respect for women. that we're women and shoes >> commissioner, a house or someplace. Steve, can you please promote? We're bigger staff and serving as our council today. >> I would do so. Yeah. Sorry. Chair tests. Its is one 30. >> I believe all the. All >> commissioners that are going to be here now here. >> And just sent alf on screen and neither does Tom all I can see Tom Lappin on-going but he can't see himself.

I don't know what that all means. >> Oh, I bet you all on on screen currently here. So I think we should follow >> Good afternoon. I'd like to call the January 23rd. 2023 Housing regular meeting to order. Due to the provisions of the governor's executive orders and 25 dash 20. d and 29 20.Which suspends certain requirements of the Brown Act. The Housing Authority commissioners will be conducting today's meeting in a virtual setting. Using zoom, webinar commissioners and staff are participating from remote locations and or practicingppropriate social distance and members of the public May view anlisten to the meeting as noted in the city's website and as noted on the agenda. Members of the ishing to speak during item 6 publicomment. We're doing our public hearing items will be able to do so by raising their hand and really given the ability to address commission. In compliance with California government Code 5, 4, 9, 5, 6.8, the Housin Authity will conducta closed session at beginning of this meeting. Prior to the Housing Authority. Reese, Theresa Sing to the closed session. Members of the public will be permitted to speak just 3 minutes on the item to be addressed.

I like to ask e clerk roll cal K one 0nd. >> And we're going to have walk off for 10 minutes. We wit House are. >> He. Mister Le Commissioner Downey. He is not us. Sorry, Commissioner Burke. Commissioner reporter. That's not doing this vice chair Owen. And chair test. Let the record show all commissioners are present with the exception. sioner Downey and commissioner McWhorter. >> I'd like to call item number 3 point and closed session for items. Following the announcement of clos session items and prioto reset into closed ssion of the public ay speak up t3 minutes items to be addressed in closed session. City clerk.

Are there any public comments on closed session item? 3.1. You kw, no nds raised. Thank you. Will now Co ose the plic comment period and recessed a closed session. What that means is all commissioners and pardon staff will leave this public zoom link and enter a closed sessionZoom link. That's hands and 3, 1, 0, got. And not to. another road called make sure that everybody is back in to the regular session. Now. >> can give you one moment On normal. >> since we left and start of the closed session, we joined with during closed session is now back in regular session. So let the record show that a wind Downey has joint session. Currently only Scott Order. Commissioner reporter as absent. >> Thank you. I see a hand the d*** thing. Commissioner Downey, you have a question. >> I just want apologize. I've been having issues. >> Probably you in and out of meetings and going back and forth between to I think in is meeting I think I can be heard.

I just want to verify that I can do that. I could raise hand. >> You can definitely raise your hand and I see you on screen. >> Thank you. >> You want. >> If it's alright with everyone that I think this is assistant city attorney, bigger Just report on a closed session. the received information, Kate direction to staff on item 3.1. >>t which point president, as you just noted. So you can now proceed with Thank thank you. Want to remind? >> Remind e commissioners to keep their audio on you my last speaking commissioners on when the chair commute themselves, staff will remain muted and terminating to speak as members of the public during the meeting, you will be participating as an your microphone and camera looking it only 2 days, panelis will be viewed during the meeting if you're calling in from a telephone and choose to speak during the public comments portion of y's agenda for privacy concerns.

The st will be renaming your viewable phone number to resident as the last 4 digits of your phone number. City center as it is committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment. Trace from disruption, we will not tolerate any hateful speech or actions and our will staff to monitor that everyone is participating, respects to late they will be removed if necessary. We will also immediately and the meeting. Where can you please explain the public comments how blic comments will be heard. And today's meetg. >>agenda item,he item is presented. The chair will ask for Housing Authority member comments and then open it up public comment, the host will be wering a public comment for the agendatem once the chaihas called public comment, the chair will announce for the public to raise their hand if they wish to speak on the specific agenda item, if you're calling in to listen to the meeting you can Dial Star 9 to raise your hand. The host will then call on he public who have raed their hands.

Public comment will be limited to 3 minutes anytime. We will appear on the screen for the commission and the public to see once all live public comments have eard. The meeting has will read the eml public comments. If you provide a live public comment on an agenda item but also submitted e-mail your email public comment will not be read during the meeting. Additionally. There is one public commenton today's agenda to speak on non agenda matters. It 8. This is the time when any person may address the housing authority on matters not listed on this agenda, but which are within the subject matter jurisdiction as the Housing Authority. >> By a number 5 report. It an E on the close session items from general counsel. >> I belie I are you rerting out only perhaps taken one item early, but I think okay. >> Great. Thank you. Item number 6, statements of stanchion. Do we have any commissioners who have shunned? They can extend yes, chair test. Yes. Habia standing today from item 14.2 on the come to my attention hello medical properties put purchase of the subject. Property. And as noted several times in the past, I have a 9 financial conflict of interest and that I serve on both vigil, light and housing authority boards, both of which ever say funding requests from helping the Pahal those those are reasons all be abstaining from item.

14.2. Thank you. >> Thank you. All >> Our next item item number 7 study session. e're budget process anpublic input go fine. A lowchair testg commissioners year. 23 24 process in public in that study session. >> And I'm Megan passenger director will start us off with an overview of budget concerns next slide. Please. >> Or a good afternoon and school year. 23, 24 budget program considerations are comprised of thfollowing so the city Council continues to focus on housing and homeless and this remains 2 of their goals and the top priorities and most of our Our work on the community development block grant disaster recovery projec continue. And as you may recall, this i38 and a half millionollars that was awardeto city and it's in ministered by the Housing authority.

It has been committed to 5 projects, one of which is complete. Re are under construction and one is in the process of finalizing their finaing. So this is remarkle progress in 2o advance it over 300 units within the city is an focused o housing vouchers. There are over 2000 extremely low, very low income individuals that benefit from these Badgers over 400 bash, wch are veterans affai, supportive housing vouchers that are adminiered in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and 131 emergency health And these were our most recent round doctors. And these are turning to homeless individuals that are referred to the Housing Authority from Sonoma County continue So had set up very specific parameters on how these be administered in 2 can receive them. We also continue to inspect. You got your units following the COVID-19. We're sections. So our housing choice Pantry staff is being very busy getting and all of annual inspections.

And of course, for every move in when a new tenant tenant moves into a new unit, an inspection of first of those units. Omar, ich trying funding that came to the ty as part of the American Recovery Act. I will be coming to W Arie. It's it's approximately 2.6 million. That is being developed with a very specific set of parameters to again benefit homeless indivuals.

And there is an action an that is a and-alone plan staff will present here February. And then finally, compliance monitor it. And this has been an increasing program and you may recall in the current fiscal year, which is 20 to 23. We addean additional housing. community serves chnician to help address complaints monitoring of our departments and within the last year, we've added 78 new 2023, we're anticipating over 300 new units coming online. And so with those units, staff views Tennant certification written to every restricted units move in make sure those individuals need the income qualifications of that unit. And depending on the program funding that has gone into them, there's often moving inspections that are associated with those. And en on an annual basis,his ll add to the portfolio of properties units that we regular monitoring. Not so in fact, income eligible to live in those units. So before turn back over to Kate from there, any questions on me budget program considerations.

Give Commissioner Downey. Did you have a question? >> You know, my question was for Jay the said the 2 relief funding. ed funding the associated with the time that we just went through. How long wi that funding be available? 4th either >> War. >> Not going to happen anymore. >> So for thcdbg Dr that 38 have million once that money is committed and expended on projects, it is in the project. As long as that low remains in place. So they have to define your terms generally what occurs in affordable housing units in. >> That those funds will ay place through t life of loan. I hope that we don't find ourselves in a disaster situation again, where we have another tranche of funding like this with the home are it is one-time funds.

So once the city. Or hasn'already commitspend those fund That funding source for all Adam sees and then with emerncy having Badgers that I mentioned. And to the best of our knowledge, this is an ongoing funding. Sources 131 individuals that I've been t as long as they need the program requirements. They will continue to receive that monthly housing assistance. >> Yeah, my my hope is that we will experience anymore disasters. But with that said, I want to make sure that the existing related funding that we had, what's going carry us through to get tse projects. Complete news. And that's yore saying. >> I see no other questions at this time. Yes, hello. Share tests and housing authority commissioner. So and people find administrative services officer for housing and community services and this lie details. Everything we funding coming to the ut authority for fiscal year. 23. 24. So we'll start with local funding and 'll start with real property transfer tax.

So the city is choosing again to fund homeless services with the city's charge of American Rescue Plan Act funng, meaning that all o ptt is coming to the authority for the seco consecutive year the city's finance department. Let me know that total rpt teen for the coming fiscal year is 4.2, 5 million. It is We're receiving 50% of that total at 2.1 to 5 Million. We again plan to see impact fees of around 1.4 million. These are the fees that are paid by developers for the impacts that their new tion has in the surrounding area. And in lieu of includi affordable housing in their developments. And just as with the last 2 budgets, we're keeping a close eye on as it is expected. The development will slow down, although we haven't seen it yet. Loan repayments, I think is where we're going to see the biggest changeThey are anticipated to be down significantly in 23. 24 for a few reasons mainly the 22 23 budget included a around 3 million of Lantana project pay downs and that's only going to occur once and en you also may reca that the authority appropriated $300,000 of loan repayments in November for use in the current year budget, which reduces the amount available for 23.

24. As Megan mentioned, we e looking at another 150,000 or a lile re for compliance mitoring fees and 23. 24 since we don't know exactly when all of those new units are coming online. We don't have them in this current budget, but I suspect and the 24 25 budget. That will h larger increase due to all those new uns coming online that I'm Megan discussed and the 150,000 is up significantly from prior years, but was more like one. 21, 25. And In state funding, high apologize. He forgot to put this on the slide, but we will receive nearly 1.2 million and a permanent local housing allocation. Peel Ha grant funds. That's the 3rd year of the five-year grant cycle. And en in federal funding, w have not yet heard about Cdbg home or hop. Well, which is normal for this time of year, depending we may know as soon as February or as late as July.

So we'll build the budget using the current year's announced until we know the nal announced a ug in. And housinchoice vouchers, Collier, Congress increased HUD funding for the program. 10%, 2.9 billion dollars to ensure housing authorities can continue to p all the rising rental subsidies and have enough funding for staff. calculates the amount needed to pay all of the hab housing assistance payments and admin fees for every housing authority in the country. And then it pro rate said based on the amount of funding that's available from Congress. So in early January, they plan on 99% proration for assistance payments and then housing authorities have the ability to use unused housing assistance payments from prior yearto make it 10 we wl have 100% of our housing assistance payment budget available.

For fees. The pro ration is estimated at 91%. That's an increase of 3% over this current year and up 8% for scal year. 21 22 and we anticipate at this will be adeque funding for the progm. And then finally, emergency housing vouchers continue to be funded at 100%. And we have not received any information about will be different. Next slide. Please. Here's the fiscal year. 23. 24 expenditure so in expenditures, we know that all city staff contracted salary increase effective July. First, I want to say it's 2.5%. an uble check. And we also aicipate that benefits, especially health, are likely to increase up to 10% as has been in the past few years. We anticipate that rental assistance will continue to rise. Our per unit cost has risen ch year fr July through the following June. It just continues. Take up. And then I want to know that we're not adding any additions in fiscal year. 23, 24 the commissioners. You may recall that we several positions in the current year. 22 23 budget, a permanen program specialist and a limited term technician in that rental assistance program and then a pmanent technician in the trust.

So we have just reached the point where all positions are full staffing. And so now we need to can you need to watch that we'll make adjustments in upcoming years based on capacity and available fundg. But we think that were set for now. Next slide. Please. All rit. So this ide notes the authorities fiscalyear. 24 budget process timeline. It runs concurrently with the cities.

We will hear public input on the budget today. The city and City Council held its public hearing for budget. And but on January10th, that video is online. If you would like to view it. And in summary center is a resident spoke in Roseland area, increased and safer bike lanes, civic engagement and expanded homeless shelter and housing. So now next will updated revenue and expense estimates from the city's finance de start actually formulating and entering the budget. Then in Mah making and I will revi the entire hcs budget with the city manager and deputy city managers. And then we'll be back in front of the on April 24th with a detailed presentation of the 23. 24 budget. Well, then go 2ity council in May and present the budget ang with all the other city departments will return to the authority on June 19th for your adoption prior to the city council adopting the entire city budget on the following day June, 20th. Next slide. PleaseSo that concludes the presentation and I'm available to answer any questions.

Commissioner Downey. >> I came You are w. Newsom's But any bget by deficit. coming that just conjecture. >> I have not heard that we will meet with the city's finance department next week prior to starting budget entry. And I suspect that if they have hearanything credible, edible will share it with us. >> Thank you. Commissioner. >> thanks, Kate, for the presentation. d could you review again the real estate transfer tax the total amount and how it's broken down.

I went with that when I was first adopted by the city council many years ago, it was a they city council has determined that would all go for housing. And then before was actually adopted. There was a curve out for booking fees which trying to get the city unexpectedly. So it wahousinor and much smaller peentage for increasingooking fees. Which was the the vision of what the total funds. was the general division of those funds? >> Sure. So in October of 2018, the city Council updated that poly. So it is currently a portion of real property transfer tax will go to general funding for homeless and affordable housing production. And that's that's about the most guidance we get on how to expend he fines. The interesting part I think of this is that each year the percentage of real property transfer tax transfer tax increases to housing and homeless services. So when icy was adopted in 2018, 19 hou received 25% now the water and increases 5% each year. So now that we're fiscal year, 23 24 are receiving 50% out and the l the city finances, depart city finance departments estimates. And so are pretty well.

Our percentage will keep going up. It will be a percentage of overall total as determined by the city's finance department. >> Thanks for I'm better understandhat now. So kind of take to recap when Amber was first adopted was used probably on the I don't know the 80's or 90's that General Ham it was that was pretty much 100% and except for the carve out for thbooking fees and thenOver time has been modified in the most recfied in we're getting 50 plus percent depending upon the increase those transfer taxthis is just kind of a process question. guess so. That's a housing thority is a separate legal entity this is stilrequire 2 green lights on Rizwan from the Housing and the other from the city Council to have the budget adopted. >> To the best of my knowledge, yes, and we have struggled with that question in the past. it comes up every once in a while and so I will say to the best of my knowledge, yes, but that is not a a legal opinion.

And I I doub council will no doubt the cost. That's a pretty nuanced thing. >> Yeah, I don't think there's ever been an issue to be. And sort of just kind more to put things in perspective that since the housing and 30 is a separate legal, I think our derstanding thatousing attorneys, a separate legal entities as the House and 30's But they're the county laws in the state require think that the city council adopted entire budget, including the Housing Authority's budget. And that's about But that's that's my. My general undersnding of how it thank you for that. >> If I can interject with, we can certainly do and some more detail research and we return to you in March. We didn't have that information. And the other thing that I would I' sayi so station withthat is the resources that come from the federal government, the cd, the home and the hopwa are Council to the housing authority.

So there are some so you want steps and how those are appropriated to. Yeah, that's it. >> That's a very good point. thus it mabe the U.S. but are solely the responsibility of the housing authority in the balance of the funds. It's more of a decision. issued by the City Council. >> Organs anyou have a make on that. >> I was just for the adviser. We can take a note. I singer diinger di >> I see no other hands raise. So we will now start taking public cments on item 7.1. If you wish to make a comment, please raise your hand. If you're dialing in via telephone to play style star 9 to raise your hand, you will ha >> Tell us what you know, hands up and sue, but we and chrman and chamber they can can't That is going to be making a public comment can be in here.

You may not be able to hear that. A comment to the way that the set up currtly. But I will record that comment in the minutes and >> should we wait a bit? And he's made his comment that. >> Yeah, I will. I will let you know when he began Sunday Times. OK, thank you. All right. Good to hear Thank you, My name is with them from Roseland. >> And my comments about are many people in myou're having this meetg right now.

And yet a number of people in from t from thousing voucher program. There's a concern that homeless are not being able to access to what are called the HUD Vash vouchers, which are used bmeless veterans to find places to live. what's been happening as the city has been interacting with it. governmental agencies to do what it called project based and ey have this idea the who's homeless can a couple of years for a project to be built and then get into that house.

That's not helping these homeless veteranright here right now as they nee thislace to live. It. The cent rains, we're quite hurtful to a number of people living outside. Even those that might have had a a shelter our A car still impacted by all of that bad weather. So I'm hoping that the housing authority will look into finding a way to help homeless. Get those vouchers into the hands the >> homeless veterans at this time when they need it. Then regarding the budget process. It's really thatou not focused so much of this affordable housing into the Roseland and Southwest area.

As you Because we've already been inundated with all types of housing were overwhelmingly infrastructure and this isn't to help ople who are alrdy ving in Roseland. You should be focusing on public housing in the downtown Santa Rosa City area. Now that one large building is goinup, you could uild and youould ha ma more large multi story affordable rental units in the downtown area. The housing Authority was started close to 60 years ago with the idea that we needed more affordable rental residential housing.

And weave never been able to catch up and take care of that do the things that are needed for those people of low income. We need to be able to rent a place to live truly near the center of our city. Thank you for your time. Attest to. >> has completed its public come. >> OK, thank you. And on that, those comments wl forwarded to eithethrough email or at the next meeting. This app. >> Hospitals. That is correct. That made notice. It's comments and I will his comments in the markets. >> So will see great. Thank you. >> Heyat this point, we will move on to item 7.2 review. As of 2022 Housing Authority Planning Day themes and outcomes make him. >> Rights again, we get the presentati Where can place. We, in e presentation. So is is a review of the 2022 housing authority planning. They next slide. Please. So as overview, the mission of the housing authority is to ensure adequate decent, safe and sanitary housingor followed by people with in Santa Rosa, consistent with state, federal, state and local laws.

Next slide. Please. At the retreat or Planning Day that we had at the end of 2022, we're housing authority ros d responsibilities whi include the following key objectives. So priorities for affordable housing production of preservation. So policy for rental assistance to approximately 2000 families that are assistant by funds allocated to us by HUD and oversee the monitoring of affordable housing units. Next slide. Please.During our planning day, there were several ideas that were presented and the next few slides are going to be over you what those ideas were and the comments that caout of and the goal tay is to refresh the hoing authority on what we share that meeting and to identify any particular items that you would like staff too, provides time or poor, t first idea, whi is So ere we should and in order improve our housing inventory.

The teams that out of that were to identify the needs of the community and align those funding sources using the funding sources to driver are pending decisions so see what where the needare instead of just reacting to what the funds allow. Improve neighborhoods to help them ride and be proactive. And President Hassan. Study the conditions in Santa Ro and analyzed need for ditional housing. And again, ts is to make it wth it. driv approach. The first time the types of pumping. So we can the finance and that's available. So what are the new types of technology, affordability or oth options that may be t there? Another suggestion was to learn mo about assisting people between 8120% of am I? Even jordy of the housing authority spends are targeted to households at or below 60%. Family. So this is reaching moreowards what we call thmissing middle or that income group that not assisted by affordable housing reurces. And then finally it within this team we're going we're acquisition rehabs in order to add more units to our housing stock that we monitor.

So it it is the would like to open up the discussion and see if there's any particular the more things on this. Topic that you would like to provi Downey has your hands right? >> Commissioner, look better. And opportunity public has the authority co good. And I'm wondering if we would have the if you share some proving and that would be to rein to but session and playn the future. >> So council biggest robot for that particular presentation or to share that we need to come through their commsion reports or we need to set up a direet agenda. I am to have that discussion. >> But if you're able to meet any of those teams in to what is being presented here, but I think we can incorporate that.

Today's >> Yeah. you trying to it within the scope of what presentation is about? >> Yes, yes, for the I understand need to make sure we properly agenda >> Now is it may be related but not explicitly within the show. I would advise you take an oatand then try back >> Commissioner. >> Thank to tell us tonight, million Yued. >> I think youwords were. To not react. Just to funding. Constraints. When 2 men tried to use the money to adess Santa Rosa's mor ises and and I think the discussion included not to react to just the proposals coming to us from developers are responding to those numbers. Do something about. Ok. Seeing our. areas and the types of housing that we want so that the developers, for profits would be kind of focus on those more they have in the past.

Don't know if I missed it or not, but I think and respond to appreciate it. >> Yes, certainly so. I think. To to kind of elaborate on that we're looking on the ide h that would be with our cdbg resources that the community development block grants. Oftentimes what we do is put back into our new affordable housing production pool resources and we see those funds being used for acquisition.

Its. So it. It is a goal or desire the housing authority to focus on really havexisting units. Then look at positioning the cdbg for that that use in the upcoming here. >> would certainly be a part of it. I mean, and I know this, you know, we're at right the funds are availae. A I think it's pretty open to all parts of the city. That's probably not. You know, it's probably not not a a totally correct analysis or comment about how we go about designing are no fuss. But I but I think that generally speaking. >> think my thought would be to go >> more >> all. >> Those set outfor developers before the are issued. So that, ugh, pay into more detail on locations and type housing then including, as you mentioned, whether or not be for new housing are fronts for. For housing hat can improved. An existing neighborhoods. So I mean, my my thought would be we would we would really like your get the data driven. Objective. That's also highlighted would h housing auority and the staff house too.

Were the nays are and then and then target than to address those needs and make it a little less fraud. >> Megan, do you have any comments on that or clarifications? >> I made a note of that and I would certainly something we can incorporate it into our upcoming note. The sign in mind. The majority of the funding sources that are often used to advance projects come from the states we're going to pack it said my. And so we want to make sure that we are able to us. It's projects that can and she will >> Understood. >> We have any further questions. Frank commissioners on the study session items. >> Well, I rlly want to mak sure they want fofor the future. Flores. Housing for for for moderate and low income families.

But I'm also aware Familiesl are having a hard lotion. Affording using. So I'm wondering, though, the way the something seriously. Could good fit. People in General thing COVID 40 housing. Your when the judges here you to his plan for future. >> I'm not sure I understand your question. Commissioner County. >> it is I regret. to address and I'm proud thing. With said I the broader people that are experiencing trouble well for the crowd, the general location. So what I'm wondering is that within our future. And low into Is a component of thatcould seriouy.

Be of assistance to people who are income housing per se. could certainly benefifrom something that could give them a break and the costs of housing and counting. I don't know. That makes more >> That is I do now. And that is something we look into. One of the limations we have i our fundinsources often do identify the income groups that were able to assist. For example, we cdbg majority of the beneficiaries need to be willing to come me are required to report out er household on their come Same with some of the resources at we received.

It is state route grant applications, but we can certainly explore ways to broaden. The current grou spenreceive our assistance. And then certainly I think the more uni but thHousing Authority produces there are more opportunities for househol with in Santa Rosa to have portab housing. >> You can do you I don't see see With your presentation here? Are you comfortable going into the future? A nanny? No fans in particular that are put out. These are the kinds of goals and we would be looking at. >> Well, have a few more sites to go through. >> And I think that would be great. Wraup. Amber Station for the Housing Authority is how you would like to implement some of these. So. As we did in the next couple slides, maybe the commissioners can think about fiscal year. 23, 24 Nova to he help advance some ofthese ideas and address issues in the community. But in the next like this. So another thing that we talked about was the distribution of assisted housing throughout the commity.

And I thk this highs ba to admission of Burke's comments and also ties into Commissioner Dennis Assistance for people needing get back on their feet. And some of this could just be having presentations to the housing authority existing programs we have and how those arable to assist people. distribution of affordable housing around the community. So there isn't an over concentration wasn't beam that occurred during our planning day. Being strategic and identifying e purchase lan and then soliciting proposals to Bill rather and then responding to the proposals into the way our note, those are often structured as we identify the amount of resources we have available and developers present their plans to us.

And then finally, in this particular topic. Understand t existing properties that are out there and identify opportunities for future development. And are there any comments or questions on on the site? are seeing hands raise Next slide. Please. It's Commissioner Downey, you have another question. >> back 5. So for being so slow, I'm wondering there's a way that sense. Low income housing is so. By tonht. If there's a way to build in. And the for people to get off of. So guys, housing. And get into rate housing. So the some of the pressure to build. So is how it's really believe it. And people too truly get back on their feet. But having tie me. how situations that Lee said. >> Yeah, the big difference you're getting that does make sense.

Maybe. A future study session for the housing Authority can be on the housing ce voucher programs, family self-sufficiency program call at that sense. And this is a specific progr that is intended to help households that are on the housing choice voucher program become self sufficient and then exit the program and whether that's ue market re wearing housing unit that they that they own so I mean, right didn't ia future study session to provide more information to the housing authority and undetand with that program entails and how how its efctive in doing jt what you asked. Vice and you had a hand raised. >> Yes, thank To follow up on Commissioner Downey's question. If we look at our fundg sources, the vast majority coming from Fed, which has restrictions on what they can be used for and making you has to go to 60% affordability. Do we have local sources? The real property transfer tax, low-income these I development fees, reading building houses in is what I'm trying to say. That could help. People for progress out of the or bucket in into the 80%, 120% bucket in terms of either rental assistance.

Funding toward that. So that did that that market segment for pment purpos can look at what's unrestricted in terms of what cago toward the missing middle? >> Yes, there is a way we can with that and off the top of my head. don't know the income restrictions for each of our funding sources, but that's certainly something we can present and scuss at a futureate to help the housing great brain where they want to. Target the resources. And so that may be. A great discussion to have next month February. So we can keep that in mind as we're looking at develong the fiscal year.

23, 24 Novak. Thank you. >> Thank you, commissioner. To test >> that would be great to able to do that. And at that good provide information othe >> regional goals the income targets that were always good to meet. To see what discretion we might have in terms ofincreasing the income groups that we want to assist. >> That is an excellent way, commissioner. And yes, we certainly will. We've the regional housing needs allocation often known as re not into that presentation.

So that the housi authority can undersnd the goals that are assigned to the city of Santa Rosa and e number of units. We continue to incompatible wreath at me are asked to. Provide to the community. >> Allright. Therere no further questions. Next slide. Okay. So back at the planning day, we discussed the ghts and units that are needed and whether uns for famili, senior almost veterans, people with disabilities >> and there is an interest in stress on focusing on makes the portability within projects we talked about how new market rate housing downto will certainly test area downtown development.

Right w. Wenew portable projects that are in the downtown or under constructionLooking to developers to be more creative on how to mix different Encouraging diversity within the housing projects and housing tights and using data to identify what what is needed.With in Santa Rosa. Any questions on this slide for comI see no comments. slide. Please. we touched on read the crse of the last few science. And this is our annual solicitation process known as they know that.

So the comments that were received, we're analyzing where the focus should be too reserve housing versus new construction to looking out onto the brazen where we want to be. And this certainly ties and Commissioner Berks comment.ou just meet on the re number. So also understanding what the goals that have been aigned. The center is new housing production. Identifying subsidies and grants to help narrow the income disparity. so, commyou lieve this ties int comment on hoto help people and move them? Ru. ey continue with housing. Whether, you know, it started. In assisted housing and they're able to exit to market rate housing or ownership. And then finally to re-engage our lending institutions in to help assist with financing portable housing. And this is often done for the community Reinvestment Act. Any questions or comments from this? That's like. >> Tha you. And I I see no questions on ts. Alright, next slide. Please. This also touches back to Commissioner comments. The previous slide, the regional housing needs allocation.

So we'll certain bring this forward in February. We conduct a study session on this, but the city does have an unsigned allocation of units that. The state of California would like to see constructed in center isn't. The problem is we don't construco we app them with the help. And provide financial sistance to them. And so between 2023 2031 people, this White House and 685 units. Within that it's broken down by income category. So a little over 1202 hseholds that are at or below 50%. my whh is very low. That's 700 units at low 80 percents and then moderate. We have 771. That's 82% of am I and en above water. And that's almost 2000. And that's not an income group that we we target. Those are often just naturally a current construction within the community. And the other to ke city approve the homelessness solutions strategic plan and that identifies providing more permanent supportive housing center as it individuals through continue with housing from homelessness into housg where that pvide the services in der to achieve stabily can main house.

So that will be a factor. We will rock into that. The study session as well to help shape the housing authority's understanding of where specific numerical. So we're trying to cheat. Are there y qutions on this Commissioner Downey? >> River, how long ago was? I think it was one. My sofa in the cold. of scoringA rubric for. Koontz. I'm how the scoring stay in. >> If you've been ab generate any kind of take away from make that we put together for that particular document. >> So I imagine that scoring system was last worked on i spring of 22 in advce and make this clear. 22 23 Novak and thintention, I mean, creating a scoring criteria was to have. Wanted to Factors that go into an application.

Previously was I want you process. We wanted to make it a less subjective. And I I think that we've done a fairly good job in doing in our last funding round with every and a tweak e note over the Bulls. We need to adjust the is a 40 so thawe're able to meet the Housing Authority's jectives. So I'm anticipating it. There is a change in direction on how the housing authority, the fight to the resources you would need to evaluate the point system to make sure that we're able to achieve that goa >> And so somedy you have an optiono do it.

Justice court put ur needs. scoring moments, but it would need to be adjusted this. The criteria would need to be adjusted in advance. Releasing the know that becaus to me re that every outle d is aware of how their applation is going to score. So they go into the process, understanding the competitiveness of their particular application. >> Thank you. >> I see no other hands raise Megan. All right. And be dismissed as to the final slide.

and direction on so, you know, chair test also rise what I in the housing authority and the net commissionerare energex an >> let me know. >> If I'm missing anything or any additional items that you would like incorporated that be fantastic. >> What I heard is there's definitely interest in having an overview source requirements and I'd like brina study session ard in February. The layup is requirements for funding source to housing authorities. >> This is news to fund. >> Our affordable housing projects. >> I having study seion will help set The commissioners to provide direction for the 23, 24 resources and how they want to be targeted. And so what we're looking at, the funding sources and the rebels layered with our strategic plan you can see wi be able to see if a portion should be. >> Identify for rehab or there's directing areas. So I think that will help shape the future direction of our know this.

I also. From comments that were received think that the greatto advance a study session at a lar date on the family self-sufficiency program as administered by rental assistance or housing choice voucher team. To provide the housing authority with an overview of how. Staff and have a program to help households exit the rental assistance program and so sufficiency. loing at how this also ties into e nding sources, how can use our funding urces. In a different way than we have previously so we can to get it from. And for me that we kind of know and and and implement it your year to do something the Housing Authority school Questions or comments.

Commissioner. r from your earlier comments earlier in the agenda. You the budget hearings that this city council heard the from the community. of the items may ve been on the top of the list was people calling restriction against evictions. I don't know what the expections are U.S. staff or the Housing Authority. I just my my general concern is with it increases in really substantial. income is of the lower income folks that will we're trying to assist not necessarily meeting those increases.

It just seems like that's going to be only issue of keeping people. Who are on the margins. House so that they don't become homeless exacerbate the homeless problem that we're already facing. I think that's going to be a big issue and it's not a long-term kind of thing much as it I I hope this doesn't happen. But, you know, you know, throughout the state, incding Santa Rosa. All kinds of voting. Re services, an extra efforts go Marshall. don't know if there's a discussion about that meeting yet or not, but it seems like it's something that just needs to be. everybody needs to be aware of it and and the thinking about. Ways that we can help to avert a >> and I can certainly go back to the the counc's public hearing and listen to comments again in order to help bring them. For the housing authority >> all right. Thank you. Commissioner Downey. something Morgan can weigh in on, but within the con, the limitation. Obviously movie's so individual, challenges. That could potentially could move the place of being I'm the is the alternative.

To the event being somebody too and putting them out on the street. And if there is an alternative, was that little from a legal perspective. >> Thanks your questio Commissioner County. I think that is a very broad question I think would warrant some research future discussion to to really get at the heart of kind of trying to answer that one on the sleshow. I if you don't mind a until until a future meeting.

I think we could talk about that with a little bit more detail. >> I >> I see no for their has raed. Well, thank you for your summary of our discussion. Is there anything this item? >> No, that concludes this particar item and we have me presentations that will be coming to the housing authority starting next meeting. Yeah, thank you very much. so we are now taking public comments on item 7.2, if you wke a comment, Reese, rse your hand. If you're dialing in via telephone hit, please dial star 9 to raise your hand. u'll have 3 minutes. >> A true We do have some public comments on this. And I think it perhaps all probably. But yeah. >> But the commissioners being able to hear comments such as >> Okay. Great. >> All right.

>> my name is Dwayne Do with member the county housing advocacy group >> issues. Good New Year thank all for volunteering. To be housing authority, listening to this report was. Very interesting. And it's important that 3 topics, at least by mind, can be looked at the especially with the data driven approach, specifically improve ighborhood. Reservunits and the diribution of the Affordle units getting more of them than the actual downtown area, especially for the extremely low income people in the past. We had residential hotels in downtown Santa Ro. And we need more those. More housing could actually be put in while you save units. In my area. The neighborhoods are not being improved by what's occurring right now. And actually struurally sound and have a good units are being destroyed by the city for various projects that they like to do. One of the dilemmas when the public. Wantto participatin give voice abo were more housing cod be locatedIt's frequently ignored the Southeast Greeay Project is a specific example.

More housing there could be quite helpful for eyes on that. A prize, if you will, if you had more housing units there. He would beble to house people near nature. You would protect the nature from those who might to file it. It's something that's really important. The downtown specific plan has a portion of Roseland. It's a it's a vast pool road and runs up to Now Avenue. The area of Roberts Avenue. Is a very good site to warehousing could go in the dilemma so farhas been that no one from the housing authority. He's been cong out to our area. To talk with the people in Roseland about how we could get more affordable housing into these former industrial areas instead of way out on the edges of town in the green fields area. keep saying read 7 times the limit that we face. >> Is our quality of life.

Is worsening. >> We need to have the city. Use the downtown specific plan. To revitalize that Roseland Re industrial area right there. It's about to pull road running from Avenue on up to all of street. Get those multi sty as tall as those ains talk silos e. 10, and then look at it like downtown could also ha more of these buildings, especially because of what's been happening now with the nice building that's going up with Hugh few trail. That is an exame of a dowown city center type growth that could be replicatedn numerous sites. The cannery project going forward is an example in which will get positive activity. Once that building is completed, there are other sites in this dotown core area th the city owns parking lots where this type of housing could go in sooner than going to the far edges of the city and doing Greenfield's destruction. It's very important that the housing authority be at the forefront of the city's goals for resiency. Sustainability. Urban density is how will get better housing mixed use can happen downtown, but not like what happened 1, 5 Healdsburg Avenue were they forced mixed use at the bottom and no one's read those units.

So instead you've got empty spaces in a fully booked residential building near downtown. Thank you again for your time. And thank u all for serving. >> there any additional public comments? >> Yes, just David Harris to the same David here since serve 8 years the housing authority. And I wanted to comment on a side about the marina numbers and then the second item on there was the homeless numbers. I mean, the strategy Stratum. Tha Tucson, 1200 or something. And then the homeless was like 1400. Arthose. Related numbers? I mean, or is at homeless need completely unrelated.

I mean, how? A MPC. Whoever arrived at the arena numbers. I don't know what I mean. If the units came on. You know, whether homeless are actually moving into them. It is another question. And I would strongly urge that. At least every twice a year that you look back at these numbers and see at ogress has been made. It look like t Rena numbers were goals for023 31. I believe. so where those numbers already taking into account 300 units that you say are in process and and should belivable within the next 2 months. Is that going to that those numbers in the arena numbers or where those numbers already taken into consideration before those are your numbers were arrived at. And it's so that whole question of. Actually keeping an eye on progress toward those goals of the strata of the Rena numbers and the homeless. needs attention. You need to go back to those on a regular basis and see what is ppening and I'm really confused about whether those 300 units at are coming online well, immediately have a result in well selling some of those requirements or not.

So I look forward to seeing more analysis of one of the progress toward the goals that are set out. thank you very much. >> Nomar hands are raised. Thank you. >> Just comment. And at is some of tho units that are under construction or close to being completed. Some of those units do specific units for homeless. >> Now, >> forward less. There's any other problem.n this particular item. forward on item number 8 public comments on non agenda and items. We are now taking public comments on 9 and a non enda matters. This is a time when any person may address the housing authority on matters not listed on this agenda, but which are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Housing Authority. If you wish to make a comment via zoom, pleaseaise your hand if you' dialing in via telephone. Please dial star 9 to raise your hand. >> May hear me. mi planes. You live. >> That's Are we that so important? entire life. >> one of those e all I'm Do you talkthat day? I was for. Well, as get more. Residential rental This is a really It's a has be so Che.

For decades. Over us resolve commercial. For people it was a >> as it >> is a part of all? throws sees actually our writing. Southern Border Santa Rosa, home. One of the things that get us really important. It's as I >> it a >> will home problem? latest 30 years a little inch going forwd. >> And Galen, was very way. e words that called the rules. You know, that view, most that's what we're going to have to The regular house. And th it right? I ask. So and cow. it witch hunt? tell you that today that all cost housing. That also bill. But people who are problem. all the holes and the power >> Not today in court That's not thing. Those questions.

I of this party. Yes, very front. You. a to sure. One of them will present all units. There rest of money, housing sources counselors in >> For Affordable Residential rental. >> that your life there's a these years. people trying to fly we're because it was for I love her. us? If you're call that was going there is always our ever deals out along Street thank for your time.

went to high school 7. Thank you, miss with. We have any other further comments. Public comments. >> we do he more public comment, OK? Right? >> Yes, good afternoon. Again, this is David and I wanted to comment a number trustees raised the question of knowing the restrictions on the different funds. And I want courage you to tdo at on a regular basis is to keep Cali and have it and more visible is to what has restrictions for 50% am. I am below, you know, et cetera. All of those and my breakdowns because looking at the agenda today and then the item related to. 2 Sto it talks about a repayment along relatively smaller 200. It looks like it's a total principal repayment 227,000 plus interest figure given for the interest but quite buckets. Is loan repayment been going to all of You know, it's dynamic, but but having it come up on a regular basis said I think would leave you better prepared to focus the no fuss and know what the scope of the offense can be.

So again, I would encourage a regular. Report that would. Give you the current tally of funds available for those specific goals arena goals. that would be helpful, too. Not only. To you as commissiers, but also to the general public to know what is coming along and possibilities. I appreciate your time. Thank youery ch. Any other public comments? >> No other hands raised. ank you. >> Thanks for think you for the public are now moving into item number 9 approval of minutes. Are there any But commissioners?Seeing none in minutes are approved prepare. Item number 10 Chairperson reports at this time. em e n number 11. Many reports. Are there any? On this agenda? I don't see any that anybody have any comments on this. Almost 4 We're now on item number 12 executive director reports communication items make em. It's a tense.

>> So ino your agenda, materials is the monthly update to the housing pipeline this month. You will know that orchard comments into the completed area of the pipeline. And this is a total of 46 units. 45, which are portable Street 1000 already has a $20000 And so those tenants, the 45 income restricted tenants have through their income certification process and the projects in the process using hot. On the other item I just like to know is that staf continues to work with the developers of Haven't you? And this is the last remaining Cdbg Dr Project. >> In order to secure their final financing that project. Into construction. So I'm happy to answer any questions you may have >> Commissner Burke. >> Thank you. Are Megan >> Juscurious to know. I looking at to report for there.

Is that development on Road. And I'm trying to find a juror in the church but can't find it. this high. He 7 a part of me. >> Actually, apartments >> in Project. I think it is. >> president Yeah. >> Yeah. Real Rosen millage. BuI mean, I 7 heard too much about is it has a progress. And I see, you know, the report there and what it says is the status. But I-70. I heard too much about recently.

>> So this project also is in the process of obtaining needed financing to begi construction. They are on the state accelerator, fun list as is probing housing. So they are now getting through the process of adjusting their starting budget and obtaining their final financing. >> What is making progress courage thank you. and >> is looking >> the integrated which project was just a moment. >> Still the oak142 years. Our only 15 of tse fordable. it and >> I projects that's we just have a density bonus on some of theuthority does not have financi the project. They received 9% x credits. The housing authority has a density bonus agreement reported against the property.

So we only will be monitoring those 15 minutes. remainder of by the time the tax credit >> I would think that 142 years to get 9% asked, would have to be 100% affordable score Ayana. >> The project is 100% avoidable bit are only restriction. Is the nsity bonus beuse don't have a rate than 23. It's been. >> So how does that 15 versus 140 to work with the Rena numbers, which ones get counted? >> The state has changed the way wenow reporting wos.

's done based on the calendar year. And it's for the building permits issued within that calendar year. We report on the number of units that we have. Dave restrictions on. And there's also reporting 4 units that not restricted but affordable. So we would note that the remainder of those units are affordable, that that we do not have a deed restriction against them. So did that. >> What goes against or our reena. Number 2, we could count the one. 42 or just the 15th. >> I would d to do some further research to to giv you an answer. >> Hopefully it's ththe larger now. Well, it all got, OK, thank you. And there's there's a few on the list that that came across like that. What being integrated community deveIt's 15154 and the numbers for e 4 ubles just the deed restrictions because we did a density bonus. But if we can find out if we can count all those units toward affordable.

That would be very beneficial. >> All right, Ines, weunits but just have density bos agreement orousing allocation for an agreement several months back, the request of the housing authority. So that would be that want to springs apartments. there's a Sanders Avenue developments. Tony also category as well as PR. >> Oy. Thank you. is that the Railroad Square is actually that started site work, which didn't see that here. t I drive by fairly frequently and cited to see heavy equipment out there. Yes, they started construction and I. >> number was at the very end o of and hopefly the see their grants a groundbreaking ceremony be rescheduled was canceled due to the rates we experienced the beginning of the month. Yeah, exciting. >> And I see no other questions from We're now taking public comments on item nuer 12.

If you wish to make a comment vizoom, please raise your hand. And if you're dialing in via so tell us on the style star 9 to raise your hand, you will have 3 >> There are no hands raised at this time. >> Thank you. >> number 3 excuse me. Planning of the 13 is consent items and there are no consent lineups on this particular agenda. Item number 4 team is a items report for partial releasof data trust and regulatory agreements between parcels for Western Avenue and front center and Angela. >> Thaafternoon. Good afternoon, Angela Morgan here, a program specialist and the sort. And I'm sure it for the specialist housing and Community Services Department. >> Waiting for presentation. Thank you. I'll be esenting this item regarding the partial release of deeds of trust and regulatory agreemen between the parcels. So the Western Avenue and turn Veterans Village next slide. Please. Community housing. Soma County is the owner of think of the Hearn Veterans Village and the Western project located at 21 49 Western Avenue, which is made up of 2 parcels 1, 3, O 11, 12 1, 3, 4, O 11, 13.

Western Avenue is existing 15 unit permanent supportive housing Project for formerly homeless veterans. And the Hearn Veterans Village is a proposed 32 unit from its a part of Housing Next, like case. The 2 projects occupy adjacent lots with a portion of the future. Hearn Veterans Village Project situated on both parcels CHS see is currently working to complete lot line adjustment to allow each project to occupy its. To occupied on parcel and has requested that that the deeds of trust and regulatory agreements recorded against both of the parcels, the partially released and only and comfort each respective parcel as you'll see demonstrated on the ollowing sites next slide. Thank you. The project is located in Southwest Santa Rosa and it's visually.

And and and this official shows the current situation of the 2 parcels highlighted in blue. To strip land andccess road to the left is fe and and rrently identified as persons. Number 1, 3, 4, 11 0 13. The larger lot to the right is it exists is existing Western Avenue project currently identified as parcel number went 3 for 11 0 12th. slide. This image demonstrates how the 2 parcels will appear upon completion of the lot line adjustment by reducing the larger parcel enng in a 1, 2, and incrsing the smaller parcel ending in a 1, 3, Next slide place. This slide in the next and the next we'll list the funding approved by the Housing Authority by Project. In October of 2007, a loan was approved ithe amount of 245,000, 407 and February of 2021, another loan was approved in the amount of 77,498 along with the regulatory agreement for specifically for the Western Avenue project, the Total Housing Authority Investment to date for this project. 322,905 next slide. Please. In February of 2019 alone was approved in the amount of 285,000 and most recently in December of 2021 alone was approved in the amount of 410,000 including regulatory agreements, specifically for the Hearn Veterans Village Project.

The total story investment to date on this particular project. A 695,000. Next slide. Please. Upon completion of the lot line adjustment to Western Avenue project will be situated exclusively on parcel number 1, 3, 4, 0, 11 12 and the Veterans Village project will be situated exclusivy on parcel ending a 1, 3, xt sle. Please. It is recommended by the Housing and Community Services Department that the housing Authority, a resolution approved partial releases of deeds of trust and regulatory agreements to community housing.

Sonoma County for Western Avenue. Aetn from Apn 1, 3, 4, O 1, 1, 3, and for veterans village from 08:00PM. Number 1, 3, 4, 11 or separate the loans associated with each project and as a result ofhe lot line adjustment. Next slide place. This concludes presentation and I'm happy to answer any questions. >> Angela, I have a will these be? Complet after the lot line adjustment or will they be in concert was a lot line adjustment. So one of the conditions in order fofor the city tapprove the t li adjustment and and to record the lot line adjustment is approval fr the Housing Authority as a lender. >> So that it's a condition needed for the record nation of the lot line adjustment. Well, the recording zones >> documents would be adjustmen >> My apologies at no. I the disapproval. This request for approval. the actual record nation partial Reese partial releases will be after the lot line adjustment has been completed. All right. Thank you. >> Vice Vice Lynn. >> Thank Angela, can you go? can go back and putting your presentation up.

So possible. We're treating the presentation one moment. Thank you. I'm looking at the 4th and 5th slides. Mainly the 5th. So it's probably the best. Which shows the law after adjustment. The next one place. So if if I understood interview if I understand correctly, there are 2 separate loans to 2 separate entities. >> All of the laws are issued to same entity which is community housing. Sonoma there's 2 loans. Those 2 loans issue too.To the Hearn hat to the existing Hearn House current House project, which is the 15 units for for homeless veterans. And then there's separately to loans to the to the future Hearn Veterans Village Project that has not been constructed yet. >> Okay. So all 're doing is putting the deeds of trustrus use on the specific projects.

This specific parcels. >> That is correct. Thank you. And I need the picture to help. >> Commissioner Downey >> I had of those. Well, an adjustments change the value of the land. The film we change accordingly. >> Rently and there was a recent appraisal and September of 2022. it did take into account those parcels. And and there with the that with both there is sufficient for the existing loans for for our but it is not broke out. Separately. >> Thank you. >> Any other questions of staff? Man. And now taking public item 14.1. If you wish to make a coent place, raise your hand. If you're dialing via telephone. Please Dial star 9 to raise your hand. You will have 3 minutes. We he a public comments. hear me? I sure can. My right. I'm just wanted lot of now that I are on the call. If you have any questions about the proposed law, chance that maybe have ensure that? And 10? >> OK, thank you. >> Looks like I viewed David Harris.

I mean, the question is how soon as that project going to get under way and get finished? >> There are no other hands raised. >> And y're like you have some comments to a make regarding the public comnt at were made. >> Based on the last project description that we received for the project after the future Hurns that runs specifically It looks like they are currently active actively. Seeking care. Funding resources to cover some of their operating expenses as well as their and their future and they are looking mmencement of construction and 2024. Thank you. >> is there any other comments you would like to hear from Craig Nelson or our Barbara? Seeing none of his name.

Coissioner Downey, you have your hand up. >> of of are committed to Gore. Is still saw. >> We still have Craig online. We have Craig. >> Thank you, Commissioner Downey. I'm just quick comment that the lot it just that is a critical activity our ability to move forward with the financing application for heard that spillage. So we certainly appreciate the commissioners pport in that regard. We are looking forward to next exit, the super golf close to Sunday is kind of the keys.

State resources were looking to to finance lunch, too. Last thing I w the note that was unexpected April with applications to in jail. I seen on? With housing authority. Commissioners want to make a motion on this item. One person resolution. Any motion. Steve, I think you may be you you're talking. You're still muted. >> very I'd like to resolution of the housing authority of the city of Santa Rosa approving equest from community housing, Sonoma County for a person release of Dade the needs of trust and regulatory agreements. Train personals for Western Avenue and Hearn Veterans Village and waived the reading of the tax.

>> Iecond that motio We have a roll call. Vote. >> And we'll do go cold. >> They will not take a COVID on This resolution start start And then a chair test. Hauser. >> I >> Mister Le Pen. And Commissioner Downey. And Vice Chair Lee. Alright, that motion passes with 6 with Commissioner McWhorter being absent. >> Thank you. Our next point 14.2, it's a report to request to release the regulatory agreement on 3, 5, 5, flights, highwaupon sale and repaymenof loan. And that this is the point where commissioner. Rec, you're going to be abstaining. I believe. >> Be of sedating and recusing myself. So I thank very much and says is the last item I will see you at the next meeting. Thank you. >> says the presentation is where we'll get started.

can people the prentation, please? >> One moment to retrieve a presentation. >> you able to find it? >> But we're still trying to treat >> I have an upcoming streaming That would be easiest for you. >> The >> But would you likshare my screen? you have play states. never nt to the presentationGood afternoon before you is a request to release the regulatory agreStone House al noted that house looking at 35 55 Cinema Highway. >> On sale and rayment of the I do. I'm Director. All right. Stone House is looking 35 55 Cnamon Highway. It is located. be on Bsh Street Road in Reading Valley. As you can see in this photo. And he's in historic structure. Along Highway tunnel. To give you some background. And you can see here in the aeri ma it is adjacent to the highway. There is a parcel located just to the and that's that Southwest standpoint of my first serve and in the surrounding uses are residential.

In 2010, the Housing Authority approved a request from you come in. Developing commission may not get $200,000 to assist with the acquisition of the property. At that time, the prIn 2011 housing Authority provided an additional $27,151 to assist with rehabilitation. th site However, you come in Development Commission. Intended to use the property as a 40 residential and alcohol treatment facility. Through the Housing Authority's loans,28 of the 40 beds were restricted for low income individuals. An associated with the deeds of trust.

There was a 30 year there is a 30 year regulate weighed in. That was initiated of threhabilitation and the occupancy thfacility. The property on the planet operated as a treatment facility between August 2012 in July 20. , as many of you may ve read in t press Democrat, the facility ceased operations because they were not able to costs associated with program. The individuals and graduated out in July. And the property owner, California Human Delopment Commission. listed the propty for sale. Currently Stone has has received. The site has received a confidential offer.

So offer andhey are requesting that the released om the regulato agreement that's reported and again, that regulates great restricts it to 28 beds. In the treatment facility. buyer. is period. And on the 25th, which , is on Wednesday of thimonth. And they are currently scheduled to close escrow in February February. 24. So to provide you with an overview of the marketing of the property, it has been missing for uth for approximately 7 months. There is outrage on the neck which is a commercial realstate sites. They have reached out organizations throughout Sonoma County to determine if there's interest in the property. sale. If there is approval to relee and regulatory agreement and the the trust, the funds. Will we be repaid to the housing authority and then would be reinvested into our know that.

So tiny. Back to our previous conversations where e the funds that they ve been repaid. was thr various means they would go io additional projects. When word work with city attorney's office determination, the potential regulatory agreement. We don't see this as president setting and that this is a treatment facity is not a permanenthousing unit. This is not the standard residential rental projects that support for your financial resources and or regulatory agreements. And this is a transitory popution. So the individuals are accepted into the program. Theyere living there r the duration of their treatment and graduate out return to. I'm living Whatever units cities that they had originated from or o. If the ho authority is too approved, the release of the regulatory agreement, the conditions that are being identified is that children, even the development can do commission must continue to make their payments on the loan.

And this is one of the few loans that the housing authority has where there are payments. And then also there's a limited duration or and approval. If the housing Authority approves this today, it will be valid for 6 nths. And there one-time action to extenthat for an additiona3 months on an extension of the So the action today would not release its the property. He would have to be done in conju with the escrow d within the next 6 to 9 months based o the rcumstances. little additional In addition to the Stone House included in the sale is the property sold out on the new rial map. And let me jt get back over there. So you can see this this site right here. They are owned by 2 separate entities so tt housing authorities loan is only on the high line and move Paells. So that is the person that we have secured the deed of trust regulatory agreement, too. This property right heres included in th sale, but is owned by a and associated with California Human Development mission. So they have or corporation they have for you over the site.

But he is not restricted by the housing authorities. Financial assistance. In advance of any potential questions on the program or what you may have read in the press, Democrat. However, Development Corporation also earned a site in Rincon Valley, which was known as Hope Village. They have sold and the of thaproperty will be relsing it back to the organization. So allowed the program to continue. That has not. The courage act, but the the individuals who seek treatment will still have an opportunity at a different site in Rincon Valley. Again, hel bring Human Development Commission has also so th si. And as was noted in not agenda, public comments, was a question about the source loans for this pperty.

They are opating reserves and the housing authority and a mortgage revenue bonds proceeds. So they are not the ones that come with the restrictions like Cdbg, your home. So at the time of the original the creativity was used to find a fundingource that would allow for a transitional resintial treatment for individuals. So we're back to the recommendation before the Housing Authority today. It is recommended by community Housing Community Services Department that the housing Authority by resolution on the rise, the termination release at that 30 regulatory going for Stone House on the repayment and it's getting principal and interest on the housing Authority loans subject to the conditions that hich for that snow in 6 months for a on3 month extension. There is delay and that has for him. That concludes my presentation and I'd be happy to answer any questions. Sharing. Vice on. >> ThankMaking the month option is predicated on what I'm trying to find that the resolution, what has to happen for that option be able go through.

>> There we need to an extension of the U.S. from. So there would have to be circumstances that would it. Extend? The close of escw? >> Is that? If you and I'm trying to find that the resolution. >> Let pull out of the resolution as well. If you are looking at. >> Okay. So the resolution says is the executive director. Is there another document this between Housing Authority and Chd regard to the U.S. what has to happen. For that option that to go into play. >> So the way it is currently worded and the commissioners. W thon. It is written ashe approval to terminate and release the regulatory reporting against the property is valid for 6 months from the date of this resolution. And there's that change. A month extension may be approved by the executive director if the is next tensn of the closing of t sale. And so we will revised that to January 20 3rd, 2023. Well, no. So 6 mont from now would July 23rd 2023. We might minor modification tclarify. Commissioner Downey. >> They always in the inrest of trying becomeokay, too.

We came the TV news regulatory agreement in place and finding someone else to operate a you know, facility and at that location. >> So I will do my best answer the question. And then I believe that there are representatives from California Human Development Corporation on the meeting. But one of the primary factors for this facility closing closing was that they no longer had operational funding. So thewere not able sustain their operations. She that the SILLA T Open and serving its intended purpose. >> And there's no one else that could conceivably, but those serves that location >> From my perspective, it's been fairly public process in terms of the information that's been share on the closure of this facility. >> And I'm not aware of any othe >>rganizations that provide treatment facility steppi foard. I do see that. Assistant City attorney, stock has his hand breeze want to jump in. >> I'm sorry. just want to Councilmember County because you not only have changebut recuse youelf.

Ans you're not going to participate on the items which would mean to refrain from asking clarifying questions. Generally speaking. >> That was commissioner who left the meeting. >> I'm sorry. I thought commissioner down to just participate practice. I thought he was refusing. apogize by the member. I apologize on You want to make sure. >> We proceeding appropriately. >> No word. Commissioner Burke left the meeting. >> Apologies all. >> Any other comments from commissions? I see none. We're now taking public comments on item. Number 14, 0.2, if you wish to make a coase raise your hand. If you're dialing in via teleone. Please Dialtar 9 to raise your hand. You'll have 3 minutes. >> We have a public comment from a citizen within the chambers.

>> yes, >> this is David Harris. The in the chambers and them. You're correct that it has played out very on the story, but we made those loans and saw the remodeling was done to make it usable. It had previously been someone's attempt to run to A B and B, it's a nice building, but it right there highway 12. And thatasn't very viable. >> And I kind of hate to see a property that could potentially have many more units of affordable housing there. It's not going to be a treatment unit. And this is the one. Card that the hoing authority it has is a. I hope there's been some discussion going on, though, about the potential that the buyer would them.

>> Do some affordable housing in tir It's. really is not affordable housing card that we hold. But this could be a long time playing out is is a a future use. We don't know what it is AM. And it sounds like California human development the financial relief of selling but Graham's sure would be nice if we knew that that was going to have some horrible housing units next to. Wife. Now will be my comments that that I mean is this is the kind of seeing that kind of an opportunity seems to be slipping away. ♪ >> Are there any other public comments at this time? >> Yes, we have Tina Wallace. >> Thefternoon. Can you hear me? >> Yes. >> Sorry. There was an exhaustive search for any type of nonprofit use on this site.

Available to answer questions. Should the commission have them and our Nic and Williams, a very the brokers who worked with incredible digence to market this property. We do specifically look at the possibility of affordable housing. However, it's allowed in this district and it would require an amendment to the policy statement and PD zoning and compliance. So weook for affordable housing delopers. We were not successful in finding that type of buyer and because of the extensive entitlement process that would have to occur for affordable housing to happen hereIt's unlikely at this site. Additionally, most affordable housing is constructed with tax credits and the site is not likely to receive his highness court to get tax credit funding. And again, we do have a mic up, but then Williams, the very and the audience. If you have more questionon these topics and Thomas to or executive director of involvement Corporation. Thank you. >> And all hraised are there any her comments from staff? >> Or >> public that this time? does commenked there are what can dance. >> We in the chambers. >> Yes, this David Harris and Ch I guess my question would be to California human You've done some very excellent that affordable housing projects in other do you have plans for affordable housing or it? I mean.

These aralready spent what you will gain from the sale or you have the. Purview to consider locations for affordable housing. That she and my comment think. >> there additional? >> Members othe public wishing toake comments. >> Yes, we have Thomas to Thank you. I have >> Thank Chair. A task force mmissioners Thomas to turn around the chief executive Officer, California with Development Corporation. And in regards th of the sa, one of the things we do are C 3 nonprofit. We worke with migrant and seasol farm workers. We were founded and and Sonoma County over years about and our again, our 2 populations, migrants seasonal par with that. So we have a an afrdable housincomplex. And nta Rosa and with the proceeds from the sale that will. Basically help consider expanding that at the same Units of affordable housing for migrant seasonalarm workers.

Thank you. >> Any other comments? Isee >> No other hands are raised. Thank you. >> Vice that made and much of proposed resolution in front of us. Would you like to read the rest of an and and your change that you're suggesting. >> Well, the amendment, I think it was clarified the a game. So there isn't actually anmendment on this. >> Oy. >> But I if appropriate, I will move to approve the resolution of the housing authority. The city of Santa Rosa proven determination release of the regulatory agreement. On the sale of full authority is known for Stone House in the House, though, to get 3, 5, I-5 Soma Highway. If you and want to do want 3, 3, and waived the reading of the test. >> We have a second. A second.

d can we do a roll call please. have to vote on resolution. We will start with. Vice chair on. And then Commissioner Pena. Commissioner Rowhouse or >> I. >> Commissioner Downey. >> No. >> And commissioner test there to That motion passes with 4 eyes. during voting. Commissier Burke standing. And Commsioner McCord or >> That completes this item the meeting will be adjourned.

your help on on this n's for particar meeting. >> I know and apologies again to commissioner down on with a necessary >> I we're have a good day. Yeah. Thank you,veryone. But by.

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