IETF we're here in lovely Prague once again one of our
favorite cities as people probably know a typical IETF meeting we have lots of
great tutorials we actually had a longer tutorial session just today on modern
router architecture and earlier this week on Sunday there was a really a
really special tutorial where we went kind of above and beyond the typical
content I don't know how many of you got to go but there was a tutorial about how
to create an internet so in case you don't like the one that we have we're
trying to teach people if anybody wants to come to the mic later and tell us
what they learned in the tutorial about how to create an internet I think the
rest of us would be very much appreciative in fact it was a tutorial
about how to create an internet draft with tools that support our new RFC
format so I actually encourage you to go take a look at the at the materials
there if you're going to be submitting drafts in the new RFC format and if
you're less interested in building a new internet and more interested in building
something else you may have checked out the adjacent conference about the inter
snack if anybody attended that and you want to come to the microphone and tell
us what that's about that would also be most appreciative I really want to know
what the interesting hack is because I have no idea what it actually is so
here's a bit on our agenda today we'll be hearing from our meeting co-hosts
shortly then we'll have brief updates from myself from our outgoing and
incoming I RTF chairs from the RFC editor
from those who work on the administration of the IETF both at the
staff level and the board level we'll hear from the IETF trust and from our
previous sonam comm chair substitute because our actual previous NomCom
chairs couldn't be with us in our next non-pom chair we'll hear a little bit
about the upcoming Costello award for this year a preview of IETF 105 will
have a recognition portion for a number of people who will be transitioning out
of various roles in the IETF and then we're gonna have our typical
open microphone sessions you'll see because we no longer have the IAO C we
will have an open microphone session with the IETF LLC board for the first
time and there's no technical plenary topic today so I'm sure this will be
very short and sweet so first I'd like to thank our co-host for this meeting we wouldn't be able to put these
meetings on without the support of our sponsors and in particular of our hosts
who make a huge donation of support to the ITF so if I could ask Cullen and
Andre to come up we have gifts of appreciation for you so hello everybody welcome to Pratt
coming for me it's your fifth meeting in Prague who you know everything and very
difficult position as you know seventh time I'm speaking in front of you trying
to say something silly about Czech Republic and trying to avoid talking
about my company and guys I'm really you know getting out of topics so last time
I think I spoke a little bit about Czech language I talked to some some Czech
words in IETF 93 I I've talked about you know the Czech personality how objects
behave and you know this time I would like to talk a little bit about the area
I think you all know it because it's your fourth time here but still if maybe
I can share the few words from from a viewpoint of a local so here's the map
of Prague and I would like to introduce you five city districts they are very
close you can walk there although you know you have the train ticket for the
whole week so we can travel to to all the various parts of Prague but those
areas those districts are walkable.

We are in a pretty like modern park called
Karine to be honest is not very interesting part of Prague it used to be
an industrial area so there were queues to be many warehouses now it's turning
to a residential area one interesting fact is that here
used to invent one of the greatest invention inventors of the Czech history. The creator who created the Socialists adjustable arc lamp which the
time was superior to Edison's light bulb but other than that they are not very
nice part of track one interesting fact about this part it was really badly
damaged by a great flood in 2002 many many houses collapsed which surprisingly
let's do a new development of this area so many new houses were built many
offices or residential houses were built even actually this this hotel was
flooded in 2002 we wouldn't be here because the water was a bit higher and
what was interesting that the management of the of the hotel had a very
interesting plan when the water level was rising they they flooded the
basement of the hotel by clear water so when the flood came this water helped
the building statics and also the dirty water couldn't get in so this is hotel
was really pretty quickly after the flood while the other building as I said
some of them collapse or or couldn't be used for a long time another area you
probably know quite well it's called nove mesto
this to translate is called new town it's a little bit weird name because new
town is part of what we call the historical center of prat so it has been
new for more than 650 years actually but it's still a little bit younger brother
of City Park called Old Town which is more than thousand years old so that's
why it was it was founded by one of the greatest kings and
Charles the force who really you know was pretty important for the city so he
founded this city power the new town and also another part which which I really
like it's called the Nahanni the translation
is Waimea so it was not supposed to be a residential area right it is now but it
really was an attempt to produce wine in this in this code and city so it was not
really successful and also after you know the rapid growth of the city and
the like 150 years ago the municipality decided to turn it to residential area
so that was the end of attempt trying to grow grapes in in Prague and we could
really fully concentrate on beer which I think was very very good idea so and
it's still working now so this is one of the dominant of the of the of the
auditorium there is much less tourists and in the city center and a lot of
great restaurants and pubs their second dominant is another church it's on the
city square called non EST uses palabra I know it's very easy to say that name
there is a there's a underground station with the same name is USP develop and
for some strange reasons the ex body is the furnace living here ecologist gzp I
don't know why item they somehow don't wanna say this beautiful name
interesting about this City Square is that the main building of seasoning is
like 102 meters from from the church so that's an NRI work and that's that's
what we like there another and maybe more interesting part is called
Shishkoff it has the same history as wine art it was also part of money at
the time and then why now it was split into two areas one
it's now called Vinogradov minor again and the second part good a named after
one of the most interesting commanders his his name was jischke of course and
this is one of the six european commanders who never lost a single
battle and this is not caused by the fact that he didn't battle at all but
this was caught by the fact that he was really good by the way he the time he
was he was leading it was in the in the beginning of 15th century shortly after
400 he was leading a kind of proto protestant church and that time the idea
that there would be other than catholic church not very proper in europe so that
he can decided to kind of eliminate this movement and they they issue like five
holy Crusades that went to bohemia and they were all defeated three of them by
by this dis gentleman and to look after his death by by his successor so very
interesting fighter and maybe the spirit of this man is kind of a part of this
this part of this district because it's quite kind of rebellion part of probably
the most bohemian prac of a part of crack so the source of wisdom called
wikipedia says that this district has highest concentration of pups per capita
in all european districts so I'm sure it's true or it's not very far from –
compared to the narrative of the pups are fancy and you can still see some
tourists there in juice coffee you will not see any they are just locals and the
good thing that anytime you're thirsty you can go there and have a beer you
know any time of day night whatever this this city part never stops it used to
have a little bit better reputation you know the the people living there are
still proud of it so they never accepted the fact that
jischke became part of Prague in 1922 and some of them still call it the Free
Republic of Shishkoff so this kind of independent part of pride and many like
the free air meetings happenings festivals are you know happening there
so some very area that I would recommend for somebody who wants to see the local
culture the that is the fourth district and the fifth district is also a very
interesting mainly mainly by the fact that I really couldn't find anything
interesting about it at all that's amazing part of pride it's really tough
I can illustrate it by a sign that was found on one of the one of the buildings please read it that's amazing part of the city so maybe
you are asking yourself why I chose it right why because I wanted to check if
you did your homework do you remember my presentation two years ago I taught you
this simple sentence and I told you please repeat it we don't have a contest
and who will be able to say it you know live in something so again it's very
simple sentence touch / script script by the way somebody after my presentation
tweeted that he wasn't sure whether the English sentence below is a translation
all the way how to pronounce it so I just wanted to make clear that this is a
translation actually it's it's not so tough so I am sure all you did have your
homework right so who wants to be first I know if something is too easy nobody
wants to be first right it's like going to my can sake grass green right so okay
so but I I do believe you you did your best so and so the next level would be
name of this of this city district it has all the beauty of Czech language it
is are used as a vowel it has the magical letter sir which you know it's a
nightmare for all the foreigners in this country and it's part of my name
actually and it is also very interesting meaning and gain the English words in in
parenthesis below it's not it's translation not the way how to say it
okay so this city part is called cut-throats which which is promising you
know you would believe there must be something interesting but but it's not
so the simple check rod is hablas as a okay and we will be able to say me to
say this this name with the sentence on the next meeting will have a beer for me
okay so again thank you very much for
choosing product as your ITF city and see you at the next meeting ITF 110 thank you we do have a gift for our
other co-hosts who I saw walk in so would you like to come up and get your
gift Cisco it's a pleasure to be able to sponsor
this along with our friends at C's Enoch I'm loved to be back in Prague this time
I hope everyone this week gets a ton of great work done in a style that makes
new friends and makes it a pleasant place to work have a great week and
welcome to project alright so I have a few items to report on there's lots more
information in the written report that the isg and myself sent out to the IETF
mailing list before the meeting today we're going to look a little bit at some
participant statistics talk a little bit about some of the meeting experiments
that we've been running follow up from the open microphone session at the last
plenary a brief update on the Ombuds team and I'll spend a moment on our
standards of professional behavior here in the ITF so these are our participants
statistics for this meeting we have about 1200 people who are here on-site
234 first-time attendees which is a which is a nice high number for an ITF
meeting fairly similar attendance to what we had a year ago in London and 63
different countries represented here at this meeting if we take a look at the
trends what this shows you is the overall attendance the first-time
attendees and the set of attendees who've attended 80 percent or more of
prior meetings you can see it as you would expect the meeting attendance kind
of goes up and down depending on the location and the time of year and the
first-time attendees fluctuates somewhat in tandem with that although a bit on
its own curve and then the last line is a little bit on the decline so the the
true believers in the ITF who have been around the longest are becoming a
smaller group over time we had a record-breaking ITF hackathon
on Saturday and Sunday 370 people are on site working on 44 different projects
every different kind of every area of the ITF represented and lots of people
working on projects adjacent to a ETF technologies we also had the hack demo
happy hour on Monday night where teams got to present some of the what they had
worked on over the weekend and for those who are interested in joining in on this
particular kind of fun we have another hackathon scheduled at the start of the
week of IETF 105 in Montreal so please consider that when you make your travel
plans you don't need to be previously involved in a project in order to get
started there's lots of people there who can help you find a team find something
to work on over the weekend and hopefully help advance the
implementation and deployment of IETF standards if we look at the trend for
for the hackathon attendance is growing over meeting over meeting more or less
and as I said we had we had a big jump from from our previous record in Bangkok
to now so this is definitely an event that's attracting more and more
attention and participation from people who attend the IGF meeting and also
others which is fantastic so meeting experiments some people might be aware
that we are running an experiment at this meeting with unstructured time in
the agenda this is actually the second different iteration of this particular
experiment so at ATF 103 we ran an experiment where we had some
unstructured time on the Friday of the meeting week there were rooms available
that people could book on a first-come first-served basis but there were not
any working group sessions on the Friday we conducted a meeting survey after IETF
103 just like we do after every meeting and the survey feedback indicated that
almost nobody likes having unstructured time on Friday but people were quite
interested in having unstructured time in the middle of the week and as a
result for this meeting we scheduled some unser
in the middle of the week so earlier today we had a block that was free there
were side meeting rooms again available to book and just as a note because
there's I think been some confusion about this the way that we've been able
to accommodate this and still accommodate all of the working groups
that put in a request for time is by maintaining enough slots to accommodate
all of those groups but shortening some of the slots so we have the same number
of slots available more or less that we've that we've had for many years but
we've we've offered different size slots in order to be able to accommodate that
so we've received lots of feedback about this experiment already on the IETF list
and the working group chairs list so thank you very much for that and we're
definitely welcome to to hear more from you
we're really gonna be relying on the MTG survey to provide us with a broad-based
view not just an opinion here and there on a mailing list but to try to get a
sense of of the whole community or the whole community that's willing to fill
out a survey about how they're how they like what we're doing with the schedule
what we're trying with the schedule we've crafted a bunch of very specific
questions on this topic that are in the MTG survey that will be going out toward
the end of the week or possibly over the weekend so if this is a topic that you
care to voice an opinion on please fill out the MTG survey when it goes out you
can also of course always send feedback to the isg at our at our email address
and before we run the experiment at night EF 103 we announced it many months
in advance because it was on the Friday we knew that it would affect people's
travel plans so we announced it in May and then ran the experiment in November
for this this iteration of the experiment we wanted to wait and see how
many working group requests came in and whether we thought we could actually
make it work without creating too much conflict between the working groups so
we waited to be real specific about what we were going to do with the
unstructured time until the working group requests went in for the next
iteration we if we if we carry forward this experiment at all which we may or
may not we plan to announced it further in advance we
thought we would wait in case we in case it just seemed like it would create too
much conflict but it seems like waiting created more of a problem than than the
problem it's solved so certainly if we if we intend to try another version of
this experiment will tell people further in advance next time we've also been
running an experiment around a new event on Sunday evening called request for
conversation pot RFC this event includes lightning talks and other kind of brief
pitches to encourage people to brainstorm collaborate to announce
something that might be going on later in the week so this took place on Sunday
at 6 o'clock and there were 15 different presentations you can check out the
proceedings online we've now had this event three or four times something that
Aaron for three five four okay so it seems to the ihd that people like
this where we could maybe move this out of the experimental phase and declare it
a successful experiment but we're also always looking for feedback about how to
change or improve it so please send send that our way and many thanks to Aaron
Faulk for incubating this idea and for making it a success so at the last plenary we had some open
microphone discussion about behavior and conduct in working groups I talked about
this at some length and as a result of that the IHG kicked off some initial
discussion with the working group chairs in by email in December and we've
continued to kind of go back and forth take the feedback from the wooden group
chairs and discuss it within the IHG and back with the order of chairs again and
as a result of that conversation there's a couple different areas that were that
we're looking to explore further one is around guidance or training for the IETF
leadership and for the workgroup chairs about managing difficult situations that
that may arise and then the other one is around a better means of archiving
expired work so one of the topics that came up in this discussion was that when
people enter newly into a working group they might not be aware of what work has
happened in the past or more importantly what discussions have happened that
didn't you know produce ending RFC's but were considered concluded or abandoned
by the group and so there's been some conversation about how we could better
demarcate when a piece of work or a discussion as has concluded without
without proceeding on to standardization so we're still having conversations with
people about those things and and will continue to followup with the community
if we figure out what we think we could do to help we also have a new member of
our Ombuds team Melinda Shore started in January as as
part of this team and she joins Allison Menken and Pete Resnick so thank you to
Melinda for being willing to serve and to Allison and Pete for continuing a
really important function for the IETF if you ever have an issue with
harassment your these are your your people that you can go to to to get
guidance and advice and to speak with someone in confidence we are really
striving to create and maintain an environment here where people feel
included and where everyone feels like they get
treated with dignity and respect we have a number of different policies and
guidelines that go into more detail about this so I encourage you to to
check them out and the Ombuds team that you just saw on the screen can be
reached at their email address and there's more information about them on
their website as I said at the top there's a bunch more information covered
in our online report and in the reports from the various other bodies so if you
want more details please take a look there and we're always writing updates
about various things on the blog including a preview of this meeting
that'll be highlights from this meeting posted there as well and that I'd like
to invite our outgoing incoming iron chef chairs to come on up that's a good way retire somebody all
right so uh Colin and I are going to tell you about the IRT F ATF 104 and
first of all I want to say thanks to the IRT F it's been amazing
thank you Prague I'm very happy to have it my term ending here I have a big lump
in my cock from that and I wanted to just reflect a little bit about what
happened in these two years two years might not seem like a lot of time but it
feels like a lot of time and we actually had a lot of things happen and the
research groups overall have been very good at fulfilling their mission of
being rigorous and thinking about the long horizon while also thinking how
might this be applied so rigorous long horizon and relevant and at the time
since I've got started we've had five new ones path to where networking
decentralized Internet infrastructure the non blockchain research group
privacy enhancements and assessments and we've determined that it was three
meetings so it's actually transitioning to not proposed now a new quantum
internet proposed research group that just started and a bunch of you went to
the tutorial and I hear it was really fun and then enlivening and then one
that's starting and we'll meet this week later in the week the computation in the
network proposed research group and I also think of this as two years of
really wonderful community growth for IRT F but also for the I family we had a
bunch of people coming because of the applied networking research prize
including returnees as we got donations from from some of our sponsors to give
us more travel funds so not just the six awards but
people had been buried here before and seemed like it would benefit from coming
and then these do research group chairs so that I've mentioned I'll show you a
list of people I'll just flash it by the workshop in in the a in the applied
networking research workshop workshop in eighteen last year had an innovation
suggested by his chairs of meeting during IETF week and as a result there
were well there were a hundred participants at that they were either
new to the IETF or were very entirely or or had been only very rarely and many of
them stayed and participated so I think this has been a good innovation we're
going to continue this there was a lot of of growth of communities because of
IRTF groups going to the hackathons and I just want to call it especially HR PC
and think to thing research group among the many as using those hackathons
extremely well MAPRG which is the measurement research group not only had
tremendous presenters but also grew a great big repository of data that you
should take a look at and even though documents are often the story for the
ITF for the IR tips you should also check the wiki's and get a pose for our
artifacts and and reporting and comments and discussion as well as the mailings
and this is just a selection of some of the new people and I'm not going to call
people out but we have a bunch of people who are from many places and it's been a
really interesting time and these are just the people associated with the
events in my two years and now I'm going to welcome Colin as the incoming IRT F
chair I said on this slide that he had just received the IRT F chair dot but
there actually isn't one and I would have given him the IR s G dot but he
already had one so instead I covered that my aria IR s G dot with a
surveillance massive massive massive pervasive monitoring is a an attack dot
that I've just created and also one from the women the Women in Technology dot
that says yes we can from now over to Colin Colin's visit the ITF
for quite a long time and he's done lots of different working group chair chips
and contributions largely in transport it's been observed that we've had a lot
of transport folks become IRT F chairs and I think as a transport person that's
entirely natural but Colin may speak yeah and then he's
on the faculty of the University of Glasgow and and there's his website in
his picture and welcome to Colin thank you thank thank you Alison
I am I have to say honored and a little humbled to be selected and very much
look forward to working with the community although I think they may
treat the absence of a dot as an excuse to pretend I was never nominated too
late all right so the first thing I would like to do is so very very big
thank you to yes Allyson I think has has worked very very
hard to increase the diversity in the IRT F we have a much more diverse set of
people in the research group chairs in the IR s G and a much much much more
diverse set of research groups and topics which i think is very very
valuable very important to increase the diversity this way
she's chatted some very interesting very exciting new research groups I think in
particular the quantum internet group which I think you charted is gonna give
me the the biggest learning curve of any group in this this organization so I
look forward to trying to keep on top of their documents and I think she's also
done a very good job with the applied networking research prize and we had
some talks earlier in the week in the ITF open meeting and there were very
excellent research prize talks there and also growing and enhancing the
visibility of the applied networking research workshop which i think is a
really great way of bringing people from from the research community in getting
them to talk to the standards community I think it's very beneficial for the
long-term health of both organizations so again Thank You Allison a small token
of thanks from the community now thank you once again okay so just
have to forward-looking things that I'd like to mention before we finish first
the applied networking research workshop you know it's happened it's been running
for the last couple of years last year in Montreal it took place on the Monday
and we had some good interactions there will be having again coincidentally in
Montreal since we're going back this summer again in the Monday of the ITF
week this is an academic research workshop the the results will be
published by the ACM if you have research work relating to applied
networking research please consider submitting a paper the submission
deadline is the 10th of May so there's still plenty of time to do that this is
being run by Janet Leigh anger I don't see him he's here somewhere this week
and it is a long-term ITF participant and Philip a girl from from the
University of Massachusetts in addition which but have slightly smaller
interests but there is a workshop on evaluation performance in
interoperability of quick which will relate to a large number of people in
the transport area the submission deadline on the 15th of April which
allows Eggert in the oak lot are running and again if you have research work or
an interesting quick please consider submitting to that workshop
thank you I look forward to working with everyone
what for – the next time thank you we have next the RFC editor so much fun seeing all my closest
friends again so I know you've seen me up here a few times but I'm just gonna
check do you guys know that I've been working on this format project crazy
talk I know if you are new or you live under a rock I've been working on
changing the format to rfcs for the last six years and the goals of the project
are to create a xml file that will be used to transform into plain text PDF a3
and HTML the HTML actually has a proper CSS you'll be allowed to use SVG line
art in black and white you'll be allowed to use non ASCII characters all of this
information is documented in various and sundry rfcs all of which will go through
a BIST process once we've actually taken what we thought might work and actually
check to see did it actually do what we wanted it to do all of which is going to
be happening this year so project status discussion happen happens on the XML to
RFC devilís because we're really talking about the tools that have been in play
under development over the last couple years I wanted to do a quick shout-out
to Calais oft where they are our partner of Adobe and they've donated to the RFC
editor of the software we needed to create PDF a3 there's not a lot of
libraries out there that will create you a PDF a free file as of Monday the data
tracker accepts v3 XML if you get you know really enthusiastic about this you
can to the xml to RFC website to the
experimental page and say you know what i have a v2 file i want to could you
make it v3 do the thing and it will automatically create a v3 file which you
can submit and say well i want to see what the HTML is gonna look like and it
will show you or you could say i want to see what the text output looks like
because it's slightly different than today and it will show you that – in my
head i would very much like for this to be in production come August hold that
thought I have a sneaking suspicion that
Murphy's Law is going to hit me up the head with something called cluster 238 optimistically I'm told that that will
happen you know cluster 238 we really hopeful will come come out in May but
you know things get delayed sometimes and I'm just you know it's coming out in
August I know it's coming out in August so I'm just waiting for it so the timing
is is definitely open to a little bit of question right now there is an
inordinate amount of behind-the-scenes work going on so if you look at the RFC
editor report for example you'll see that the RC production Center is not
meeting the SLA this is something we knew that would happen and that we've
been trying to prepare people for for quite some time we're not missing it by
a lot but just enough to turn that that X to be read so that's not gonna stop
either at least for the next few months so be aware that there is there is a
slowdown in getting stuff out well we should've already forgave me that's the
highlight of what I wanted to tell you about there's a couple other slides here
in my deck because I also told folks on a completely unrelated fashion that I
was going to start a basically a vendor satisfaction survey to see how the RFC
production Center is doing and I promised you an update by ITTF 104 so
that update is in these slides if you've got questions about it you can look at
that and you can drop me a note if you want any more information that I can
share I have someone staring at me for a question should I take that or wait for
it I'm coming back to ask you if you have questions at the mic I'm coming
back with the IAB because they can't get it so just come back to the mic pin and
I'll answer your question thank you okay next up we have the ITF Administration
LLC hello everyone my name is Portia when
Stanley I am the ietf LLC executive director interim and I'm here to give
the Eadie report as Alissa spoke earlier I'd like to thank our sponsors our hosts
for IT f-104 Cisco Cisco and C's ethnic I want to make sure I try to pronounce
that correctly and I really do appreciate everything that you all have
done to make this meeting a success our Silver Sponsor akame there thank you
very much and a bronze sponsor the best VPN comm in clinic connectivity's
classes dial telecom and t-mobile thank you very much for your service
of course they make everything happen for us so thank you and we also want to
make sure we faked our equipment sponsors because it takes a lot of
equipment to actually bring the circuits and everything in to make everything
work cisco again and juniper networks and for the sister's program thank you
spawn fastly for your deletion in support of the sisters and for the
Welcome Reception thank you to the Hilton throg and for another successful
hackathon thank you to Oracle for your donation and also for to Cisco and
Dubner for the code sprint thank you to all the
contributors for the idea of data tractor enhancement and to the NOC thank
you to come for everyone who is involved we have fine speed medical and also our
volunteers of course who make everything happen for the knot and if you have time
please join our host speakers for the series we have Frank Buckner's and
Benoit Klaus from Cisco that's tomorrow 12:30 in the Grand Ballroom and thank
you to the Comcast NBC Universal for sponsoring IETF 105 next year in
Montreal I'm sorry this year in Montreal and also we have a new global host Nokia
and I'm not sure if our representative is here but we did want to thank you
very much for your I thank you very much for coming on as a global host the
global hosts are the highest level of support for the IETF and we really
appreciate that and as well the they have already signed on to support IETF
106 in Singapore so thank you very much again to all of our local hosts many of
pre much appreciation for all that you do and regarding sponsorship changes for
the ITF kim board and what most of some of you i would say have a chance to meet
Ken during the last year his contract has concluded as the IETF sponsorship
sponsorship fundraiser and the board is really thanks to Kim
for all of his hard work he did a lot while he was here during the last year
and as we move on the board the incoming boarder who was official mal will take
time to actually develop a longer term plan for what they see as the in
sponsorship for in fundraising goals for the ietf LLC so that's coming and in the
meantime if you are interested in doing any type of sponsorships please see me
Porcia win Stanley thank you and I'm also the generic it's
generic but it still comes to one person the young sponsorship email addresses
sponsorship at IETF dot org our future meeting venues as you can take a look
there we have identified venues up through IETF 111 in San Francisco and so
we just wanted to point out that we have dates and in venues that are identified
for the next view was three years of meetings and where you see some spots
there we do need sponsors for those and we are
also in the process of actually identifying and working on the contracts
for four other venues so a lot is happening for meeting hidden for the
IETF the Prague meetings on snapshot for paid and on-site attendance 1150 remote participants 729 visa LOI is
issued 152 and a registration revenue is 830 101 at 7:00 on sponsorship revenue
190,000 and the reserved registration breakdown thank you so I'm Wendy and I'm
gonna run you through the the LLC board has been up to and working on since the
LC got formed at the end of August 5 is really to get the LLC up and running
it's like a brand-new baby you got a feed and take care of it make it happen
we do finalizing the financial transaction or transcript from I sock
that was probably one of the key things to accomplish in 2018 because I sock was
providing significant portions of the startup capital female for the IGF LLC
that was a very long road to get there but we got there and the money's in the
bank can be cashed the check so yeah we've also as part of the transition
there's a number of RFPs for services such as a Secretariat that we're coming
up do as many people know these contracts we have for these services are
periodically required to be we bid just to make sure that we're getting the best
deal overall for the ITF in particularly some of them were up in 2018
for a rebid as approve the process but because of the LLC coming on board being
founded one of the things we do is we stall with many of them and delayed them
into 2019 with temporary patches so we sort of kicked it over to the incoming
Board to say deal with this but you're fully constituted you know up and
running with all your governance and financial models in place and so that
will be taking place this year so this will be the year of the RFP I think in
2019 the other thing we will also be doing Porsche is our interim director
she's always had that term technical techride minute and that's because it's
part of the transition plan that has always been that there will be a search
done for the executive director of Porsche Pitney in in term of ID sorry
thank you and we renamed the executive director
because it better fit with a role within an LLC and so we could understand it
work with sister works we're gonna be doing a search and so that would be
taking place so if you are interested the there will be a process we don't and
and stay tuned it will be happy very shortly the other thing we've been doing
is been getting ready for the incoming new board it's been a lot of time a
little big change and the NomCom did their job and the SQ did their job and
eyestalk do their job they picked us to slay the five candidates and we've been
getting them prepared and ready to assume their job today so I'm out of it
and they're into it another big part of the governance by the way is the LLC
compliance program one of the core requirements that I saw put onto us
before they would give us that money at the top of the agenda was that we have a
compliance program place because they wanted an ensure that we were a well-run
and well-managed and we'll see not just a bunch of guys and ladies that were
gonna take the money and run off to Hawaii so we worked hard from getting
that established and the incoming board will continue that work of establishing
the governance process the other big important thing that was really made
clear during the is to word group discussions was transparency is huge you
know we didn't want to create an LLC that was gonna go off and be secretive
and closed and just issue you know orders down from on high
just like the the compliance process was important to I saw the transparency
process what's important to the community
and so we've been working very hard one of the very first actions taken by the
board when we started up in August was to declare that we will have public
meetings and we've been doing that all along including when we had a in the
fall we are in a separate we have a face-to-face for companies and for the
persons of that which are not confidential because a lot of what we
deal with is confidential legal contracts personnel types of stuff and
financial stuff we have to be careful and keep that confidential for that
stuff that is not confidential he was wide open for participants we didn't
call it and join it as well the meeting minutes that we take during that are all
made public and published so the biddies are post on our website the agenda the
goal we put in the sake of the ground that they will always come out a week
ahead so please join in and follow along if you want to know more about what's
going on inside the LLC and I have the pleasure of announcing our in welcoming
our five new board members we have Jason Livengood in the middle there he's been
selected by the incoming Board as their chair we have Sean Turner who's decided
to become the Treasury Peter federalists over your left my right Alisa Cooper you
may have better and Maya and I'm forgive me my I cannot do
and adrylek okay and that's the report from the outgoing board Jason great thanks um sorry
shocking transition right literally a shock and so I think the first thing is
to thank our outgoing interim board members I think Gonzalo committee oh
there we have Ted Hardy and Glenn Dean a round of applause because I think the
community really appreciates that it was really an unprecedented kind of
transition that we just went through from the IOC to this interim board with
a great deal of uncertainty and I appreciate know the community does
appreciate your navigation of that and I don't know when I do black things all
right so if I could ask you each to come up Ted and Gonzales and you're obviously
already actually says your name here so this is the you'll get a plaque like
this but with your actual name there so first Thank You Glen very much
appreciate and will say thank you to and so expected focus area for the board
in the coming year we have rather a lot of things to do I think as an
understatement and I tried to just sort of list the high level bits here
obviously we need to hire a full-time or permanent executive director that sort
of job number one and a lot of things can flow from that we also know that we
need to focus on these sort of revenue side of things if you will certainly
Portia mentioned a bunch of our generous sponsors beforehand but our intent is to
grow that and to grow and build a foundation of support for the ITF and we
would sort of put those in two different buckets a few well one would be
sponsorship which was traditionally what we've done and then fundraising which is
really more about you know sort of the other aspects of the endowment and so on
and those two things will go hand-in-hand in some ways but there may
be very different sort of target groups that we go after to try to fundraise and
of course there are quite a number of policies and other sorts of legal things
that we need a compliance program and these are needed even just to get things
like insurance to cover meetings like this you know if someone has a problem
and they injured themselves you need liability insurance and there's a whole
host of things like this that we will need to hire people we will need to
comply with you know IRS rules in the United States for tax purposes and so on
so we need to create all of those many of those were already in the asset to
document so you can get a sense of what they are but there was a lot of them
luckily we've got some other very experienced board members that are here
that are on other to have experience and there are a lot
of best practices that we'll be using and then finally we have a lot of
services that are coming up to rebid of 2019 including the Secretariat and their
small thing and I would say throughout all these things around the policies
compliance and especially you reap it we are going to expect a need and rely upon
a lot of feedback from the ITF community we don't intend to do this as Glenn said
in terms of the transparency requirements to do this in the
background but we are going to genuinely need and be asking for your requirements
your feedback in different areas and I would encourage folks to do that
because these are some big decisions and we want to make sure we you know make
make the right decisions for a lot of the supporting infrastructure and and
people that the ITF depends upon and so in terms of you know contact information
you know all the standard stuff there's a website of course you know email
address with public feedback you can reach out to that address of any time or
any board members individually of course but
if you send a mail there it goes to all of the board members no one else other
than the board members so it's private to within the board and you can give us
any feedback that you like and we're asked any questions
and of course you can join any of the board meetings will certainly be
continuing the practices that bland and the prior interim or put in place around
transparency of you know agendas and participation these sorts of things and
hopefully enhance that to some extent and this report can be found at the URL
below it's also someplace so that's it thank you very much and I think we're
next on to the ITF trust right so ITF trust update use doing that all
right hey all right so thank you very much appreciate your support so basically I will digit this is Mikey
boy speech I would say because so we have a new set of Trustees and you see
their faces I guess on the Spree I guess most of you
already know them and I'm very happy that we have this descent of people also
today we had an election which was basically the last thing I executed as
to trust chair and plane was selected protected as a statue and Happiness
education but we don't do that pictures here in
this part of the book for the Elco in trust chips it's later okay
we'll cover them that's why if he knows I disappeared early off the CH I thought
trust is on I got I can run back and be up there so I'll go off the stage next
we have the NomCom Peter and Victor alright on behalf of the absent scott
mansfield on giving the pom-pom update for ietf 104 as you can see there it
says make sure someone is holding the ladder and Scott had a small accident
that involved a very quick descent from a ladder that keeps him from traveling
for the couple of months so but he's hearing on Medeco and we wish you were
here in person so I'm happy to report all of the cats are in all of the boxes
we had I believe 54 unique nominees for 20 different positions so the NomCom
managed to get all of that done I think that's probably a record for any NomCom
and we are finished for now so we are in quiet mode if something comes up we will
be reactivated for the for interim actions but otherwise we're going to be
handing off to the next Donal time these are the 17 members of the 2018-2019
NomCom could I have a round of applause for their hard work these filings fine folks aside from
doing the things that you see obviously at the meetings also were part of weekly
teleconferences lots of email and many deliberations and these are the
confirmed results of the NomCom process for 2018-2019 and please give these
folks a round of applause as well we're very appreciative for their I'd also
like to thank the community without the community the NomCom process would not
go well at all all of the people that ran the art gauntlet of long
questionnaires and perhaps grueling interviews we thank them the community
members also who provided the large amounts of feedback that we get we do
read all of that it's all kept in the data tracker and we use that to guide
our decisions we also thank the IETF and I Sauk leadership for their support and
guidance and finally to the AMS staff who has given us a lot of support on
site and finally I'd like to introduce our incoming NomCom chair for 2019 2020
Victor coercing suppose it hands back to you when I'm
done only a couple of words I don't really have a slide it was a busy year
as Peter mentioned and Scott did a really really good job so I only hope
that in the incoming year that we can do as good of a job that Scott did he was
very very organized we had a lot of feedback many many many many hours
reading all of your feedback was much appreciated we could not do this without
the support of all the members were voting the members from the various
bodies to help us along the way Peter did a great job from you know this is a
third year he's basically here doing all this work so I really appreciated all of
Peters guidance and so just hope we can do a good job coming up please if you're
able to please come be part of the NomCom this upcoming year is a lot of
work at the very rewarding you learn a lot about the IETF and about process you
learn a lot about the leadership so I really hope to have a lot of folks put
their names forward so that we can do as good of a job as their previous years so
thank you thank you oh oh did you want to do your call to action or was that
wouldn't this that was your call to action okay okay next up we have the
pastel Award solicitation Andrew Thank You Alyssa um I'm Andrew Sullivan
I'm the president and CEO of the Internet Society I'm here to talk about
the Jonathan B Postell Service Award which is something that the Internet
Society gives out it was established by the Internet Society to honor the
individuals who make the Internet you know the Internet is a profoundly human
thing it's something that depends on people to make it happen and it affects
a lot of people I never met Jon Postel but I know him somehow through the work
that he did and the legacy he left us and there are people on the internet who
do this for us they make extraordinary efforts and they give us things they
leave us things behind so we have this award it's it's in his name and you know
people get a trophy and they get some money but mostly they're recognized as
one of these people people who have made extraordinary contributions to all of us
who give us the the network that we have today now I know sitting here in this
room is somebody who belongs on this list or somebody who knows somebody who
belongs on this list and so I want you to nominate them we are very fortunate to have this
marvelous tool and we're very fortunate that there are people who work so hard
to give it to us we want people who have given sustained
and substantial technical contributions and who also served the community the
nominations are open until the 15th of May and you can go to the URL there on
the screen and nominate them thanks a lot and next we have the ITA f-105
welcome come on back line so keep it quick we're all gonna go to
Montreal game who loved Montreal last summer I did the food was awesome the
weather is great let's hope the weather holds as well as it did last time was I
had a great time I think I probably put on five pounds does the food was so darn
good in Montreal anyways we're hosting the game we're
gonna have a social so look for news on that it should be a lot of fun I've been
up to Montreal planning and we usually have a pretty good time at our social so
I think get a ticket and come to have some fun with us Thanks so I wanted to
spend a minute here to remember a dearly departed member of our community
professor B Jun who sadly passed away in February far too soon many of you knew
professor B from his work in the savvy working group and on other topics
including ipv6 and Software Defined Networking from his post at Tsinghua
University he was also a significant contributor to the development of the
Internet in China so please join me in a moment of silence to remember professor
Fijian thank you we have a number of members of our
community to recognize whose roles will be changing or or otherwise stepping
down from various posts so first we're going to recognize Eric Rosen who will
be retiring and I'm going to ask Alvaro to come on up to do the
recognition hi Eric Griffin has been a contributor
to the ATF and to the Internet in general for a very very long time he has
about 60 RFC's that he has published most of them in the routing area the
first one was RC 827 this was where he documented EGP the exterior gateway
protocol this was a protocol that held the internet together before BGP you in
existed I met Eric personally about many many he hears after that that our
students published in 1982 but it's how I met him in person we were both working
at Cisco he had already done very significant contributions to the ATF he
had co-authored our C 30 31 which is the MPLS architecture of RC & 25:47 that's
MPLS or BT MPLS VPNs these two have inspired hundreds of others RFC's
hundreds of working groups and that we still have significant amount of work in
the routing area Eric which always has been always my person like me he's an
introvert we're not much into small talk or anything like that when we first met
we sat next to each other or in front of each other looking at each other just
just like that before for about 30 seconds those were probably the longest
30 seconds of my life he then went on and explained in detail what he was
working on details is one of the very important characteristics that really
highlighted his abilities he always did very in-depth reviews of drafts you
always started with I have a few comments and then he went deep into what
was wrong or what needs to be corrected in the different documents he always
wrote to his to his co-author saying oh I have a few I made a few editorial
changes to the document but he had probably completed rewritten the whole
thing he still has about two or three other
RCS on the pipeline so we're looking forward to keep working with him the
completion of that work unfortunately he couldn't make it to
this ITF but I want to your help in thanking him for his work and in wishing
him good luck in your time thank you so next I'd like to recognize Miriam whose
last name I will never be able to pronounce so I'm not going to pronounce
it Miriam has been Co leading our edu team for the past 14 years and in
particular has put a really strong focus on coordinating and developing the
tutorial materials and the tutorials themselves that occur typically on the
sunday of the IETF meeting week over the years her and her day job at the ripe
NCC even as it has changed and gotten busier and busier and she's gotten more
occupied with things that take her further away from the IETF she has
continued to remain dedicated to this task and to donating her time and
helping us out to create a program of activities that help new people
understand ITF technologies and processes and everything else that they
need to be successful in the nhf so she's I don't think will necessarily
never see you again at an IETF meeting I think she'll be back to the idea but
stepping down from from her role in the edu team so please join me in thanking
Miriam and we have a small gift for you as well I joined the AG team 14 years ago I
guess you did the math right it was when Brian Carpenter was the ITF chair for
those of you who remember that it's a long time ago and primarily to start the
ITF journal at the time because I felt that was better to do it within the ITF
as-90 effectivity now the ITF journal won't be no more and so I decided to
step down from the idea team but no I'm just kidding I just felt like as
coincidence I just feel like I don't have enough time anymore to put into
doing a good job good enough job for the edge' team so I'm but thanks for the
recognition it's very kind I've known for a while this moment was coming and
I've been dreading it as many people know Jim Martin has been building
networks for the ITF for 23 years will be stepping down as of this meeting from
his his position as the lead of our NOC Jim is the closest thing that this
community has to a real magician as I said building networks for 23 years here
and if you think about this community and the kinds of demands that we put on
the network our propensity to be able to complain about things that don't work
the incredible quality of this network and the incredibly low volume of
complaints by comparison much of that is can be attributed to Jim's leadership of
the nob but not only that Jim is also essentially a magician because he's
capable of going to hotels like this one and convincing them to do things that
they definitely should not agree to and in some cases are not even in their own
interest jim has also done other magic tricks like building a network even when
all of the equipment was lost but I think perhaps most importantly for
this community he has inspired a team of volunteers to dedicate a tremendous
amount of time and energy and resources to the NOC and that includes entire
extra weeks tacked on to the already grueling meeting week significant
investment while they're there on the ground extra trips to conduct a site
qualification visits so that we can find out in advance whether we think the
venue's will work for us or not and really through his his collaborative and
kind spirit inspired others in our community to donate and to serve and the
interests of making the IETF better and and the internet better and and that's a
real magic trick so please join me in saying thank you to Jim Thank You Alyssa the truth is you get my
name up front but the truth is it's all kinds of different people behind the
scenes I need to thank all of the equipment sponsors and link sponsors
that have made this possible Cisco and juniper in particular juniper just
recently gave us a bunch of new routers I want to thank them I need to thank all
the chairs when I started this fred was the chair and every single chair all the
way along has been helping us make sure this really happens because they
actually understand the impact it has on the community so I really appreciate all
that help and certainly we we have all the folks at AMS in particular I've
gotta say how much I appreciate Laura Nugent Stephanie McCammon and Marsha
gosh we miss you Marsha and finally the team my team is a really amazing set of
people they come and they dedicate weeks of their lives they're here a week
before everybody else is and it's a combination these days of contractors
and volunteers but it's all through their consistent effort and one working
as one team to make sure that what is delivered here both in the guests of
both in the meeting space as well as up in the guest rooms because well that's
what we all keep working all the time and the IETF does so we want to make
sure that that happens so there's an amazing amount of work and I mean even
this time we ended up having to take over all of the wireless in the guest
rooms not just take it over like we usually do but we had to reconfigure the
whole thing so I'm just so proud of my team and you know I'm actually also want
to thank all of you I've been here for 25 years I have seen what we've done as
a community to impact the world and frankly I can't wait to see you guys do
in the next 25 thank you all very much so on to our outgoing ISG members we
have four of them this time first we have been Campbell who's served for
years on the IHG Ben has a real special place at least from my perspective as
one of the other founders of the art area there's not very many area
directors who can claim to have founded an area so when we merged real time
applications and infrastructure and applications about four years ago Ben
was a big part of that transition which I think has been he said my personally
completely biased view a real success in the ietf Ben has also been a true
calming force on the IHG I think as everyone knows the IHG is a perfectly
harmonious body on which there's never any discord nevertheless Ben's presence
has been particularly useful and critical in times when some some others
of us were not not quite getting along as well as we could have maybe it's his
Southern roots I'm not sure but he's always been been able to kind of bring
us back together and show us what's important he's always been also willing
to take the lead on some fairly difficult tasks recently this included
handling an appeal response handling other kinds of community discussions
about very controversial topics like what does the updates tag mean and I'm
really really appreciative for all of that effort so then if you could come on
up and have a small gift of appreciation for you oh there is okay and please join me in
thanking Ben people who may not know Ben is an avid
sailor and we thought you know we're always talking about which hat do you
have on you have this hat on that hat on so we figured me we could get it since
your since you're taking off your ad hat tonight we figured we'd get you next we
have Spencer Dawkins our outgoing transport area director so Spencer's
been serving on the IHG for six years he's the longest serving current member
of the is G which means that as he as he departs us we are losing some of our
deepest historical context on the is G which is actually pretty critical
because nobody on the I issue you can ever remember like oh we talked about
this exact thing same thing last year let alone six years ago but Spencer
always has that memory I think the other really critical thing about Spencer
especially at a time when we're having lots of discussions in the IETF about
how do we work together how do we conduct ourselves Spencer's really
always been a model of I would say humility and kindness not just on the IE
but towards every person that he interacts with is as far as I've seen
and so that's that's really something to look up to we also have Spencer to thank
for one of the working groups which is most difficult to schedule on the entire
ITF agenda the quick working group which has a conflict with every other working
group and security and transport and applications and possibly several others
like who knows what else as soon as we do bgp over quick we're also gonna have
that low set of conflicts so thank you for that gift Spencer I think even after
you're you're no longer serving you've you've really drilled it into us
that we need to make good choices and do the right thing so let's hope we
continue to do that please join me and Thank You Spencer for all this time I think this requires no explanation I'm gonna put it on right now this is
the best t-shirt that anybody has ever gotten I kept eating it was tough you
know what you know we took 9 years and it was totally worth it next terri mandersohn our outgoing
internet area director terry has been serving on the IHC for four years I
think Terry wins the award for most 2:00 a.m.

Phone calls being based in
Australia when Terri joined the IHG we had a conversation about do we want to
change the time at which we have the is G tell it chats which are typically
earlier in the morning or at least in the in the evening but not in the middle
of the night for the rest of us and Terri graciously said no it's it's fine
I'll keep him in the middle of the night so he's been doing that every two weeks
for the last four years please like buy him a beer if you see him and although Terry didn't have the the
highest number of working groups on his plate he did have some of the hairiest
ones nets so we also have him to thank for for shepherding some difficult
working group discussions in the internet area so please join me in
thanking Terry and come on up and finally we have Eric Rescorla who is
the outgoing security area director who's been serving on the ihd for two
years I think we all know that the sec ad workload can be especially demanding
I've sort of expected to review in detail all the drafts as opposed to the
rest of us who just kind of do some more cursory reviews and I think Eric's plate
was particularly full as he was also contributing as a fairly prolific
individual contributor in the IETF working on TLS 1.3 web RTC acne quick
and so on and also simultaneously serving as the CTO of Firefox I think if
you kind of balance those two things together what you can make a
determination about is that occur probably had more discusses per hour put
in to the IHG than any other ad that that has served in recent memory so
anyone who's actually published a document in the last two years can you
know give a moment of thanks that he'll be stepping down from the ISU but we
will miss his his detailed reviews as we go forward with our new team so please
join me in thanking Eric for his service on the ihd you needed one of course I did yeah I have no idea actually cuz I didn't
find anything but yeah also I'll still be reviewing your documents right and
then I think I don't know who's thanking the trustee he's Glen are you thanking
the trustees I don't really want to thank myself I don't think I've ever been up and down
on stage as many times since today so you know hey there's been a major change
happen in the LLC and the ILC we shut the ifc dad lost beating but one of the
things that always kind of went on along with the IOC was the IDF trust in fact
one of the rules for being an ITF trustee up until recently was you were
on the IOC and so it is you know sort of the be very quiet very well not well
understood part of the the whole administrative and Jalapa makes this
place run that is the trust these trustees here are people have put a lot
of work in reviewing talking about trademark management asset management I
Anna it's not to everybody especially for hard core engineers the sexiest
stuff but it's really important not to really thank them for their service
we have blue burger not Leslie Cooper Jeff Hardy coming Ranger bar the former
chair Andrew Sullivan who managed actually to be a trustee twice in the
same hereby treatment pass he got selected by the Dom calm and they got
the job over at I sock as the CEO I'm president and he's waited resigned from
the the IOC I think it we appointed because of course the CEO and president
of Ison was on the ILC and once he gave me cameras rusty so he just couldn't
leave I got edgy you might be back again I'm not sure we may worked it out
somehow and finally Porsche
who's done a great job thank you Porsche so thank you all to the all the outgoing
trustees so I think all of the outgoing IEP
members are friends so if you could all come up at once that probably be great
will will will do that and then the IAB itself will will join you in a minute
but if you're an outgoing IV member why don't you come up now and in a moment
the rest of you I you can can join us for those of you who are looking forward
to the IB open mic I remind you that we send our report in email before this so
you don't have to look at it on screen but if you'd like to look under your
laptops while you're waiting it's off the IAB website website and I'll do the thanks in alphabetical
order because there's no really good way of doing it and and first is Allison and
Allison many people don't actually realize that the a RTF chair in addition
to doing all of the work of the IRT F is also a non-voting member of the IAB
and that vote isn't really the important part of the ID we try not to vote very
much what we try and do is come to consensus around different topics and
the IRT F chair and in particular Allison has been a wonderful influence
on us as we've considered some of the matters before us it's a hard job and
it's a job which comes with other jobs and we really want to thank Allison for
her time not just as IRT f chair but as a member of the IEP don't don't tell
people what's in it just yet because you're all gonna get them out at once so
Gabriel Montenegro joined the IB in 2017 and in addition to his general
contribution he served on the plenary planning program the stack evolution
program the ename workshop and a shepherd of some of our critical
liaisons such as the european ICT platforms group thank you very much Roberts joined in 2015 and in addition
to his contributions to the general work of the idea he was the IAB publications
stream manager he served as an on combination served as a liaison to the
ASG worked on the IV's response to the FCC inquiries on stir and shaken served
on the stack evolution program and that bub and beyond that he focused himself
on the RFC editor he was in addition to being the stream manager he led the
search for the new ISE and served on the our Sauk although we have to confess
that we kind of poached him he was on the are sock before he joined the IAB
thank you very much Robert Suzanne hates going last but that's just
the luck of the draw she joined in 2015 as well in addition to her contribution
to the general work of the ID she served on the protec program the plenary
planning program the concluded internationalization and the identifiers
programs and as an isg liaison and she was Shepherd for any number of ICANN
related processes basically if you want to think about I can she did the work on
that she was a joint lead of the ANA program she was the Shepherd for the
ICANN NomCom search she led the ICANN board of directors liaison search she
led the our search search and she managed the liaison relationship with
the our sac so she basically kept ICANN at bay for the entirety of the rest of
the IAB and for that and many other things we thanked so if you would get out the gifts now to
show people baguettes are basically a very small token of the fact that we
will always treat you as reserved IAB members helping to make the internet
better more resilient and more available to the world even as the gifts will show
if we need to reboot it from scratch because these are copies of a very
wonderful book of the Victorian internet and a set of telegraph keys just in case
we need to go all the way back thanks to each and every one of you and now if I
could ask the rest of the IAB to join us for the open microphone session I know
there was one person who had a question for Heather Heather joins us as well
during the course of this so if that person I think you have priority in line
if you want to get back in line we'll try and have you go first so logistical note for people coming up
onto the stage only two of the table mics can be on at any one time so if
yours isn't working someone else needs to turn theirs off okay while we wait
for the the lines to populate why don't we start with introductions Jen Ben
could you begin introduce yourself John pin okay to me
Andy it's my first time to take the IB member I am from another hobby
I'm either join the inside here the scenes of the 2009
and until now there's ten years unlucky and it will work for the community and
contribute more to the IDF Thanks Hi, Stephen Farrell fairly fresh IAB.

Jari Arkko, IAB. Melinda Shore, IAB. Colin Perkins, incoming IRTF Chair. Heather Flanagan,
not IAB. Robert Sparks, Outgoing IAB. Gabriel Montenegro outgoing IAB Alison Mankin,
outgoing IRTF chair. Suzanne Woolf outgoing and departing IAB. Ted Hardie, IAB chair. Alissa Cooper continuing IETF chair just into a a be
west heart accrued newbie Eric Nam arc IAB bring a dremel IAB Christian Adama
heavy mountain Thompson do you do you need any introduction
mark Nottingham continuing ie being so if that's all you wanted to know we can
stop here otherwise please get up to the – yeah I wasn't the one who was up to
the mic before but I do have a question for Heather I'm on set I you mentioned
this a3 software that you need that seems to be hard to get a hold of and it
surprised me at first that we would use such a thing I did some quick reading
because I hadn't heard of it before it sounds to me like this is necessary to
support the SVG import is can you clarify that so there the short answer
is to look at one of the RFC seven nine five or four or something like that the
PDF requirements for the new format what I'm looking for is a format that was
designed for archiving and one of our requirements event archiving is that the
XML must be included in the document so that it's a completely self-contained
PDF file that inclusion of the XML takes it just from PDF a1 to a PDF a3 right
okay and finding software that can do that was very hard right thank you hello
I'm Julia scrubber check and I came earlier to ask a technical question and
you didn't want to take it and I'm not bitter mathematical formulas oh that's a
good question um that's something I was talking to Henrik about earlier right
now we're looking at people that would want to do a mathematical formulas
putting it in like the NS VG image we've talked about using math and math ml that
doesn't I participate in the w3 C's publishing working group and there seems
to be a lot of kind of controversy about how to put mathematical equations in web
documents for example and some recommend mathjax some recommend math
I'm not actually sure what would be the right solution for us if you have some
ideas could you come talk to me later okay now I'm bitter
okay that's fair hi Richard burns I'm gonna do you know continue the RFC
editor love here so I've been checking out some of the reports you know that
you guys produce fare periodically on the performance of the RPC noticing that
you guys have been in the kind of lower categories of SLA performance recently
so I'm just wondering what the plan is for remediation there and coming back
into compliance for the SaaS very good question – so in 2016 or so we
recognized that there was going to be a problem when we hit the format
transition because we were going to be doing so much more than just editing
documents we were going to be writing new procedures we were going to be doing
additional training we were going to be learning a whole new XML really and so
we had requested through that we had told the IOC at the time that this was
going to take up to three point two five FTE to actually stay ahead of that
particular curve and the response at the time was we don't have money to give you
three point two five FTE but you you know we can talk about one okay we held
off bringing in that one until we were closer to the to the transition that one
person has been added and has been very helpful but as we expected this isn't
really enough to put us ahead of the curve now one of the things I didn't do
that I probably should have was so that was 2016 2017 this is now 2019 should I
have gone back to the well and said hey you know we told you this this is what
you said you could do then has anything changed that that I did not do so we're
working at at a difficulty right now so do you have an ETA on when we should
expect to see green again um probably towards the end of this year just
Kathleen Moriarty just to follow up on that
what can we as a community do when we are when we have active documents in the
RFC editor queue to help or before that the the single best
thing that the community could do the document shepherds could do in the
working group chairs can do is never never say oh the RFC editor will just
fix that I have heard that actually many many times where people said yeah we
knew that was a problem but we figured you would just fix that you'll you'll
just fix the references you'll just fix this particular table we know it's a bad
table but you'll just fix it the less we have to just fix the formatting and you
know fix the content that way the better things will go I see no one
else at the microphones so I think maybe it's time to call the iesg up Tuesday
oops are the LLC board hey who hasn't met me yet today can I ask the board starting with Jason
– please and juice themselves Jason Livengood incoming auto company
your outgoing it said hurty outgoing Dean Oh going ELISA Cooper incoming
Shawn Turner in coming and we have screen Maya did you leave audio and
Peter our last remaining board member it's Colonel on a plane back home so we
can't join us today do we have any questions for either the
incoming or the outgoing board trustees love about their dad if the is you could come on up let's start with the proverbial passing
of the dots does everybody who should have a dot and
have a dot because now you're on the hook you looking at you yeah okay okay
Mike lines are open Oh Alexi come on oh no I guess we should
probably introduce ourselves right okay I've already introduced myself three
times so I forgot and start at the end with Eric could you introduce yourself
yeah okay Eric rajala as you can see outgoing Adam Roche continuing art area
director Roman janae do incoming security Benedict continuing security Magnus vest done
incoming transport Debra brogard continuing routing area Terry Madison escaping into area cheers irrigating incoming transport cheese
with water it's a cool let's go on into anyway then
I'm out so apparently there's some overstep
I meant internet obviously okay you know now what that was drinking before you
could even transport it's a party ex-officio ie be chair Ben Campbell
outgoing art Barry liebe the new Ben Warren Kumari continuing ups or
returning ops technically Albert or thunder continue routing you cannot
smoke Adonis management and operations Spencer Dawkins I used to be a
transporter area director Alex Melnick of continuing art looks like David wants to be first okay
David black so Warren asked me to say this so it's a good idea thank born it's
a bad idea blame blame blame me I thought the routing architecture
session this afternoon was excellent very useful and it was clearly a really
good idea to hold it during the week as opposed to in the usual Sunday tutorial
slot so well done thank you thank you and thank you to everyone okay
yo Cydonia so I'm happy to join ite in person
again last time I joined IETF remotely and during the IETF meeting Gareth a lot
side meeting that was I see the I think I was very exciting but I couldn't
participate remotely because no audio or video equipment in the side meeting room
so I hope to give opportunity to for the remote participants to join side meeting okay so just a couple of a couple of
responses on that it's not you're not the only person who has expressed this
to us there's a few reasons why we could don't currently provide remote
participation for side meetings one is that we're doing an experiment with side
meetings I didn't talk about it in the plenary deck because it's been going on
for some time but you can read more about it in our pre-meeting report and
part of the thinking with why we are not supporting remote participation in the
side meetings was that we were trying to clarify some of the distinctions between
what is an official sanctioned IETF activity on the ITF agenda with full
support versus what is organized activity by the community itself we had
we've had some issues in the past with fusion around what's a real buff and if
people just organize a side meeting that looks enough like a buff then they start
to tell people that they had a buff and and that was creating some some
difficulty for us so that's part of the reason why we make the rooms available
because we have the space but we don't otherwise provide other kinds of support
for those meetings the other issue is just the contention for me to echo we've
you know signed up for a certain level of support with them and and there's
many many rooms in which they are providing an amazing service to us and
so adding rooms comes factors into the the kind of service that we can get not
to say it's not possible but just that that's another factor that we take into
consideration so I'll just make a comment on the first reason for that I
think we should not punish the remote participants to make that point Parvati's I've reviewed a number of
documents that were related to yang modeling and I found that often people
put values that are in IANA registries into RFC documents and so you get these
incomplete or obsoleted entries of yang values in RFC's well they should really
be pointers to the the proper IANA registries so I think it would be good
if there's some some stearing happening across the working groups to make sure
that we don't produce those those documents in that way so speaking of the
work related to yang modeling and especially the coordination between the
work on the separate technology components for models yes that's an area
that is lacking and this is something that is certainly on my focus and we
probably will see something more tangible happening across the
coordination of the model development soon so from from a public perspective
this is understood and there are items to try to address that this probably
will not be a very quick and simple fix but at least does work on one in that
direction hi Alysa Eliot here we had a really good side meeting on IOT
onboarding today and I want to thank Taurus and Kent and a few others for
really helping us to try and at least document what we're doing what what is
available in terms of capabilities for IOT onboarding particularly for wireless
and I and the arm a side meeting mechanism has been particularly useful
for me for a number of ways one comment that I did want to pass to the is G and
I suspect other community members had this problem too which is we really did
all pile it on today and it was hard to get to everything we wanted to get to so
I'm not sure how to judge the Wednesday experiment based on that but it was
pretty packed and you sort of had to zig and zag from room to room to get to what
you wanted to do yes agreed I first off I want to thank all of the
outgoing ATS I appreciate your service you do an immense amount of work to
those that are coming in I wish you good luck ELISA I'd like to thank you for
whatever you've done behind the scenes to improve the demeanor of meetings and
the IETF work that has been done this week compared to the past two or three
or four meetings the working group meetings have been much more amenable
and a lot more friendly and an open so whatever you have done or whatever the
isg has done behind the scenes would really like to thank you because
as I commented in Bangkok some other meetings over the past couple you know
four or five sessions have been pretty vile but this week so far has been
really great and even though there's been some you know level of disagreement
as there always will be I think everybody has been very open and more
open-minded so whatever you're doing please continue but I think you for that
I do have a question I would like to know what your plans are to drive growth
in the IETF in the form of attracting new people to come in and work on
existing work products and then also to get people to come to the IETF with
their work and have it be done here versus choosing another SDO thank you
Thanks so just on the on the first bit you know I talked a little bit about the
things that that we've done in the IHG since 103 but I would say that part of
raising awareness is just creating a conversation in the community about some
of these issues so I would turn that back on you and others who raised the
issue to us at the last meeting and have been continuing to engage on the topic
of conduct and behavior and how we work together because I think that's actually
probably the most influence thus far is just that people are talking about it
they're more aware of it they're more cognizant of it when they go to the
microphone or when they kick off a working group session and so I think
we're starting to see the effects of that as far as growth I'm sorry
the first part sure I didn't mean to interrupt you though I'm Wes Hart occur
the ietf guides lead went up to and I have to say that the number of positive
compliments I've gotten from newcomers that come to this organization and get
help either through the guides program or just people you know walking them
through the process it makes all the difference in the world and I think that
that will see much greater retention if everybody's willing to reach out to
people with a badge and see how they're doing and you know this is a really
confusing organization to get started in and so I encourage everybody to really
participate and if you're able to be a guide it doesn't take a whole lot of
time to to interact with somebody and you meet them once on Sunday and maybe
once later in the week and interact over email a little bit and it makes all the
difference in the world so please consider that that's one of the best
things we can do thank you and thank you for your time that you put into that Wes if I could yeah if I could just respond
to that a little bit so it seems like to me that there's two things that are
helpful one is that when people do come here that we don't scare them away
and the numbers for first-time attendees are kind of amazing you know they're you
know like well we'll see 150 250 people people who are first-time attendees in a
meeting but we're not growing by a hundred people you know or a hundred
people meeting you know so like people come you know so for people who and I'm
not talking like now I'm talking like over the past 40 years that you know
we've always had 417 these and frankly a lot of them kind of bounced off and I
think that we have made an awful lot of changes to make it easier for people to
come in here and at least get their feet on the ground and understand what's
going on understanding what we do understanding how we do it the other so
you know step one is don't scare them away
and number two is help me help make it easier for them to get stuff done that
they need to get done and the ISP and the community together have done an
awful lot to come up with ways for people to find each other for people to
have conversations with each other you know whether it's where there is the the
side meeting experiment that turned into another experiment or whether it was how
to RFC that was an experiment that sounds like it's about to not be an
experiment but just anything that we can do to help people find each other and
have conversations with each other I'm I'm holding my first brainstorming
session that I announced at i/o RFC of tomorrow and you know it's like I've
just been too busy as an area treasure but hey I used to be an area director
right so you know so I'm really excited about that but just well you know
watching what other people have been able to do with it putting putting
groups together to talk and and you know explore ideas and
kind of triage what they what their interests are and say how could we
cooperate I think that you know that that's really been important too
and the you know the two things I'd say about that or you know that's a lot of
that stuff is pretty new and a lot of it was done and you know interaction with
the community it wasn't like the IHG went off into a cave and came back out
with this brilliant plan so I think you know you'll deserve a puppy hand on that
as well thank you all for the work that you do so a couple of points from my
point of view is that when we will talk about the tone of the meetings there's a
fantastic line that pretty much says the culture you have is based on the
behaviors you condone now that sits on everyone's shoulders it sits on our
shoulders and it sits on your shoulders so think deeply about that in the
meetings in the working group meetings in the efforts that you undertake within
the IETF what my second point is that and this kind of harks back to one of
one of something my professor told me as a as a post grad was that you're no
longer the customer you are the product and as the product you're the key to the
network and it's not just that the network of on building routers and
things like that it's a network of people so each and every one of you are
the part of the network so go back to your organization and if you want to
build the IETF go back to your organization and pick that junior
engineer pick that junior developer and drag them along to the IETF facilitate
them coming here facilitate them learning facilitate them contributing
and bringing them into this culture and adjusting that the growth of the IETF just a little bit on the question about
growth I think it's important to remember that in terms of sheer numbers
of people we're not trying to maximize that value right we even actually have a
census RFC 2b which says that maximizing attendance at the meetings is not a goal
and that's important because it keeps us focused on what the goal actually is
which is you know facilitating interoperability and developing the
technologies that are going to make the internet work better that often means
bringing in new people new ideas but it doesn't necessarily mean bringing in
more people as as the objective I think there are some specific things that that
this sort of outgoing is she has been doing to try to foster more engagement
from particular communities we've had a number of us and other people in the
community that we've engaged with to reach out to some of the operators
groups the some of the rars I think we've had a particular help from the IRT
F side and RW & A & R P bringing in a whole new batches of folks from the
academic research communities just been a great effort and other kind of smaller
engagements so some people know that the net dev conference was here last week we
had some cross-pollination with the Linux kernel developers there a number
of us were there in attendance and gave talks and so on
so obviously people up here we're you know we're all volunteers too we don't
have unlimited budgets for outreach nor do we have unlimited time but we've been
trying to do some targeted efforts to talk to particular communities where we
think that the engagement could be better that we could derive more value
from them and they from us so that's one kind of smaller thing that we've been
doing as well Sanjay yong-ho I just saw my personal
suggestion so I can will open her new gTLD application soon I'm what I'm
wondering is the ITF or RC can be applied as a new gTLD for example I have
a have probably RC I have maybe apply I'll say to Todai CFO
as as my tummy name everyone can check my tummy name of C member itea for
chagum a night FC FC contender also some company for example Cisco or for my
company cynical or some Microsoft ITF they can check out any me I have related
a workout by the company so also I think there's two benefits for the pending
faces they we can easily identify the the work also social FC is more easily
so second icing is we can increase the revenue over ietf because when I first
joined idea for a runner to say 2000-2005 that her so a registration fee
is fire around 500 the US dollar now a protester already taboo around 1000 a US
dollar I think if we have our idea of annuity tod selling tommy name so we can
maybe we net we never needed increase the registry fee against thank you thank
you very much for your suggestion i want to point out to two things very quickly
one is that the internet society which of course has been a is our corporate
home and a longtime donor to the ITF activity also has another body in it
PIR the Public Interest registry I think it might be a little bit confusing for
the ITF to go into the business of one of the other subsidiaries of of ice up
and furthered the actual string ITF as a reserve string there were when Anna took
up the task of opening the gTLD process there were a number of particular
strings which were reserved because they were in used by the technical community
and ITF is one of those strings so it cannot be applied for as a gTLD julia
scrubber check so thank you very much for you from the for what you are saying
earlier I'm actually part of the underpaid working-class minority were
mentioning academia and so I in fairly active over the line I think I've been
fairly active over the last year's at IETF I have my name on six or seven
drafts of which four are in the last stages of publication that's been four
years of very hard work which I'm very glad for and when I realized a few years
ago that I was going to get involved and that I was going to have to come fairly
regularly at ITF I actually had to ask for extra funding so that's an
additional stepping stone if you want to get involved to the ATF by academic
criteria the ITF meetings are very expensive and so if you are thinking
about outreach perhaps you might consider something I think many of you
are aware that the fee structure of ITF meetings is not necessarily adapted to
academia thank you so this is not the body that sets the fee structure but I
think all of those people are probably still here in the room and heard that so
it's something that has been discussed before and we can certainly take the
feedback into account we have any other questions from the floor yes I know today so I would like to wake
who the previous speaker I'm from from the industry and I spoke to a couple of
enterprise customers recently and it's not better for them what is difficult
for the academia I understand but for the enterprise people who are not here
by the way I'm not talking about the vendors the telcos and your the bodies
but who is from finance sector here from energy sector here from other verticals
very few and they don't come first of all they don't know about IDF and if
they would know for them to justify sending people regularly out of
production what they have to do extremely difficult so I don't have a
good answer I'm sure it's not a new problem but does not seem we are
converging and the problem is is then it was an issue of represented
representation who we mean when we say the community who are we I don't know I
don't think it's actually a correct representation of what the real
constituencies of those objects connected those people organization part
of the network many are not here so are we missing some feedback loop from from
some people thank you thank you certainly appreciate your comments I
think it isn't I totally agree with you they're not not everybody is here and
that is actually part in part by design right so there's a lot of work that we
do that can be done entirely remotely and we really encourage that in the IETF
and that applies equally to people who don't want to show up in person and and
also you know fortunately or unfortunately people who can't afford to
come so I think it's it's really important to remember to reinforce that
you know most of our working group chairs do a good job of reinforcing that
decisions get made on the mailing list and so on but we all need to remember
that that's a way a path of engagement and participation in the IETF the
heavily used more so than attendance at the end person meetings hello I'm Watson
I want to thank you all for the work hard work you do and I was like to say
that remote participation can get valuable things done this is the first
time I've been to an IEEE ATF meeting I came here many people are like oh you
exist they know me for videos they know me
from contributions of drafts I just want to thank you for making it possible to
do that it's really been a tremendous it really is a big achievement thank you
thank you that is exactly the reaction I had when I saw your badge and and you're
not alone I've met several people who I've known for quite a while on the
mailing lists and I'm glad to see that some were able to come to this meeting I
hope many of you can come back but even if you can't we value your participation
on the lists anybody else okay thank you you

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